
Liquid X

Damien is a soldier who was chosen to be a test subject for an unknown drug. This drug was supposed to be their new military weapon. It is called Liquid X.

NoneOfTheAbovel · Krieg
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16 Chs

Chapter 11 Lex

Lex walked her from the mines. He was excited to try to improve his power. He wants to be stronger. Stronger than Lilian, strong enough to defeat anyone he's up against.

He walked down the familiar streets till he saw his house. He wasn't drinking tonight. He need his mind clear for his training.

He walked the dark street, and walked up the hill where his house sat at the top. He entered the dark house, he would barely be able to see in front of him if it wasn't from the moonlight shining through his open door and front face windows.

He walked through the house, lighting the candles as he went. He made sure that he only light the ones he need to see for his practice. He didn't want anybody to see him clear enough to know what he was doing.

He sat on his bed and took a deep breathe, he was anxious to start practicing, but he wasn't going to rush this process.

He breathed in and out, in slow steady breaths. He needed to concentrate. He cleared his mind to a dark hazy state. He filled his now empty mind with the feeling of the wind around him. He focused on the wind which identified all the objects around him when it bumped into one.

He scanned the air in the room till he found the box of knives. He saw each individual knife as if he was looking at them with his own eyes. He could feel them on his skin, the cold metal against his hot skin.

He selected the one on the very top, moved the air around it and soon it was away from the others. He brought it towards him, slow and steady.

He created a challenge for himself for the past few days. A week ago he had master hitting the target right where he wanted it, so his challenge was to do just that but with his eyes closed.

His hands closed into fists on top of his lap. He wanted to do it. He needed to do it. It was for his progress. It was to beat Lilian. It was to protect himself. It was for him. It was also for her. She needed to know that she could, that she needed, to get stronger. He needed to win against her.

He called to the wind, and it in turn, called back it's response. Soon he stretched his sight to the wall. He could see the non-color board nailed to the wall. He searched till he found what seemed to be the dead center of the board.

He marked it in his mind. He turned the floating knife in front of him to face the board. Again he called on the wind. He build its power around the knife, he could feel the wind against his face, in his hair, all over his body, getting stronger and stronger by the second. Soon he could hear its howl.

He released a breath as he concentrated on the knife and the board. He need the two points that he was focusing on to meet. So that's what he did. He created a small cycle of wind right in the center of the board, he never tried this strategy, but he decided to give it a try.

He pushed the wind, not even a second later he heard a loud thunk as the knife hit the board. He didn't hear a second thunk of it hitting the floor like he did yesterday.

Slowly he opened his eyes, and to his disbelief he saw the knife in the board. He couldn't see the blade at all, but the most shocking part to him was that the blade was stuck directly in the middle of the board.

He did it!

But he couldn't celebrate now. He heard the crash of one of the box next to the window fall over. They were heavy and the wind never pushed them over... was someone out there?

Quickly he stood up and opened the door. He peered into the dark night, the only light was the moon shining down upon him. He watched for any sights of movement.


He spotted the cause of the sound. Hidden in the dark shadows of a house, he saw a figure start to quickly make its way down the road.

"Hey!" Lex shouted. "Stop!"

Hearing him shout the figure sped up. Lex bolted from the door and down the hill after the person. What had they saw?

Panic rushed through him faster than he was running. He sped up his speed hoping to catch the figure, hoping to catch up to the pace of his panic.

"Hey!" Lex tried shouting again.

Of course this only made the figure run faster. The light shown through the clouds, the moonlight also shining through the cloud of his breath as it came out in puffs as he huffed down the road.

The figure farted around the corner of the road at the bottom of the hill. Lex followed the best he could through the maze of alleys that laid beyond that corner.

He started to cough as he ran, but still he followed. Lex works in the mines which leaves dust in his lungs, making it hard for him to breath if he runs to far.

Soon an alley lead out to a giant wall, he recognized this wall. It was a wall of the castle. Where was the figure? Lex panic for a moment, but then he spotted the figure dart along the dark wall to Lex's right.

Lex started to follow, but he started coughing. He couldn't be loud here. If a guard comes by...

No, no.

But if....

He would be screwed.

He had to take it slow. Lex crept along the wall, his hand trailed against the hard cold rock of the wall to his left.

Lex could barely make out the figure's form. But he could tell when it disappeared. Panic rushed through Lex as he rushed to the spot he last saw the figure.

Where did they go?

Lex felt along the wall, there had to be something. An idea popped into his head and he decided to test it out.

Closing his eyes, he felt for the wind. He felt the cracks between each curve that carved out each stone in the wall. He didn't know why he did this, it was just an urge from the wind to do so.

Soon he found a rock that's carving was deeper than the rest. That must be it! Lex felt the rock and, when he put a little pressure on it, the rock was pushed in.

Lex squinted in the dark as he watched the part of the wall move down into the ground, revealing a good size whole that he could crawl through.

He fell to his hands and knees, staring at the dark hole in the wall before him. He stuck his hand through the darkness, he didn't feel an end, instead he felt open air beneath his fingers.

Lex stuck his hand on the grass on the other side. He placed his other hand right in front of him for balance. He felt the cold, uneven rock of the wall under his fingers.

Crawling, he scraped one knee at a time across the rock. He cursed as he lifted his head and hit the stone above him. He needs to go faster. But yet he knew he shouldn't.

One he knees touched the dirt on the other side he felt relieved. Once his whole body was out of the hole he stood up. He looked around at his surroundings.

He was in a garden full of hedges with all different colors of flowers shining in the moonlight. There were reds, blues, purples, greens, yellows, oranges, blacks, any color you could think of was there.

Where was the figure? Lex didn't see any signs of movement in the maze of hedges in front of him.

The wind blew through the air. He could hear its quiet howl in his ear as if it was whispering something to him. Wait…

It was whispering to him?!

He could hear a soft voice whispering to him, "Use me. Use me, Lex. Find him."

An image appeared in his head along with the sound. An image of him calling on the wind, using it to show him the whole maze and everything, everyone, in it.

He concentrated, closing his eyes to better focus on the image that should appear in his mind. He called for the wind, feeling its answer as it surrounded his body in a soft breeze.

He built the power up inside himself, then he released it, sending an air wave out in all directions around him. He could see everything the air wave touched and bounced off of.

Soon the whole maze was clear in his mind. He knew where to go. The best part, was there was a person close to him, walking in the direction of the castle.

Lex smiled and said to himself, "Gotcha."

Lex went the quickest way to the figure still moving in his head.The map in his head was very useful in this confusing maze of familiar flowers that he ran passed every second.

Soon the figure was right around the corner.lex slowed his pace down till he stopped. He peered around the corner to get a look at his prey.

Standing there he saw a tall man in a different uniform than normal. He must be high rank. Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out his knife. He always kept his pocket knife on him.

You never know when you'll need it.

He quietly walked up behind the soldier. He started to build up his power, the knife, open and floating in front of him.

Once enough power was stored up, he released the knife at the man. Lex watched in amazement at the speed the blacked hair man turned.

The man looked at the knife flying towards him. Lex's eyes grew in shock at what the man did next.

Sorry I missed last weeks update so you all get it a day early this week. I was really busy... and I didn’t have motivation to write.

NoneOfTheAbovelcreators' thoughts