
Trusting You

The door pushed open to reveal forest green walls with beautifully detailed trees painted on them. The dark oak floor gives the room the same outdoor feel the walls gave off, making it all the more real. The ceiling was painted a very dark blue and had little glow in the dark stickers stuck in random places to represent the stars at night. A small flower pot which held a rose bush, sat in the corner of the room across from my bed just below a large window. The window was one of the ones you could sit in, which I had done often growing up. It was rare to see me without a book in my hand when I sat there. I had the window open so that the sounds of the forest would soothe my mind. Even though the door had been untouched with a layer of dust on the handle, the room seemed to be spotless. The rose bush looked healthy and strong with its flowers at full bloom. There hadn't been a spec of dust anywhere that I could see.

I made my way further into the room, taking my place at the window. Grabbing the handle to crank the window open like how I had when I was younger, I gave it a few quick turns. It was probably because I was older, but the window opened a lot faster than I had remembered. Making myself comfortable, I turned the book in my hands. It was a beautifully bound book. Its faded leather cover told a story of how many people had sat there gently rubbing the edge of the cover before opening it. I gave it a soft mindful graze of my thumb before opening the book to the first page.

Thursday, August 18th 1943.

Today I had spoken with Ariella about the fairies I had seen dancing by the rivers edge. She told me it was probably demons getting ready to take me away like they had done to other girls every year. Though I don't think she's right. They didn't seem aggressive or mean, they looked at peace and like they were having so much fun. I couldn't help but want to join them. Maybe I will tomorrow? If Ariella finds out I know she will tell our mother. Then I won't be able to sneak out into the woods anymore. This will be my own mission. Tomorrow at sunset, Nora Lee Knight will dance with fairies.

It had only been the first page of the book, the beginning of someone else's adventure that I was being sucked into. I needed to know what happened next. Taking a small breath in, I turned the page.

Saturday, August 20th 1943.

The sun was setting and I had waited there behind a tree. None of the fairies had come back to play. I don't know if they had seen me, or if something had happened to them. I am going to wait here until I see them. I left a note on my bed for mother and Ariella telling them I was with the fairies. That was when I went back to get supplies and my diary. I don't have a fire, or any light. That might scare them away if they come back. I know that winter is coming soon, the nights are colder than normal right now. Don't worry though, I have my blanket. It's getting too dark to write. Update you later.


Edit- It's me again, the fairies are here! They want me to come with them to celebrate the new angel that was born. I can't wait to meet her! I knew Ariella was wrong about the fairies. I knew they were sweet and kind. I'm going to go and play with them. I promise I will go home tomorrow.

An uneasy feeling was settling in my chest at the edit she had made. Something about going with the fairies put me off. Did they really kidnap little girls like her sister had said? Was this the last that I would see of Nora?

Pages had gone by of the other relatives' entries, their encounters with all sorts of creatures. It wasn't until I got to the year 2005 that Nora's name reappeared. She had the same full name down to the t.

Sunday, November 3rd 2005

I finally got them to let me go home. They had sent my books back to my world so long ago. It had been passed from generation to generation until it had gotten back to me. Lori, the girl who owns it now said I can write my last entry before my world's time catches up with me. I won't be staying here long, I couldn't even if I wanted to. The way things are set up in Rovendalia, the world where fairies come from is so different from earth. Time flows slower and aging is decreased by years. The fairies I had seen the first night, dancing by the riverside, were celebrating the day they passed on to Alvina, their goddess. She goes by a different name on earth. If you wish to visit the land of fairies, or visit me, go to the river's edge outside of town and wait for them until dawn. Do not eat the food they offer you. It will make you forget. Goodbye for now.

-Nora Lee Knight

Nora was still alive and from the sound of it, I could actually meet her. I wonder how much slower time moved there. How old would she be on earth? How old is she physically after being there so many years? Was there any physical changes to her? I had so many questions I needed answers to, and I didn't feel like nana would be completely honest with me. So, to Rovendalia I go. Getting up from the window, I made sure to close it tight. I had to leave now if I wanted to make it to the river in time. I also had to get rid of Gabriel downstairs. Has he and Nana finished talking yet?