
Chapter 1 Transmigration!

Today was a fine day until I got hit by a truck and now I'm stuck here which I don't even know where it is I also don't know how long I've been stuck,I am lucky to not go crazy with me being alone.

???:it seems you're suffering

I was kinda happy when I heard the voice cause I didn't hear 1 for so long but after a while I started questioning who this person speaking may be.

Me:who are you? Mister

???:well I have many names GOD,one above all

Me:which name do you stick with

???:I stick with limitless being

Me:so lb can I ask you a question

Lb:yeah sure

Me:where am I? Why am I here? How long have I been here?

Lb:fist you are in the Void

Me:where or what is the Void

Lb:it is In the outside of the multiverse


Lb:second question I do not know why you are here

Me:oh that's not helpful

Lb:third I see that you have been here for far to long

Me:so what now

Lb:you see I have been alive for to long I want to reincarnate

Me:so what does that have to do with me

Lb:I want you to take my place


Lb:you will get 10 wishes and transmigrate into a swords and magic world so choose your wishes carefully


Lb:yeah hurry

Me:wait is it a leveling type of stuff

Lb:yeah kinda


1.i want affinities with all the elements you know of

2.100x exp

Lb:that won't do



3.i want the bloodline of the elemental gods

4.i want soul weapon that grows

5.a system

And that's all for now

Lb:ok now you can go

And like I was never there I disappeared.

As I opened my eyes I was met with an unfamiliar but familiar room,as I was standing up a huge headache came up on me so I just sat back down.



Me:do I have infinite creation ability



After that I started to pull out my soul weapon which was a dagger which was black and had blue streaks the dagger was small and light and had zig-zag blade edge.

Me:this dagger is nice

I got up and started swinging the dagger at air and it was actually pretty easy,then I heard knocks on the door.

Me:come in

????:you don't have to tell me

The voice sounded cold as it had eyes of pity cast on me.

Me:what you want

Because of the memory he knew that this was his sister Olivia

Olivia:don't try to kill your self again

Me:why would I do that

Olivia:because you can't be a mage duh

What she said was correct but now he was probably the most genius mage of them all with millions of elements on his hand,but he still remembered that he had the water element.

Me:but didn't I have water element

Olivia:yeah but your affinity with it was less than 1%

Me:ok so why are you here

Olivia:didn't you forget

Me:what do you mean

He actually didn't know what she was talking about this time.

Olivia:you have to make money to feed your self

Me:why do you care

Olivia:I don't!

She said in a cold and arrogant voice,he got ready to go look for a job but thought of being an adventurer so he headed to the guild.

Me:hello I would like to register

Receptionist:ok you will start at rank F

Me:what are the ranks and what's the difference

Receptionist:the ranks are F-E-D-C-B-A-S-X, F are beginner and looked Down upon by the other ranks so people try to get out of that rank fast as they can,E is a little better than F they can take on a lot more quest than F rank can,D is a warrior and is good but there are loads of higher ranks,C is a well respected rank where people are not looked down upon,B is a veteran who can get request from nobles with high rewards,A rankers are usually taking on request from the kingdom,S rankers are very rare and usually takes on request from the king himself,X rank well there is only 1 person in this rank and is on the same rank as kings if not higher.

It was a lot to take in and some were just straight bs.


After that I went to the request board and took an E rank quest which was to collect a rare herb and I would get 100 dollars (I will use dollars but the cost of things are different) for each one which wasn't a bad pay so I headed out to the forest and used detection magic and searched for the four palmed plant which had 4 leaves of course but then I ran into a slime so I tried my next magic.


I made a pact with the slime

Me:wait system what's my status

<name> Alex

<level> 1

<race> elemental gods

<strength> 16

<defense> 19

<speed> 9

<stamina> 45

<magic> 999

(999 is not the limit(also won't show his intelligence,wisdom and luck stat)

Me:is that good

System:you are as strong as an E rank

Me:man that's horrible,show the slimes stats

<name> unnamed

<level> 12

<strength> 376

<defense> 500


<stamina> 136

<magic> 999

Me:why is he so strong

System:first of all he is on level 12 and second of all when you made a pact with him which he absorbed your energy and enhanced his strength


System:you can't be saying that

Me:ok so how strong is he

System: he is as strong as an B rank

Me:ha not that strong

Mc was actually jealous of the slimes power.

Me:go find the four palmed plant


I did not want to know what that meant,the slime scurried on finding the plant and I told the slime to come back in 2 hours so I started training for 2 hours.


2 hours later



I will start every chapter with his new updated status starting next chap.

Limitless_Beingcreators' thoughts