
Limits Off: The Hunter

First World: Fairy Tail Second: ??? Synopsis: Death. It sounds good to my ears. Even though I wanted to be one, a dead one, but for my sister, I persevered. Living is harsh, death is a form of escape for me. But I can't. I can't just go die, I know my responsibilities. I can not let my only kin left think as such after me. Dying, that is. I worked, worked, and worked some more, for her smile, it was enough. It was my saving grace. But death loomed. I died. I don't know why I've been sent to a place with an imprisoned old man. I don't know. I was lost. What I did not know, he taught me. What I did not want to know, he taught me. But the help he gave without asking for anything in exchange, I bit. My wish to go back, my goals achieved, I agreed. The old man was kind. He gave me the chance, and I will not waste it! I promise.

Magnus08 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Me? I Am The Prince!


"Six months, huh? Time flew by without noticing it." Ethan said with his hand at the back of his head as he lay down on the grassy field, shaded under a tree from the sun.

"And you're almost able to defeat some dragons now without using your dragon magic. Are you sure you are even human?" Beside Ethan was a green dragon who was well-versed in nature magic, and also the one teaching Ethan about Nature to give some ideas about his now focused magic of choice to master, or learn what he could, which was Creation Magic.

After fusing with Zagarot's True Body after being sent away from the Realm of the Damned, Ethan took months to get used to his new body. After getting used to it, Ethan slowly re-learned all the magics Zagarot had taught him, Ethan was surprised to see that even though his magical reserves had been halved, the potency of his magic now became twofold more powerful than before, and also took much less magic power than before, although not by half, it was still better.

Destruction Magic was easy to learn but Ethan was stumped about Creation Magic, although there was knowledge about it, how to implement it are two different things.

Destruction Magic was the one that stumped Ethan since it always covered him, always active.

So learning Creation magic and using his magic outside proved hard because his Destruction Magic humpers him, but not too much as there was still some progress.

So he had been spending time with Gardrass for a while now, slowly learning how to keep his Destruction Magic from furthering his progress.

Destruction Magic though, if paired with his other Elements proved fatal to any that's hit, making his Elemental Magic more powerful and destructive.

Ethan chuckled, "If I'm not human, what am I?" He asked in amusement.

Gardrass was a tender and kind dragon, it was he who looked over at Ethan as Ethan recuperated. 

When Ethan finally gained some strength, Gardrass watched over him, healing him with his Nature Magic, although Gardrass used Healing Magic to help Ethan, it still took more than a month before the pain on Ethan's body completely disappeared. 

"I still find it hard believing that the First Dragon was the one who taught you and how he managed to let you learn and use Dragon Magic." Gardrass sighed and stared at Ethan. 

Gardrass has grown close to Ethan because Ethan never treated any dragon with hostility and now gave any unfavorable impression to them, more like, Ethan spent more of his time with the dragons than his fellow humans, and being with him was peaceful.

"Still, will you not tell Irene how Zagarot taught you? I know that you know the method of how Zagarot did it you just don't want to say it." Gardrass said.

Ethan inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, "It was a promise, and no matter what, I won't break that promise." Seeing how hard-working the Red-haired Queen was on her research in how to let humans learn Dragon Magic to fight off the dragons, Ethan felt a bit of pity, but that was his promise to Zagarot and Ethan wasn't someone to break what he promised even if the other side is no more. He gave some ideas, though. Just some rough ideas, that's all which helped the Red-Haired Queen very much and accelerated their research.

Gardrass sighed. "I heard that the Iceberg will send a delegation to Dragnof in a few days and would arrive within a week at most." Gardrass changed the topic since he understood that a dragon's promise should not be broken, and likewise, he would also like that if he were in the other's shoes. This was also one of the reasons why the dragons liked Ethan, no matter what they said and tried to give, Ethan was never swayed and kept his promise.

"Iceberg? What is it about?" Ethan perked his ear up, some gossip from now and then was also good, not training all the time as he was relatively powerful now to keep himself safe, at least.

The Kingdom of Iceberg has conflicted with the Dragnof Kingdom for years about territories, if it was not for the dragon's presence within Dragnof, Iceberg might have invaded Dragnof a long time ago together with its neighboring Kingdom of Bosco.

"You've just arrived some months ago and never really cared about human politics so it's not a wonder you don't know, especially when Belserion learned that dragons from the west would be invading us soon," Gardrass said, he noticed some movements not far from them and it quickly stopped, hiding behind a tree.

Ethan nodded, "So, someone with a loose mouth spread it... Or a spy." He didn't even have to think about it.

Gardrass nodded, he liked this side of Ethan that quickly caught on, "That's right. But that's not all, they should also know by now that the Queen is developing that 'magic'."

Thinking about it, it is no wonder that the Iceberg Kingdom would send people to Dragnof, but for what purpose?

'Dragnof is not weak so they just can't come and demand whatever they like, just what could their purpose be.' Ethan thought.


"And what did they say their purpose for coming?" Ethan asked.

"I heard it's about both kingdom's territorial conflict."Gardrass snorted speaking about this. "If only the Queen had let us dragons talk with those humans, this matter would have been settled a long time ago. Sadly, she wouldn't let us and told us to let her settle human disputes among themselves."

Knowing that Irene wanted dragons to coexist peacefully with humans, she asked the dragons to let her handle it herself. If she let the dragons handle such matters, doing so might bring more harm than good, making humans more fearful of dragons, and making her wish for humans and dragons to coexist in other kingdoms unreachable.

"You mean, they are coming to ally with Dragnof, am I right?" Ethan asked, unsure if what he remembers is right.

Gardrass wasn't even the least surprised that Ethan could tell their aim. "That's right. But that's all I know, I don't like thinking about how humans do their politics."

Ethan amusedly chuckled. Gardrass could tell that Ethan was once again up to no good. "You wouldn't go and scare those people, would you?"

Ethan stared at the questioning gaze of Gardrass, he shook his head, "No, no. Why would I go over to them when they are the ones coming to me? Wouldn't that be too troublesome?" Laughing darkly. 

Looking at the words on the blue panel only he could see [ 6 Years Till Dimensional Travel ]

Gardrass gazed at the distant blue skies, "You know what, we dragons have been thinking about our Queen."

"Oh? About what?" Ethan was curious. Paying no mind to the panel that appeared after he woke up and met Zagarot. He could also choose to hide it and so he did, only checking it from time to time.

"Hmm..." Gardrass hummed. Seeing that Ethan still hadn't noticed that they were being spied upon, or being eavesdropped on. "What do you think about our Queen, Irene?"

Ethan raised an eyebrow, looking at the green dragon, and closed his eyes, " Irene, huh? I think she is kind, and caring for her people, everyone. She might not act like one, but she's just a girl inside, wanting to be cared for but doesn't show it and instead acts strongly not only for herself but for everyone.

Sometimes, I want to see her pampered, away from worries, but the situation doesn't let her, and can only carry the burden someone like her shouldn't.

She's weak but also strong. Overall, she's a wonderful person."

Gardrass hearing the lengthy words from Ethan's mouth couldn't help but smile, "You like her."

Ethan shrugged, "Can't make myself hate someone like her. "

Gardrass didn't stop and continued asking, "What would you do if she were to marry someone?"

"That's not something for me to decide. I'm just a nobody, saved by Belserion, and have been in debt by you all, especially Irene. Her marrying someone, as long as she's happy is not something for me to say anything about." Ethan gave his answer, saying what he truly felt. "And I still don't know how to repay you all."

Gardrass smiled then snorted, "Why go around when you can just say you like her? What was it... That's right. In your human words, 'She's quite the catch', something like that."

"She's not an object, you know. But, yeah, I do like her." Ethan admitted.

"See! It isn't so hard to say it." Gardrass smiled slyly. "So, we dragons have been talking about her being. She needs someone she can lean on. Someone who matches her and possibly keeps her safe if we dragons were to die in this impending war. What say you, boy?"

"Me? Nah. I'm not good enough for her." Ethan replied with closed eyes, feeling the gentle breeze hitting his skin.

"Says he. What say you, Irene?" Gardrass said in amusement, almost laughing. Knowing that his Queen has been eavesdropping on them for quite a while now.

Hearing that, Ethan's eyes shut open, and quickly stood up. "Irene?" Ethan looked around, not seeing any red on his back or sides. "Gardrass! You shouldn't prank people like that!" Ethan reprimanded.

"Luckily she's not here." Heaving a sigh of relief.

Gardrass laughed, looking at the expression of Ethan. He pointed, "Look over there, ain't that her?" He pointed.

Ethan followed Gardrass's scally-pointed finger with his eyes. "Fuck." 

In the distance, a red-haired woman was riding a red dragon, flying away from them, towards the Kingdom.

- - -

A week passed by and the deletion from Iceberg had arrived in Dragnof.

Ethan almost couldn't speak with Irene, not knowing what to say after being eavesdropped on during this past week. Ethan felt awkward and so did Irene. Irene only smiled at Ethan when she saw him and busied herself with other matters. And Ethan, being a not romantic person was at a loss and could only smile wryly.

The delegate was led by a middle-aged man with long, dark hair, droopy eyes, and a small goatee, wearing plated armor with a regular-sized sword at his waist.

Irene and other high-ranking officials warmly welcomed the delegation party sent by their neighboring Kingdom. 

The delegates from Iceberg were somewhat confused because they hadn't seen any dragon on their way to the Dragnof Kingdom, as if they were never there, leaving them wanting to ask but keeping their mouth shut.

Ethan just watched from afar. Such affairs have nothing to do with him, he is just a nobody who happens to know dragon magic which is why he was welcome. And he doesn't want to stick his nose into it. Politics, that is.

 Ethan left after the delegation party was given their own house to rest for the day.

He was just there so that Irene wouldn't be in any immediate danger because the dragons were asked to hide themselves until the talks were done. Ethan was asked to watch over their Queen, and that's what he was doing.

Oh, how their roles reversed.

Next day...

Ethan leaned on the wall outside the room as he listened to the voices inside the room, bored.

"Both our sides have been fighting for years for our territorial claims. This time, our King has sent us to finally settle this matter so both our Kingdom be at peace and not lose any more unnecessary lives and also to propose an alliance between our nations." An old man from Iceberg said respectfully, looking at Irene with his aged eyes.

Irene took a deep breath and spoke, "If peace between our nations could be achieved, I'll be very grateful for that. But may I ask about this alliance you spoke of? What are we allying for?" Appearing calm, Irene said with a smile. 

Irene knows that the other party has already learned of the impending dragon invasion but plays like she doesn't know and asks her question. After Ethan's arrival, Irene started to change slowly, it might not be much but after hearing the words Ethan said, she now acts like a ruler, not like a helpless Queen, and after being taught by Ethan how she should act during this time. Not to let the other party gain the upper hand be confident and not worry about anything else, and make sure that you smile. Smile like there's no tomorrow!

The old man could tell that Irene was playing the fool with him, he gritted his teeth but quickly calmed himself down. "If the Queen were to agree to this alliance, our country would not continue our advances towards Dragnof and recall our troops and even give back the lands taken by us. Our King wants to propose an alliance with your Kingdom with Marriage!" 

"Marriage? I am not sure. But can you tell us why would your King sent you to ally with ours? As far as I know, your kingdom is much more powerful than ours, if not for the dragons. So, can you tell us why would your powerful kingdom ally with ours? What's your reason?" Irene is one not to back down. Remembering Ethan's words and seeing the old man's actions and words like they stood the higher ground, she pushed, not wanting to be the one to be pushed down.

She knows that if the dragons from the West were to invade Dragnof, and if Dragnof were to fall, Iceberg, their Kingdom would be the next to follow as their Kingdom was also like Dragnof, the first one to be attacked as both their kingdoms were next to the shore, where the dragons will be coming from.

And when thinking about it, Dragnof has dragons, while Iceberg does not. Iceberg had never liked the idea of coexisting with dragons as they deemed them too dangerous, so upon learning of the news from their spies of the impending dragon invasion from the West, they could only come to propose an alliance by using their conflict with the Dragnof Kingdom and nothing else.

Cornered, the old man's anger rose but didn't show it. Wasn't this woman supposed to be... tch! "We just want to know if Her Majesty, Irene, agreed to our King's proposal." 

The old man doesn't want to admit it but they had no other bargaining chips, their intel about the red-haired Queen was greatly mistaken. How could this woman be innocent, kind, and humble?! She's too far from that! She could see the truth and still play the fool! Innocent my ass!

Irene raised an eyebrow, her smile not disappearing. "But you haven't told us yet why would you want to ally with my Kingdom? Please do tell us before we can think and give you our reply." Her voice was gentle and polite.

The old man's fist was clenched hard under the table. His anger is now apparent on his face. "As stated earlier, our Kingdom will give back the taken lands of Dragnof. We will recall our forces and not attack Dragnof as long as our Kingdoms are allies and will send aid if needed. But we also would like your aid if we were to need it in the future." 

"And your King wants to settle our alliance with marriage?" Irene asked, still polite, humble, and smiling but that wasn't how the other party saw it.

The old man nodded, finally getting the words he was waiting to hear. "That's right, Your Majesty. That's all our king hopes for."

Irene went silent for a while, her eyes staring at the Iceberg Delegates. After some time, she asked, "And who might be the candidates you are thinking of for this alliance?"

The old man finally felt more at ease, "Ahem," Clearing his throat, he signaled for the droopy-eyed man. The droopy-eyed man getting the signal stood up, presenting himself confidently, "This is our Kingdom General, General Rung. He is the greatest and strongest swordsman of our kingdom and we present him for this marriage alliance."

Seeing the droopy-eyed man, Irene's expression didn't change, her smile never leaving her face. "I'm sorry but, our Kingdom does not have any princess worthy of Generul Rung."

General Rung narrowed his eyes upon hearing Irene's words. "Cough* Cough*. This, is our sincerity not enough for you, Your Majesty? As I said, General Rung is the mightiest swordsman and General of our Kingdom."

"And I also said that our Kingdom does not have any Princesses." Irene kept her cool and replied cooly.

The old man kept his cool, not wanting to lose his composure, "How about Her Majesty, The Queen? I have heard that Her Majesty, The Queen, has yet to marry. So, how about our General Rung and Her Majesty, The Queen become one to make both our Kingdom prosper?"


As soon as the old man finished speaking, the door of the meeting room exploded. "Huh?! What'd you say, old man? Can you repeat that?" Ethan's voice resounded.

No dust was kicked up, only wood pieces flew out as Ethan entered.

Everyone in the room was startled at the sudden intrusion of Ethan. Seeing that the intruder was Ethan, the group of Irene smiled and said nothing, waiting to watch what Ethan wanted to do while Irene also did not reprimand Ethan and just smiled at him.

The old man and General Rung along with the others in their group narrowed their eyes at the intruder, but seeing that the other side did not reprimand the intruder, they kept to themselves.

"And who might you be, sir? Forgive me, but I have never heard of your name before?" The Old man was quick to ask, breaking the silence.

Ethan stared amusingly at the old man, "Me?" He pointed to himself, and the old man nodded. Ethan chuckled, "I'm sure you haven't heard of me, old man. My name's Ethan. I Am Dragnof Prince! Now, why don't you repeat what you just said? Who marry Who?"

- - - 

Some Stones and Review would be great :)