
Limits Off: The Hunter

First World: Fairy Tail Second: ??? Synopsis: Death. It sounds good to my ears. Even though I wanted to be one, a dead one, but for my sister, I persevered. Living is harsh, death is a form of escape for me. But I can't. I can't just go die, I know my responsibilities. I can not let my only kin left think as such after me. Dying, that is. I worked, worked, and worked some more, for her smile, it was enough. It was my saving grace. But death loomed. I died. I don't know why I've been sent to a place with an imprisoned old man. I don't know. I was lost. What I did not know, he taught me. What I did not want to know, he taught me. But the help he gave without asking for anything in exchange, I bit. My wish to go back, my goals achieved, I agreed. The old man was kind. He gave me the chance, and I will not waste it! I promise.

Magnus08 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: I'm Alive!

"Where am I?"

Out of all the millions of questions I could ask, this was the first question that came to my mind and out of my mouth.

Being killed by some truck before my illness could, and now facing someone I couldn't make off surrounded by looks like Universes on all sides looks... shady.

The figure, which I could not make off as its shape kept shifting let out a voice, "I do wonder why, must one such as I be disturbed by someone I have never anticipated nor ever thought about.

I do wonder, how?"

His smoky head tilted to the side, his not-so-formed finger tried scratching his dark smoky head, his finger ending up going through his head.


"So you mean, I ended up here without your knowledge nor mine?"

Saying that something clicked in my head.

"So you mean this is not Heaven nor Hell? The afterlife?!"

Hearing my words, the figure let out deafening laughter... 

I covered my ears...

I couldn't.

My ethereal hands went past my head, both of them!

After a while, he stopped, "Heaven? Hell? Afterlife?"

Then Laughed again.

"Things as such, you Mortals fabricated."

And suddenly, he was right in front of my face. 

"Mortals saving grace! It was! Created by thought! Many believed! And so, from mouth to word, it was created."

He once again laughed, but his laughter seemed to be filled with anger.

Stumped, yes I was. "Created?"

His next words dumbfounded me.

"Yes! Created! Created they were! Created by none other than the unformed Dream, into reality!"

"Created by Dream? What might you mean?" I asked.

He flew back, staring at me.

"Dream. Dream that was not supposed, formed. Birthing a Creator! Yes! Birth!" 

He once again laughed.

Now I am wondering, what the entity I am talking with or who since it was here, talking about something someone like me shouldn't... know,?

I shouldn't, right?

As far as I have lived my life, I read what I could, watch what I could, listen to what I could, coincidence... It is a thing.

Or is it?

But now that I am here, can I just pass it like the figure says?


Just gonna let it then and listen to whatever bullshit he says.

"You! An anomaly. An anomaly that, no. But yes, an anomaly." Pointing his finger at me.

After observing the guy long enough, I knew that something wasn't right... in his head.

"I am sorry but I don't understand. What am I supposed to do now?" I asked.

The figure flickered, in and out, then right in front of me.

"You I send. To him."

With that, my vision blurred, then to darkness.

- - -

"Who are you?!" 

I didn't lose consciousness as I would have thought, but now standing right in front, no, right at the back of an old man a few meters away, sitting in front of a TV, laughing.

Laughing hard.

The sound was loud but his laughter was louder.

I know I was somewhere, but seeing the new place...

Not knowing what to do, I approach the old man. The old man I say, because of his long white hair.

Slowly I walked towards him.

After calling out to him for the umpteenth time he finally took notice of me, he was shell-shocked and asked me.

"Um. Hello. Can I ask where this is?" I asked. Curious. 

Is this Heaven, Hell, or what?

The old man gaining his calm curiously stared at me who called out to him, shocking him greatly for he knew just what the place where they were. "You. How did you come here?!" 

"I don't know. But I know I died then I just appeared here. Sir, is this the afterlife?!" The man asked.

I decided not to tell him about meeting that smoky thing. 

Who knows.

"Bah! What afterlife! This place is my own. A sacred place of my own!" The old man spat. "And say again? You died you say?"

Nodding, the man replied, "Indeed, I know I died so I was wondering where am I. I thought this was the afterlife." 

"No. This ain't any afterlife. Curious. How you could have come here though as no one should have been able to intrude on this place." The old man said then mumbled to himself. 'This one's an interesting person.'

"Your name, what's your name boy?" The old man stood up in front of the man and then asked.

Looking up a little bit, the man could finally see the old man's face. 

Spotless skin with some wrinkle that shows his old age, and a kind smile on his face. Beardless with no mustache.

"Alexander. Alexander is my name, sir." Alexander answered.

"Alexander? Tch, too long. I'll call you Ethan." The old man went and renamed Alexander for no reason at all.

'Alexander is not that long of a name though?' Alexander thought to himself but did not retort.

Not knowing the place, not knowing the old man, not knowing where he was at all, Alexander acted calm as he asked his questions.

Panicking would do him no good, he already died so what's worse? Panicking now would only make and create more questions or trouble for himself.

Although dead, but still alive just not knowing how.

"Hmm. Well since you are here, keep me company then." The old man said.

"Eh? Can you please tell me where am I? Or am I alive or what?" Alexander or now Ethan asked.

The old man stared at Ethan, "You did die. As to how can walk and talk? Your current self is your soul itself, just taking the form of your former body." The old man replied.

Hearing the answer made Alexander or now Ethan question more about it. 


So, I did die, but how is this possible and why? 

So many questions filled Ethan's mind.

Seeing Ethan's state, the old man knows that his head is full of questions. "Eyy! Don't think too much. Come sit here and accompany this old man." 

Ethan's eyes widened when a chair appeared out of nowhere, his mind blank as he sat.

"How?" He asked.

"How what?" The old man sitting beside Ethan in front of the TV.

"Where did the chair come from? How?" Ethan asked.

"Magic?" The old man said.

"Magic? Are you a magician? Is magic real?" Ethan fired.

"Of course it is real. What? Never seen it before?" The old man asked.

Ethan stared at the old man as the old man stared back. "No. 

"Oh. Don't worry about it then." The old man nonchalantly said.

Pressing some buttons, the TV in front of them lit up and started showing some figures moving.

"Cartoons?" Ethan looked at the TV and what was shown and commented. Wondering why an old man is watching cartoons at his age.

The old man's ear twitched at Ethan's comment, and he flared.

"The blasphemy!

What cartoons! You! This is Anime! A.N.I.M.E! Anime!

What cartoons!

These are Arts! I tell you ARTS!"

Seeing the flaring old man with his white long hair dancing above his head Ethan apologized. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Hmph!" The old man harrumphed as Ethan apologized. He asked, "Don't tell me you don't know what Anime is?"

Ethan nodded. "I don't know."

"How could you not know when the people of your world are the ones making these Arts?" The old man asked. 

He wondered how could someone who came from the origins of these arts called Anime not know about them. 

The old man could tell that Ethan did not live in the mountains along with some monks.

Thinking about it, Ethan seemingly remembered something and said, "Right, I saw some kids on the streets also watching something like this, but a bit different."

Nodding, the old man said, "Of course, there are so many of these Arts, and they are still making some more."

"Still, but for you to not know them. Hmm… Since you don't know them, why don't I tell you about it?" The old man suggested.

"Okay?" Ethan agreed, not knowing what he got himself into.

The old man laughed and then started speaking. Explaining Anime, Manga, and Manhwa among others.

As the old man explained, Ethan grew fascinated, like a kid who had just gotten their favorite toy.




Time passed by...

Ethan did not know how much time passed as he and the old man talked, watched, read, and shared their opinions, seemingly forgetting about many things but being engrossed in what they had just watched or read.

Though asked, the old man never said his name and just said "Call me what you like."

At a certain time, Ethan asked, "Ney, old man. I don't know how long I've been in this place and how am I able to accompany you. But can you tell me what am I to do in the future? Will I be stuck here with you for an unknown amount of time?"

Knowing why Ethan questioned him, the old man sighed. "Well... I also do not know how you were able to arrive at this place and accompany me all this time without dissipating as you are only a soul that should have not been possible, even with my knowledge or capabilities if I wanted to do the same for others. Sigh."

"You see, this place is my prison. I cannot go out or even do anything about this place. Prison I say for doing a thing that angered someone without my knowing."

Ethan's eyebrows raised. "Prison? So am I also imprisoned here with you for how long? Why?" Worry was apparent for Ethan. But thinking about it, this prison isn't that bad. As one needs to live was not a mention.

"No." Shaking his head, the old man spoke, "I can send you out of this place since you were not meant to be imprisoned here."

"Then can you send me back to Earth?" Ethan asked, a bit hopeful.

The old man looked at Ethan's hopeful eyes. Shaking his head, "No. That I cannot do. If it's in another world, I can do with my remaining power."

"Why? If you can send me to another world, why can't you do the same to Earth? To my body?" Ethan asked.

"I could have done that if I had all of my powers, and also with your body without a soul for a long time makes it harder." The old man sighed deeply.

He wanted to help Ethan but since he was imprisoned and was limited, he couldn't do much. Not with them knowing how much time had passed since Ethan's arrival to now.

Maybe Ethan's body back on Earth had already decayed and rotted. Turned to ashes?

No one knows.

"Then." With determination, Ethan asked. "If you are to send me to another world, can I also go back to my World? Back to Earth?"

The determined look of Ethan and feeling his unwavering resolve, the old man said, "That all depends on you.

As you have seen and watched, or even read, everything could be said to be all true, because of the Dream Creator. The sole person who could turn dreams into reality.

If he wanted he could make a World, a Universe, a Multi-Verse, an Omniverse as he wanted.

So having those we had watched turned into reality is not impossible and can be said to have been turned into a world itself, into a universe itself. 

A parallel even.

What I can offer you is that, I can send you to one of those Worlds, but how you proceed from there is completely up to you.

Whether you can go back to your world, Earth is completely up to you.

That is the only way I can help you."

Hearing the old man's explanation, Ethan thought about it. Not long after, he asked, "Then which world would you send me into? Will I be able to find the answer there? On how to get back?"

"No. I don't know. I can only send you but which world I cannot decide. That is far from what I am capable of right now." The old said, also a bit disappointed in himself.

"I see." Ethan nodded. 

Ethan did not wish to push the old man, and he also did not know how the old man would do it.

He understands that the old man was imprisoned and being able to send Ethan to another world is already a huge favor. 

Demanding more is out of the question. That much Ethan can understand.

Furthermore, Ethan did not have any right to demand anything more. Being sent to another world in itself is already a great thing.

"Then, can you tell me what would happen to you if you did send me to another world?" Ethan asked.

A question that mattered.

The old man hearing Ethan's question, grinned. "Bah! This one is strong! I might be imprisoned now but sending you to another world would do nothing to me. It would only cause some of my strength!" The old man was full of confidence.

Ethan didn't know, but it should not be as simple as the old man proclaimed.

But he did not question it.

He did not doubt it.

They were friends.

And friends help each other.

Ethan forced himself to grin. Pointing his index finger, "Then, let's finish reading those books and watch those Anime before I go.

I'll keep you company for a little while more, old man."

Ethan was thankful to the old man, even though they both did not know how long they had spent together, he wanted to accompany the old man a little while more.

Ethan was grateful towards the old man and the sacrifice the old man would make for him just to make his selfish desire come to, and go back to Earth.

"Like I want it!" The old man said.

- - - 

And just like that, time passed.

The Uncultured Swine became Cultured.

He was taught. He learned.

And he got corrupted.

- - - 

"Remember. Loli no touch!" The old man warned strictly. 

Ethan nodded. "I know/"

"Go, boy! Go conquer! Do not forget!" The Old man shouted.

As soon as the old man shouted, Ethan's figure started to disappear.

"Remember the Holy Bible!" The old man repeated.

Ethan grinned, giving a thumbs up.

The old man laughed loudly.

As Ethan's figure faded, he remembered. "Wait, old man. What if Lolies and M.I.L.F's go to war against each other?!"

The old man grinned.

"Heh. Figure that out yourself." The old man said.

Which was his final advice as Ethan's figure completely disappeared.

 "I hope you can make your wish come true, boy." The old man sighed. 

"Let's meet each other again." The old man muttered to himself as tears slowly formed in his eyes.

Thinking about the time they had spent together, laughing, sometimes crying, and kept accompanying each other.

- - - 

"Ugh. What happened?"

I muttered, trying to open my eyes.

Pain. I feel pained all over my body. I tried to get up, my vision blurry.

I couldn't.

I feel weak.

Stabilizing my breath, I rub my eyes. Soon my vision returned, and I could see normally. No, my vision is still a bit blurry, but better.

Blinking my eyes, I can see light, light far from reach.

Tilting my head sideways, 'Am I in a ravine?' I asked myself.

Sideways, I can see cliffs. I don't know how high the top is but I could tell that climbing it would be a hard task to accomplish.

I could see shining rocks, yeah, let's call them rocks for now.

The sound of water dripping was not far away from what I could make. 

Seeing that there was no apparent danger, or so I hoped, I started investigating my body. Which filled with pain.

I don't know whose body I took over for it to be in this kind of situation and place, but still, I couldn't complain.

I'm alive!

Feeling pain physically means one is alive.

And I am happy to be alive, again.

Clenching both my fists was painful. Still, it's good, I got both my hands intact, and so do both my feet, though my whole body hurts like hell.

Bleeding, none. Good!

They dried up already.

I feel weak, so weak that I'm wondering what happened to this body I took over.

From what I have read before with the old man, memories should be flooding my head now, but no. There's nothing.

Not that I care, but would have been better though so I could at least get some information as to where am I.

Ugh! I smell like shit.

The smell of blood is making me wanna puke, but I can't. There's nothing to puke.

I'm Hungry. 


Although my body hurt, I forced myself to turn.

Now that I think about it, my hands looked like that of a child, two, or three years old maybe? Four? I don't know.

I crawled.

I forced myself. 

It hurts.

But I persevered.

I crawled with all my strength towards the sound of dripping water.

Luckily, the place wasn't rocky, but almost sandy, with some stones shining here to there, their colors varied, but I didn't give a damn.

I need water. So I crawled.

Soon, I reached my goal.

Looking closely, the water was also colored in various kinds of colors.

Gulping. Hesitation was never on my mind, I reached for it and crawled until I reached the basin-like rock. 

Without hesitation, I took my fill.

Gulping as much as I could.


I don't care.

I drank, drank, and drank.

I drank to my fill.

Satisfied, I smiled. 

I can feel it, my body feels a bit better.



It's far from being better. My strength, my strength is slowly returning, I can feel it, the scratches during my crawling were... healing?

I don't know.

As I looked at the far light, I slowly closed my eyes.

I'm sleepy. I can't fight it back. My body needs rest.

So, closed my eyes, hoping that nothing would come and kill me as I slept.

"I'm Alive. Thank you, old man," I said, before completely losing my consciousness.

- - - 

I'm back!

3k+ Words for the First Chapter.


What world did our Hero end up to?

Don't ask me. 

I don't know.

Any Ideas?