
Chapter 18


I can't sit within four walls, so I go to wander the streets and walk until the evening falls, until I have no strength left.

I'm going home, Brent and I are having dinner. I see that something worries him, but he does not start a conversation. And it's good.

I don't say anything either.

When we return to the bedroom, I see a piece of paper with a phone number on my pillow.

“What is it?” I take the note and sit on the bed. That's why Brent was like that.

“Today I met Jack, he said he wanted to talk to you. This is his number.”

I just want to ask: "Whose side are you on, brother?"

I didn’t tell Brent that I saw Jack in our cafe and that he was already with someone else. What should I talk to him about? It's too late for an apology... What else?

It will only hurt more. No, really. I won't forget this any time soon.

I put the note on the table, where it will be lying all week. I don’t throw it away, I can’t...