
The Journey's of The Lightning King


Raiton's village (Kumogakure) gets destroyed by Bakuhatsu's group of bad people

Raiton is 11-12 years old when it happens

Raiton trains a lot and gets stronger

At 17 years old, Raiton meets strong trainer named Shukuchi (girl)

Raiton gets attached to her (Love interest)

Raiton trains even harder inside Shukushi's dojo surpassing his limits

He and Shukuchi go get something to eat to take a break from training

Shukuchi and Raiton go find a place to eat, they notice somebody destroying the village

Raiton realizes that it's Bakuhatsu destroying the village

Raiton gets flashback and can't control his feelings so he decides to attack the villain

Shukuchi tries to stop him but he smacks her away

Raiton punches the villain

Bakuhatsu punches him far away, grabbing the trainer in the process

Bakuhatsu starts to kill her so the main character tries to stop him

Shukuchi uses her power to teleport the main character away to the dojo

Shukuchi's last words, "Don't give up….for Kumogakure"

Shukuchi is killed

Raiton gets depressed

Raiton trains EVEN HARDER

He awakens lightning hurricane

Raiton tries mastering lightning hurricane, but in the process he destroys half the dojo

He continues on training in an open field across the dojo

When he finally masters lightning hurricane, he goes on his journey to find Bakuhatsu

On his journey he meets an old man

He starts talking to the old man and gets to learn his name (Mizu)

Raiton figures out that Mizu is also a trainer so he asks to be trained

Mizu says that he is retired from training but that doesn't stop Raiton

Raiton finally gets through to Mizu

Mizu says that he can manipulate water

Mizu makes water clones for Raiton to fight

The water clones are very powerful

Raiton has trouble dealing with the water clone so he decides to use stage 1, thunder

Raiton puts both hands in the air and yells, "Blue Lightning!"

A grey cloud appears in the sky

In the blink of an eye, a huge thunder bolt comes crashing down on the clone

The clone makes a loud splash and disappears

"So you control lightning?" the old man says surprised

The old man sends another water clone Raiton's way

This water clone is ten times stronger than the last one

Before Raiton even realizes, the water clone is behind him

The clones hand is flowing strongly with water

The hand is very sharp, it looks like it can cut far through skin

The water clone takes a strong swing at Raiton

It doesn't look like he can dodge this attack

Powers (Main Character, Raiton)

Yellow Lighting

Blue Lightning (Stage 1, thunder)

Lighting (Stage 2, thunderstorm)

Lightning (Stage 3, lightning hurricane)

Black lighting (Last stage, Complete control)

Powers (Trainer, Shukuchi)


Can teleport organs/limbs

Powers (Villain, Bakuhatsu)

Explosive powers

Grenade (Stage 1, explosion)

Mine (Stage 2, hidden explosion)

Bazooka (Stage 3, Finger Bomb Sniper)

Nuke (Last stage, Tsar Bomba)

Powers (Old Man, Mizu)

Water manipulation

Droplet (stage 1, firehose)

Water Wall (stage 2, brick wall)

Cage (stage 3, water prison)

Wave (Last stage, Tsunami)

The powers' lore:

Teleportation is the theoretical transfer of matter and/or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. Early Greeks believed that lightning was a weapon of Zeus. An explosion involves a sudden and often violent burst of energy. Originally, explosion was used to mean "scornful rejection," from its root in the Latin explodere, "hiss off the stage," and a disappointed audience today might still be described as "exploding with boos." All three powers make up this simulation of this so-called world. This is the lore of the gods.