
Chapter 2 training!


<name> Alex

<level> 1->2

<race> elemental gods

<strength> 16->21

<defense> 19->24

<speed> 9->16

<stamina> 45->48

<magic> 999->1000

Me:damn yes level two after killing the beasts I should take it back and sell them

After the two hours were up the slime was back.

Me:how many

There were at least 10 so I would get 1000 dollars and maybe more with the boar I killed,I headed back to the guild and it was noon so I hurried up,I put the slime in my inventory that is after I knew I had an inventory.

Me:here you go

The receptionist was a little surprised at the amount but still collected it and gave me the money.

Me:can I sell a beast here

Receptionist:yeah what do you got

Me:I got a boar

I took out the boar

Receptionist:this will be about 1200 dollars

Me:ok I wanna sell it

I sold the boar and got the money

Me:System can I get the perfect chef skill


After that I went to the shop and got some dough,some salami which was bigger than normal,after the salami I got some tomatoes and other stuff for my meal,altogether only costed 100 dollars which kinda surprised me since some ingredients cost over 100 so I was happy.

For desert I picked up ingredients of ice cream which was super hard to find and was expensive and costed 700 dollars because the stuff I bought were rare in this world and a high quality product but earning money wasn't that hard for me now.

I headed back home and started making pizza,put all the ingredients and heated it up with fire magic and it came out amazing so Letting the pizza chill for a few minutes I made the ice cream and then made it so that it does not melt by freezing the counter.

Me:wait don't I have creation magic

System:yes you wasted your money

Me:I don't need money anymore

System:not exactly true

Me:ok,can I make some stuff from my world

System:didn't you already

Me:stop Talking than

I started my creation magic and created a big cup and made Pepsi which I loved in my passed life,I casted ice magic and literally created ice I put into the Pepsi so I started digging,I was super hungry so I easily finished the pizza and ice cream, I made a straw and started drinking Pepsi slowly.

Olivia:what is that smell

As soon as Olivia came in the room she looked at the counter and saw that her brother was eating something and it was delicious.

Olivia:what were you eating

Me:don't care I am pretty tired I am going to sleep

So I just left with my drink after eating the plates after getting upstairs.

Me:System can i travel worlds


Me:ok that will be handy

System:also the limitless being gave me a message saying that your classmates will be summoned as heroes to this country in 3 years

When he heard system say this country he was happy as he was the prince of the country and he will personally meet them

Me:but why

System:well they will be heroes to defeat the demon king

Me:buy what about me

System:it is your choice to do whatever you want,even if you weren't here they would still be summoned

Me:ok I guess it'll be more fun

I kept tabs on my kill list as there were 2 to 3 people that had to die but I guess it'll be after they are more powerful,now I need a way to gain access to almost everything meaning I have to show them my power but I wasn't strong enough.

Me:is there someone that can train me

System:ahh yes the demon king


System:you see limitless being told the demon king to train you for 6 months straight

Me:how do I get there

System:use this token

Me:I guess I will go in a bit

I went downstairs to see the family eating

Me:hello I would like to say that I will be gone for 6 months

Mom:what! Why

His parents were worried about him as they didn't really care if he was weak

Dad:no you are not allowed to go

Olivia:he's just lying trying to get you guys to give him money

I questioned myself that if Olivia was on drugs or something

Mom:Again! You need to stop, you can just ask


As I said this I broke the token and disappeared


They were shocked as they didn't know if he was lying or not but now he's gone

Olivia:he'll be back by tomorrow

They stuck with that and waited to see if he came back tomorrow but next day he didn't come by midnight they waited for another day but he was still not coming so they were super worried,

Now our mc is teleported to the demon kings castle and right in front of him.

Me:demon king I guess you know who I am

Demon king:yes i have been waiting for you let's get started with the training

The demon king was first surprised to see someone appear in his castle but know wasn't that afraid.


6 months later


Me:that was one hell of a training if I say so my self

The demon king fought him many stuff as how to use his elements efficiently and how to use his bloodline powers which were amazing.


I hope you’ve made it through cause there’s a lot more to come

Limitless_Beingcreators' thoughts