
Lilac sky’s

Abby_Roland · LGBT+
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1 Chs

First sight

Through the crowded halls of this lonely place my eyes caught hers and our glances held if only for a moment.

Hello, I am Quinn but my friends call me Q. I am a student at the modern day 'Round Table prep' or as I call it, stuck up villa. All the kids here have payed there way in; well all except me, I got in on a scholarship for Academic purposes and to say I have a straight A average is an understatement. I have short blonde hair and glasses, a petite body. Golden colored eyes. I stood only at about 4'feet 11'inches.

Today was like any other day until I notice someone I've never seen at school before. She was tall with dark hair and a darker complexion, maybe Latino? Her eyes, I only saw for a moment but her eyes, a sharp green that could cut into your soul~. Her lips shimmering with some time of sparkle lip gloss, plump, full, lips. I doubt she noticed me as our glance was broken when I was nudged by another student walking the halls of this hell hole. My books scattering across the floor, in my hurry to get them out from under everyone's feet I hadn't noticed that this girl never broke her gaze.

I stood from the floor with all my book in hand and headed to my next class passing by her as she walked the halls to her next class. Her perfume, a rich, sweet fragrance; why couldn't she have noticed me long enough to spark conversation? Now my days would be filled with the torture of walking these halls and smelling that sweet scent. Seeing those piercing green eyes and those long lovely legs, I'd do anything to be on her hit list.

My mind wondered as the day went on, but always came back to the same topic. HER! I have to know her name, I have to know what she eats for lunch, her favorite movie, the way she curls her hair. Everything about her I have to know, if I don't I will drive myself crazy. So I decided that by the end of the day I will know her name, at the very least.