
Chapter 11


I'm not going anywhere in the morning, I'm waiting for Aiden to wake up. I should have talked to him long time ago, but I kept putting it off. I won't do it anymore.At ten Aiden opens his eyes, looks around uncomprehendingly, and sits back. I know he’s thirsty and probably has a headache. And despite all my concern, I want him to be punished for his behavior. However, after 10 minutes I hand him a glass of water and an aspirin.

“What did you do yesterday?”

Aiden rubs his head and doesn't answer me right away.

“We were just walking...”


Aiden is silent. He's like a teenager... how can I entrust him with responsibility for his own life?!

“Jack is not the most suitable company for you now...”

“Stop acting like you're my father.”

“Don't you dare say that, Aiden! Should I remind you of what our father did to you? Or our mother?!”