
Chapter 4 SUMMON


<name> Alex


<race> elemental gods

<strength> 1400

<defense> 1462

<speed> 1900

<stamina> 2100

<magic> 4500

Me:you are the only one to know this if you tell anyone else well I don't want to give away the surprise 😈

King:damn you grown to much,well I guess the kingdom needs a king like you


King:yeah your the prince you were always gonna be the king

Me:I don't wanna waste my time

King:I guess your brother will be

Me:yeah and he's older than me so

King:but he's only on level 21

Me:isn't that genius some teachers aren't even on 30 and there at least 10 years older than him

King:if you don't wanna be king than ok

Guard:we have found the 4

Me:bring them in here

Guard:yes prince!

They soon came back

Tim:why are we here,are we gonna go to prison

Me:oh hey guys I decided to join your party

When they heard this they were dumbfounded

Tim:you called us all the way to the castle to say that...wait castle are you prince Alex

Me:yeah anyway I decided to join the party we will meet up tomorrow at 11:30 at the guild


Because I dragged them here I gave them compensation as they each got 2k which I didn't care to go to waste.

Me:yo give me your space pouch


I looked in it and there was nothing in there

Me:hahahaha did the king become poor

King:shut up and tell me what

Me:oh here

I filled the pouch to the brim with money that I created with my creation magic.

King:how much is this

Me:that is likely 2.5 billion

The king wasn't fazed at all since he make 1 billion a month but he was still shocked As he did not know how Alex could possibly get his hands on 2.5 billion dollars.

King:how'd you get dis much

(That was not a mistake as I wrote "dis" instead of "this")

Me:well my master gave it to me

The king didn't ask many question as it didn't really matter now,after all this it was getting pretty late so I headed to my room but before that dad stopped me.

King:you should know this now

Me:what is it

King:we have prepared to summon heroes


King:about 30 or so months

Me:why you telling me this

King:well your gonna be their trainer..that is if you want to

Me:no it's ok I will

(Also the demon king is on level 1000 and the leveling doesn't really determine ones strength as you can do push ups and still gain strength)


And so I headed to my room to get sleep.

Next morning I woke up at 6 and started working out doing at few thousand push-ups and got cleaned up and wore these https://www.pinterest.com/pin/650910952366824627/ after that I got down for breakfast and made a BLT and drank some coffee,after eating it was about 9:30 so to waste my time.


I casted a greater summon spell that will summon a beast I can make a pact with.

????who dared to disturb me


System:damn you summoned two beasts

Me:two beasts yes

????:I am the king of hell Cerberus

????:I am the king of heaven


Cerberus looked like any other Cerberus looked like but the other two of his head had their eye's closed and didn't move so I guessed that he got stronger when all of the eyes are open.

The king of heaven looked like this https://www.pinterest.com/pin/520095456953804233/

It was a Chinese dragon with white skin/scales just go check it out.

Me:so how do I make a pact with you two

Cerberus:first we have to acknowledge you as our master

Me:how do we do that

Cerberus:just touch our head and send your life force


I put my hand on his head and tried to send my life force and 5 seconds later the Cerberus was panicking.

Cerberus:th-that is enough

Me:oh ok are you next

King of heaven:yes

The same thing happened.

Me:what's next

Cerberus:give us new names

Me:ok you shall be named Amara


King of heaven:what about me

Me:you will be named Amida

Amida:not bad name

Me:oh I forgot

I took out the fenrir and the slime out

Me:slime your name will be Akihiko


Me:wait you can talk


Me:ok fenrir your name will be Dai

Dai:ok master

Me:show me their status

<name> Akihiko

<level> 12->60

<strength> 376->1100

<defense> 500->1100


<stamina> 136->1100

<magic> 999->2500


<name> Dai




<speed> 2190




<name> Amara

<level> 766

<strength> 934,211

<defense> 942,142

<speed> 800,034




<name> Amida

<level> 777

<strength> 940,000

<defense> 950,000

<speed> 999,999


<magic> 3,000,000

Even though there level is lower than the demon king doesn't mean they are weaker as the two kings are 100s of times stronger.


(When I show you his stats on next chap his stats will change,because of the summons enhanced his stats)

Next chap will be around tomorrow.

Hope you won’t mind about next chap as it’s something important that could either lead this novel to glory or I will just drop so be warned a prepare your minds.

Limitless_Beingcreators' thoughts