
Limitless Potential - Awakening

Sato is just an everyday average guy who likes anime and novels and fanfics. But surprisingly, his life became a like a fanfic when one day he died just because truck-kun lost a bet... Every weebs dream came true for him! (This fanfic is world travelling)

Cameron_Hutchinson · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Limitless Potential

Hi, my name is Sato, and I decided to tell you a story. It is a story of my life, in fact. It was a stormy night and... I'm joking, but seriously, I hope you enjoy my story.


Darkness, nothingness, despair, light, and everything you can imagine filled a domain that was out of human reach and comprehension.

A lifeless soul was floating around this domain with no set direction. It wondered through the darkness and through the light.

Until finally, a figure appeared in front of this soul. well, it was more like a truck.

"Truck-Kun..." the soul muttered in disbelief and shock.

"My firm believer, I am sorry I have done wrongly by you and let you die too early. It was my incompetence that let this happen." the truck, also now known as Truck-Kun, sighed.

"So I've decided to make it up to you and live up to your beliefs of reincarnation! Haha" Truck-Kun laughed, knowing how the mortals believed him to be the Truck of Reincarnation.

"Seriously! Amazing, so what do I get a, system that lets me buy skills and god-like powers hehe" Sato laughed, a bit too mischievously.

"Of course... not! You get 2 wishes a, system, and a choice of a starting power out of 7. However, let me explain first, the system is just there to see your own and others' strength, no quests or shop or gifts. The wishes are regulated and can not make you instantly strong. You still have to work towards it. Now you understand, speak your 2 wishes".

Exasperated and disappointed, Sato could only begin to think of 2 wishes that could help him achieve power quickly.

Time passed, a couple of minutes later...

"I've got it. ok, first wish I want to be reincarnated with a bloodline with limitless potential. For my second wish, I want instant mastery and comprehension." Sato thought about these for awhile and realised that he didn't want to be born as a weak frail human with no potential again and also knew that understanding things like energy etc will be alot more diffculte than it is shown in the shows.

"First wish, granted. However, you will not be born as strong as said beings with these bloodlines but will have the potential to catch up and surpass them. The second wish, however, is denied. Instant mastery and comprehension is a power that will let someone become one of the strongest immediately, for example, just being born and then instantly comprehending anything you come into contact with." Sato sighed in distress.

"However, I can nerf it slightly, so I can give you a boost in comprehension and mastery over anything you come into contact with like skills, techniques or energy, etc. It just is not allowed to be instant mastery, but I can multiply your comprehension by 1000 times, and if you manage to increase it even more in the future, then that will give you even more benefits. What do you think?"

"I'll take it!" Sato said excitedly.

"Now the 7 powers I mentioned earlier, they come from a certain world and would need a certain energy to be utilised, but I have altered them to work with any power system. They are called the sin series, and the 7 powers are: Gluttony, Pride, Envy, Wrath, Greed, Sloth and Lust."

"The seven deadly sins power from Tensura?! A question before I choose, can they evolve into their final skills, or will they forever be locked in their unique skill state?" Sato was about to choose but then realised that if they didn't evolve, then his choice would be different.

Haha, good thinking, but they can evolve it just depends on if you can master the skill to its peak and let it evolve. " Truck-Kun smilled at Sato with a knowing smile.

"Then I choose Greed, but wait so I have my system, my wishes and now my chosen power but what world am I going to and what's my bloodline?" Sato realised just now that he forgot about the most important thing where he was going.

"Both are surprises, but further in the future there is a bigger surprise waiting for you. Hehe" Truck-Kun laughed mischievously, like he was excited for a show.

"Now, goodbye" and with that, the domain collapsed in front of Sato, and his consciousness blacked out.





Pain erupted all over Sato, like be was being crushed, until he felt relief and the pain stopped.

Bright light shined down on a his newly formed body as his mind started to awaken, and he remembered who he was.

"It's a boy" a breathless voice quivered in joy as a hoarse voice also celebrated.

"A boy, our first child is a boy".

Sato snapped out of his mindless state and realised he was just born anew into a body of a baby.

'Status' he thought, wanting to figure out his situation if his system will show him or not.

[Name: Sato Tenshi

World: Naruto

Timeline: 1995, November 15th. Naruto is the new jinchuriki and is only a month old.

Race: Angel (Dragon Ball Super)

Clan: Tenshi (Angel)


Chakra - Unawakened

Strength - Baby

Speed - Baby

Durability - Baby

Abilities: Greed, Scan, 1000x Comprehension & Mastery

Affinities: Unknown

Kekkai Mōra: Unknown]

"Naruto! Wait Angel!! From Dragon Ball Super, so Whis, Vados and the Grand Priest etc. Their Potential is definitely limitless, but do I get Ki and God Ki or Divine/Angel Ki?" Sato thought silently as he was shocked to see that he was in the naruto world with a dragon ball bloodline, but then wouldn't he become stronger than even hagaromo by the age of 10 if not quicker.

[Host has the possibility of attaining all power systems, chakra, ki, magic, nen etc. This possibility is given by your Angel bloodline, which has transformed your body to an Angel body that can absorb all types of energy with no limits and can harness all types energy. For example, the nature energy used in Naruto will be easily harnessed by you if you can comprehend it and your body will not be affected or turn to stone.]

Sato was ecstatic at the news of his newfound power, but his new baby body couldn't handle the thinking process of an adult at this moment in time, and he grew tired.


Time passed, a few months.

Sato was still getting used to his newfound powers and he could already feel his chakra in his body, with his new comprehension speed he easily learnt to flow his chakra and move it in a certain direction to make use of it.

In this time he had already made it appear all around his body and trained by just meditating to see how the chakra pool works, if he can increase the size of his chakra pool or if his body would need to develop more.

'It can't increase by just meditating for now, which probably means my body isn't developed enough. But what's the difference between my human body and my new Angel body except the harnessing all types of energy. Shouldn't I be physically stronger than humans too?' Sato thought to know one but was hoping the system would answer.

[Host is correct, except like Truck-Kun said, you wouldn't be born at their level, your body just has the limitless potential, but don't be mistaken because with this new body it would be like 1 hour training for you is the same as a normal human in the naruto world training for a couple of weeks, normal humans don't see massive improvements in a short period of time but your improvement will skyrocket no matter what]

'Ok then. So since I am just a baby at the moment I can't physically train just yet so for the next few years I will focus on mastering chakra and maybe look at my skills aswell' Sato thought of a game plan for the next couple of years.


Years passed by,

"Mum, I'm hungry."

During these years, Sato also learnt about his family, his mother is called Hana Tenshi, and his father is called Haru Tenshi. He is from a small clan, the Tenshi Clan.

The Tenshi Clan, Angel Clan in English, is a small clan in Konoha. Sato was surprised because he had never heard of them in the anime, but the system let him know that was because this clan was created for him to have the Angel bloodline.

He learnt that his father was the chief of the clan and also a Jonin Commander ninja. His mother is also just a normal housewife, but when he checked both of their status screens, he was surprised.

He learnt that in his clan there is a ancient story of how the Tenshi Clan used to be a ruling clan with their bloodline but it diluted all the way until now and they always hoped that one day another genius of their bloodline could be born again.

This made Sato realise that in the past there now may have been Angels in the past and now he is the child born with the pure bloodline, but it could of also just been that even in the past they weren't real Angels but it doesn't matter since they were created by Truck-Kun.

Sato is now 5 years old, nearly six, and it is time to start the Ninja Academy. The only problem is that Sato has gotten a lot stronger than during these years.

'Status' Sato thought silently just before he went to the Academy.

[Name: Sato Tenshi

World: Naruto

Timeline: 2001, start of Ninja Academy

Race: Angel

Clan: Tenshi


Strength- Chunin

Speed- Chunin

Durability- Jonin


Chakra- Jonin

Nature Energy- Genin

Abilities: Greed 21%, Scan 63%, 1000x C&M 11%

Affinities: Unknown

Kekkai Mōra: Space-Release]

During this time, Sato learnt how to use his Greed ability. He used it on bugs and insects and stole their energy which inadvertently gave him access to nature energy and let him harness it in his body.

He also learnt previously that the percentages next to his skills are to let him know how close his skill is to being mastered and evolved, but what surprised him the most is that his 1000x C&M can be evolved. This let him believe that he might be able to eventually get Intant Mastery.

"Sato, are you ready for the academy?" Hana asked Sato,


Sato now made his way to his first day of the Acacdmy.


Author Notes:

Word count - 1755

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I know people may be asking about his past life and his parents from the other world but let's just call him an orphan, I didn't wanna start writing like he was depressed and his parents died when he was young I just felt it wasn't needed, I just wanna write the adventure and anime world part but if you really want it I can do a prelude. However other than that please let me know your thoughts and his Kekkai Mora, space-release made sense to me and he can easily get more in the future. This is world travelling but the mc doesn't know yet and I don't know what world to do next.

Parents Stats next chapter, I will give more in-depth of the Tenshi Clan in later chapters