
Listening Song to become OP

!!!Attention!!! English is not the main language, please understand if there is wrong grammar or inaccurate word choices, my initial goal in writing this fanfic is to be better at English. I can read and speak English but I have a hard time writing it and I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic. This fanfic is more of a wish-fulfillment story so if you don't like stories like that don't waste your time on this garbage. ============= let's get this straight, the old mc world was purely my imagination, because I wanted something unique and rarely used, although there are some characters that use references from the original world , but that's just for the plot(manga = money) power houses in the old world can destroy the universe easily, and that's why they fight in another dimension . The power house has the title Star Seed, a human from the ninth dimension who incarnated into a human in the first dimension. humans can only breakthrough up to the ninth dimension, only the chosen ones can penetrate the tenth and eleventh dimensions where the angels are, and the twelfth dimension is the throne of the gods. ============ disclaimer: don't think this fictional work is real

Endless_Evolution2 · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

02. it a good day to have a good day

3rd POV

"huff..huff, fuck! I better move out of this apartment and it looks like I have to go to the hospital to get treatment, even though I'm confident with my new skill, I still want a sick certificate from the doctor to be the reason why I skipped school for more than 2 weeks " said Sukm-..hiro while panting heavily, around him there were a lot of dead rats which after he calculated there were 28 rats.

Sukma is now called Hiro, he is starting to accept reality, he is Hirosaki now. Hiro now immediately put all the dead mice into his inventory and went to the bathroom, he then took a shower and prepared to go to the hospital, with many rat bite wounds making him a little painful when water, soap, and shampoo touched his wound, but he just shrugs it off because he had gotten more serious injuries than this.

after bathing, Hiro went to his wardrobe looking for clothes that fit his activities later, he chose a black long-sleeve shirt with black jeans, a blue hoodie jacket, and black shoes from an unknown brand. after wearing his clothes he went out, and he don't forget to bring his smartphone and headphones.

Hiro's appearance is far from handsome now, with a height of 160 cm and a weight of 80kg you can say he is a walking lump of flesh but luckily he is still 16 years old and still has a chance to grow.

Hiro went to the bus stop and sat on the seat waiting for the bus, he looked around and realized there was no one at this stop, shrugged his shoulders hiro turned on his smartphone, he wanted to see how much balance was left in his savings.

when he saw his remaining balance, hiro was surprised, at first he felt he could at least last until the end of the month but he was wrong because the remaining balance was only 10000 yen, is that a lot? for some people the answer is yes, but for him who need more money? the answer is no.

because he has been in arrears on the apartment 3 times and the tattered apartment costs 3000 yen in a month in other words now the balance is only 1000 yen left.

"I don't know how I can pay for my medical expenses, is 1000 yen enough? by the way, can I use the listening feature again?"

[Ding* sorry host, the answer is no, the host can use that feature after 7 days cooldown]

"hah...It's a shame, even though I want to listen to another song, hey system. is there a starter pack? I think many people who got the system got this "

[Ding* yes host, you do have it. does the host want to open it?]

"Yes, please open it]

[Ding* affirmative host.....unlocking the starter pack—>Success

congrats hosts, you get:

– 100,000 yen

– Growth-type equipment

– Smartphones from the old world

– adaptation potion x 5

would you like to see the description? or receive it directly


Unbeknownst to Hiro, there is a girl who is looking at Hiro talking to himself while looking at his smartphone.

Fortunately, she didn't understand what Hiro was saying because Hiro was using Indonesian.

"Hell Yeah....erm...I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I just got good news from my brother(lie)" said hiro who realized there was a woman with long black hair and a beautiful face.

the girl just smiled while shaking her head, she wanted to ask what language hiro, but the girl said

"that's fine, I don't feel disturbed, I'm curious about the language you use"

"Eh, the language I use? Oh, you mean Indonesian? Well, at first glance this language is similar to Malay but there are many differences and I learned it from my online friends in Indonesia, is there anything you want to ask again erm, what's your name? ah, I'm sorry where are my manners... my name is Nagashima Hirosaki Nice to meet you"

The girl replied with a nod and said "My name is kasumigaoka utaha, I still have a few questions but it looks like the bus has arrived so I'll go first"

"Hmm? I will also take this bus, where are you going? I want to go to the hospital to check my wound."

she nodded again, but this time she didn't answer directly because the bus had stopped in front of them, hiro and utaha went inside, and they took the back seat.

"I also want to go to the hospital, but with a different purpose, I am a novelist, and I want to find material for my novel, As for the thing I want to ask is, what are you studying Indonesian for?"

"Hmm, the first time I became interested in Indonesian was when I played twigeter, there I found one fact that Indonesian people have a high level of toxicity than people in other countries,

" I started looking for information on why they are so toxic until I finally made friends with someone from Indonesia, there he explains why many people in Indonesia are toxic on the internet,

" This is none other than because they are trying to release the stress that they have been holding on to for a day, and after knowing that I began to study Indonesian In fact, Indonesia is one of the countries with a low suicide rate with 3.4 per 100,000 people which is quite surprising compared to Japan."

utaha nodded with a slightly surprised expression, she didn't know that toxicity on the internet could relieve stress, hiro who saw utaha's expression could only chuckle and say

"Although being toxic on the internet can relieve stress, please don't overdo it, because in Indonesia there are not many who are toxic, but there are perpetrators, who try to muddy the water and fish there. which sparks some problems among social media users "


Hiro saw that the bus had arrived at the second stop, he and utaha then got out because the second stop was very close to the hospital, but he didn't forget to pay for the bus.

they then walked towards the hospital, on the way hiro and utaha didn't say anything, either because Utaha doesn't talk much or she's thinking about the concept of her novel, or maybe she was thinking about what Hiro said earlier. he don't know, women's minds are very complicated

they finally arrived at the reception desk, Hiro took the number card beside the receptionist, then turned, he looked at utaha, and said

"I think we split up here?" Utaha looked at Hiro, nodded then said "Thanks for the knowledge, with this maybe my novel can reduce the suicide rate"

Hiro was dumbfounded, he initially thought that he would get the attention of this beautiful girl, and immediately became his girlfriends like the protagonist in the isekai manga, novels, and anime.

shook his head hiro looked at utaha and said: " ah it's nothing, I'm also happy to help you write a novel, I look forward to your work, oh yeah by the way what is your pen name?"

"Utako Kasumi, that's my pen name, see you later kouhai-Kun, "Utaha said while walking towards the patient room, Hiro looked at utaha's back which was getting further away, and he could only shake his head again.

'how can something clichés like that happen in real life, waking up Hiro this is not a dream, distinguish a dream from reality' said Hiro in his heart as he slapped his cheek with both hands.

Hiro then looked for a seat, he sat down and opened his smartphone, then he remembered the gift he got earlier, then he immediately looked at the inventory.

"huh? why not there, where is my gift? system?"

[Ding* the host has not received it, does the host want to accept it? or see the description?]

"give me a description, I want to know what I got"

[Ding* affirmative hosts.

[100,000 yen:

money of 100,000 yen]

[Growth type equipment :

There are 2 parts to this equipment, that is:

— all-round weapon Rank SSR :

With this weapon you don't need to worry about weapons, you can decide what weapon to use, and you can copy enemy weapons, just let the weapon eat the enemy's weapon

weight: 1–?kg(depending on what weapon is used)

— armor eater SR :

same as an all-round weapon, the armor eater also has the same mechanism, feeds the enemy's armor and armor can use that armor

Weight: 20 kg]

[smart phone in the old world:

is a smartphone made by a group called S.P.H stands for Seeg Pcorn Hentong, a group that forms a coalition with the FBI to catch pedophiles, they like to share Pcorn and feel their storage is always not enough so they made a smartphone with the name NPD/ITH 01 Type Proto

device specifications:

– Free internet connection

– RAM 50GB

– ROM 69TB

– Processor core number 69

– Dual mode mobile/pc

– Software: NopedoInTheHeaven

– cases like Nokia





In conclusion, this smartphone is very good, even nuclear can't destroy it ]

[adaptation potion x5 :

is a concoction made by [EE Taken forms] to accelerate a certain exercise, by drinking this potion you can speed up training by 12 times, In other words, if you practice for one month then you will get results for one year

—reminder :

#after drinking this potion the effect of the potion will last for 30 days

#side effect, you will need more food

#if you successfully trigger the hidden effect all exercises will be multiplied by 36


[does the host want to accept the gift now

Y/N ]

Hiro pressed the Y button, and in that instant, he felt the weight of his inventory increase, the hero who has been holding his weight o kg with his poker face can't keep his poker face, because the weight he is carrying is now 152 kg.

without hesitation he immediately took out, the adaptation potion from his inventory and drank it, immediately he felt the warmth that disappeared instantly, it felt strange, so he tried to feel the difference before and after drinking it.

'Well, how come there's no difference? Don't tell me the potion has an effect when I do training. but am I not currently training to carry weights? why the effect is not triggered, hiro then tried to stand while holding on to the wall, he then raised one leg and did a left leg barbell curl, and he felt something change.

he started to get used to it like he had been doing the same thing for 12 days, not until hiro started trying something else, namely doing push-ups.

he just did 3 push-ups, and he's already getting strange looks from the people around him, hiro who saw that could only rub the back of his head embarrassed while saying " Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm trying to lose weight, so forgive my behavior " while bowing his body 90 degrees.

"Number 69, please go to room number 4 the doctor is waiting there", hiro answered with a nod and walked towards room number 4. there he saw a charming woman with an aura of maturity that could rival a milf.

'wait a minute, isn't she Tsunade? why is she here or maybe she's just looking like, wait... huh the ID reads Yamamoto Tsunade, so it just looks like ' thought hiro while walking towards Tsunade

"Please have a seat, so what's your complaint?" said Tsunade while looking at Hiro carefully, Hiro replied

"2 weeks ago I was bitten by a rat and after that I got sick I don't have relatives or close friends who can be contacted so I just stay at home, I take antibiotics and for 2 weeks I can't do strenuous activities, Even now I can't run.... "

Tsunade looked at Hiro with pity, then said "So you came here to be checked and get a sick certificate from the doctor? So that you don't get punished from school for skipping school?." Tsunade asked Hiro, who could only avert his eyes because he didn't dare to look at her directly

Hiro could only nod, tsunade while touching her head while said "Haiss, okay I'll give you a sick certificate, now I want you to lie there, I will do a check-up on you "


A/N: So how?, is it interesting, well... it's too soon to say that, actually without lyrics, one chapter has about 2000 words. That's all I want to say see you next time


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