
Limits Off: The Hunter

First World: Fairy Tail Second: ??? Synopsis: Death. It sounds good to my ears. Even though I wanted to be one, a dead one, but for my sister, I persevered. Living is harsh, death is a form of escape for me. But I can't. I can't just go die, I know my responsibilities. I can not let my only kin left think as such after me. Dying, that is. I worked, worked, and worked some more, for her smile, it was enough. It was my saving grace. But death loomed. I died. I don't know why I've been sent to a place with an imprisoned old man. I don't know. I was lost. What I did not know, he taught me. What I did not want to know, he taught me. But the help he gave without asking for anything in exchange, I bit. My wish to go back, my goals achieved, I agreed. The old man was kind. He gave me the chance, and I will not waste it! I promise.

Magnus08 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: I'll Marry Them

A few days ago...

Ethan was walking through the hallway when he heard Belserion, other Dragons, and some high-ranking personnel of the Dragnof Kingdom, troubled, and worried as they talked, about how they should approach the delegation from Iceberg.

"I am sure that Iceberg will demand something outrageous!" The half-step into the coffin Minister said with a clenched fist.

"But us dragons cannot meddle with human politics, that was the agreement to other Kingdoms or they will all come at us together." Belserion sighed.

Humans are Greedy creatures, no doubt about that. 

"But Iceberg is just too much! They have been harassing our Kingdom, Dragnof, ever since the Old Queen died and Irene is too young and inexperienced." Darry the Human Resource Minister said, also half-dead. "It has been hard for us since the Old Queen died and Iceberg only made our situation much worse!"

Aldy, the half-dead Minister of Defence was also troubled, if this negotiation were to fail and both Kingdoms ended up going to war, the current situation of Dragnof would definitely be plunged. 

If war were to break out and the dragons could not assist, with their current military might, Dragnof would definitely lose. 

According to the Kingdoms' agreement, as long as the dragons do not meddle with human/kingdom affairs, Dragnof would be left to do as they wish and live with dragons however they like. But if the dragons were to meddle, all of the kingdoms would raise arms together and oust Dragnof no matter the sacrifice.

This has continued for years and Iceberg and sometimes Bosco have been harassing Dragnof ever since the Old Queen died, leaving the Kingdom to young and inexperienced Irene. 

If the dragons were to leave, Dragnof would definitely cease to exist and be absorbed by either Bosco or Iceberg Kingdom. 

All this was a hard burden for the young Irene, but that was not all as she had a kingdom and people to rule and make sure they lived a safe life. There will be no country, a kingdom, a nation without people.

"What's your opinion on this, Belserion?" Darry asked the dragons' leader.

Belserion stared and sighed, "If they already know about the dragons' invasion and Irene's magic research, they will come to negotiate and possibly ally with our kingdom. If peace is all they want, that can be given." 

"But that wouldn't be all they would want. They will first come and negotiate an alliance, but an alliance needs something to tie both sides, it may be some insignificant promises or marriage, but mostly, they go the marriage route. And if an alliance is made, the other side would definitely extort what they have been eyeing from the start sooner or later." At this moment, Ethan made his way to the group of downcast dragons and humans.

Aldy, seeing Ethan come and share his thoughts was delighted. Belserion smiled upon seeing Ethan and gave his piece. The others also greeted Ethan politely, not looking down on this 15-year-old man who looked 18 because of the help he had given to the kingdom since coming.

The strong can be respected, but not only Ethan was strong, he had also given many ideas to make their kingdom live better, telling how various crops should be cultivated and many more to make their everyday life simpler. But the most important one was helping and teaching the people about magic and successfully training those who had magic capabilities.

Ethan never stayed to listen when it came to politics, much less give a piece, so seeing Ethan speaking was a first.

"Not to mention their timing, if Irene successfully invented Dragon Magic and let people learn of it to fight the dragons and the dragons' invasion, it can be said that if Dragnof falls, so would their Kingdom. So only by allying themselves with us could they have some relief because Dragnof has dragons to deter the invasion but not their kingdom."

"But if negotiations fail, and they invade our kingdom before the dragons, and you know our circumstances, we might not need to wait for the dragons' invasion before Dragnof fell," Aldy said.

Ethan looked at Aldy and the others and sighed. "If they already know about the invasion and they still invade us, they would just be digging a deeper pit for themselves. Humans are greedy and cunning. They won't invade Dragnof."

"How can you be so sure?" Darry asked.

"Although humans are greedy, they cherish their lives more. Aren't we all the same?" Ethan asked.

"And even if they are to invade Dragnof, aren't I here? I'm strong and can annihilate their troops if I have to." He added. 

Ethan is not a bloodthirsty person, but if he had to, he wouldn't think twice. If protecting something needs you to do something for it, don't think and just do it. Especially now that it is either they live or die, so if you want to live be ready to kill. This world does not have laws that killing is prohibited. 

Ethan had seen Dragnof soldiers dying to protect their kingdom, so to repay the favor of them saving him without asking him to fight in there instead swore to protect the kingdom, even if the killing needed to be done.

Morals can only get you so far and moral wouldn't save you from death.

They all stared at Ethan with incredulous eyes. 

"What?" Ethan asked.

"Ethan, we know that you are strong, but we can't just watch you fight on your own, there should be some other way to settle this matter and not wage war," Aldy said.

"Other way? There should be, marriage. If they are to propose marriage between our kingdoms and theirs to tie the alliance, who would marry who?" Ethan asked.

Looking at how things stand, Iceberg can't just outright demand that Dragnof send some dragons to protect their kingdom and also make Irene teach them the magic she's developing while they would only stop harassing Dragnof further without giving anything back. So marriage was the only way they could come to ally with Dragnof.

Hearing Ethan's words, everyone was stumped. 

Right, when it comes to it, who marries who?

"That..." Aldy swallowed his words.

Never in their minds did they think about their Queen marrying off to the other just to form an alliance and possibly stop Iceberg from truly invading them.

Their kingdom, Dragnof does not have any Princes or Princesses. Irene is young and unmarried, but could they possibly swallow their pride and let their Queen be married off just to save their own? That would only bring them shame and hatred of their citizens who now grew to love their Queen.

"Hmm... Your words do have a point. Then what do you suggest?" Belserion asked Ethan.

"It's either war or marriage," Ethan replied. 

If Dragnof and Iceberg do wage war, Ethan is confident he can take on Iceberg Kingdom all by himself. But if they opted for marriage, not only would Iceberg think that Dragnof surrenders, but they could also extort Dragnof with whatever they want in the name of some bullshits. 

"Then, what if they just want to ally with us?" Irene's voice sounded, startling the group.

Ethan shrugged. "That's not possible. If peace was all they wanted, they would've done so years ago. But not only did they take more lands of your kingdom after the late Queen's passing, they killed your subjects, and made life harder for your citizens. 

Now that they heard of dragons' invasion and your research of making humans use dragon magic, they come to negotiate? At what ground do they have to come after all these years?

They just want to make sure they live at Dragnof's expense but also want your magic to further protect themselves without giving substantial back."

"But Iceberg has far more troops and magicians. They are far superior to our kingdom and they can also prove to be a good ally. If being allies with them could make my people live..." Irene didn't finish her words.

"You're willing to sacrifice yourself?" Ethan finished her words.

Irene nodded. 

"You're willing to marry someone you don't even know?" he asked. 

Ethan knows that if Irene were to marry that droopy-eyed man, her future would be the same as what he had watched before and Ethan was not willing to see that happen.

Irene is a good woman, a good Queen, and letting such a wonderful person go through such things, if Ethan could prevent it, he would.

Everyone stared at the duo as they slowly retreated, not saying a word.

"If it prevents more deaths, I will." Irene hesitated but still answered.

Ethan stared at her, "I know I don't have any right to make such decisions or say what you should do, so if that's what you want, I'll..." Ethan was stumped. He doesn't know how to say it.

He can't just say that he likes her and doesn't want her to sacrifice herself, but he doesn't have any right to decide for her. She has her people to consider. She can't be too selfish.

'But I also want to escape these things and just live peacefully.' Was Irene's deepest wish.

Irene is a Queen, she is the ruler of a kingdom, and Ethan understands that, while Ethan is just a nobody, an outsider. 

"I've said what I shouldn't. Sorry 'bout that. Forget it." Ethan said, clearly understanding where he stands, and started walking away.

"If..." Irene's voice was low. "If I don't have to marry anyone, do you have any ideas so I don't have to?" Her face gained a tint of red while saying so, stopping Ethan in his tracks.

"Will you trust me?" Ethan asked, turning back and looking at Irene.

"After all you've done for the kingdom these past months, not trusting you is out of the question. I believe you." Irene said gaining everyone's smile.

'Why can't these two just be honest?' Belserion thought as he watched.

'Hmm... I'm not worried anymore.' Aldy thought.

'They like each other? Good news, good news.' Darry thought with intrigue.

"So, can you tell us what your plan is? We can try if it sounds." Irene smiled.

And so, Ethan thought of a plan and shared it with them while asking their opinions on the matter.

- - - 



Hearing the young man who suddenly intruded on the meeting room's claim and seeing the others not reprimanding the young man's intrusion left the delegates from Iceberg stumped.

When did Dragnof have a Prince?

We never heard of this!

When did the late Queen give birth to a Prince?

How come we never heard of him?!


"Ethan? Prince?" The old man from Iceberg asked, confused.

Ethan crossed his arms at his chest and nodded confidently. "That's right. I am Dragnof Prince, Ethan!"

"But, we have never heard of Dragnof having any prince. This…" The old man looked at Ethan and Irene back and forth, at a loss at the sudden arrival of a Prince.

"Huh? Never heard? What, do our Dragnof have to report to your kingdom?" Ethan asked angrily.

The old man sweated and waved his hands. "No, no. I didn't mean that Your Highness, I was just surprised because I have never heard of your distinguish self."

"Of course, you wouldn't have heard of me. I have been training outside all these years and just came back today. Look, even all the dragons came to welcome me back!" Ethan proudly said.

As Ethan spoke, numerous dragons could be seen descending from the skies through the room's window.

"It has been a few years since I've last seen you, brother. You've grown a lot." Irene smiled as she spoke, playing her role.

Ethan nodded, "You've grown more beautiful, sister. I can't wait to tell you the results of my training." His voice was excited as if he couldn't wait to tell his stories.

"You can tell me all about it later." Irene stood up and bowed to the Iceberg delegates, "Please, forgive my little brother's action for suddenly disturbing our meeting. He's just too excited to have just come back."

Seeing the bowing Queen and asking for forgiveness the Iceberg delegates were at a loss, still confused at the sudden turn of events.

The old man gained his calm and faked a cough, making the others gather themselves. "It's alright, Your Majesty. We were just surprised at His Highness, The Prince's sudden arrival. Please raise your head."

"Thank you," Irene said and sat down while gesturing for Ethan to stand beside her at the head of the table.

Ethan walked, his eyes not leaving the droopy-eyed man. "So, old man. You want my beautiful sister to marry that sleep-deprived man? Are you normal?

My sister is our Kingdom's Queen! And you are asking her to marry that person you claim to be the mightiest of your kingdom?

If you want to marry my sister, at least find someone more handsome and with greater status, like a prince or even your King! Oh, right! Your King is just a bag of old bones now, not worthy of my beautiful sister, not at all!

Mind you, you want to marry a Queen with that sleep-deprived shit? Dream on!"

Ethan didn't hold back his words.

What? Are you angry?

Come bite me!

The faces of the Iceberg delegates turned furious. The droopy-eyed man named Rung took hold of his sword, wanting to draw and cut.

"What? You wanna fight? Come! I ain't afraid of you!" Ethan unleashed his magic.

The pressure Ethan was giving off frightened the people from the Iceberg. Even moving their fingers proved hard, like tons of water suddenly drowned them.


"Ethan! Stop being naughty!" Irene reprimanded.

Ethan snorted and stopped pressuring the others, making them heaved a sigh of relief.

"Just the idea of you marrying that sleep-deprived man irks me, you know me, sister. I love you and I wouldn't want to see you marry someone below your status." Ethan was still playing his role.

Hearing the word 'I Love You' made Irene blush a bit. "You stop now, Ethan. This is not how a Prince should behave!"

Snorting, Ethan stopped and glared at the Iceberg delegates.

"Please forgive my brother's rude words." Irene once again apologized.

"I, it's alright, Your Majesty. We, we just didn't expect His Highness to be so strong." The old man could only say as such.

Provoking Ethan now would spell doom for them. They can only swallow their pride and not say anything about his rude words towards them.

Rung on the side glared hatefully at Ethan, wanting to say something but kept his mouth shut knowing that the other party just from his magic pressure alone far outclassed him.

"So, you were saying before about marriage?" Ethan asked as he eyed the old man.

Is this how negotiations were supposed to be? This is not a negotiation anymore. The old man questioned himself.

Seeing the stumped old man, Ethan smirked.

"Then, Your Highness, how do you think we should proceed further?" The old man asked.

"My sister is out of the question. But if you want, find me a few Princesses, I'll marry them!" Ethan said, dumbfounding everyone.
