
Lightning and Fire Given Form(DxD)

When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime und Comics
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117 Chs

Camp Half Blood(Rewrite)

When Kurayami and the girls dropped off the loot they collected from the army of Grim Reapers they were ready to move on. They were going to sit around the truck, but it seems they did not have to.

Seemingly from out of nowhere, a soldier dressed in blue armor appeared near them. Kurayami looked at a soldier dressed in Greek armor with the symbol of a trident on his chest plate.

"Greetings. I have come to deliver these from Lord Poseidon." 

He handed over 5 passes for them. 

"These will allow you to enter the camp. Please excuse me."

Kurayami and the girls watched the man turn into water as he disappeared. Of course, they knew it was magic from Poseidon as they could feel the aura of the god of the seas.

Akeno was curious about Greek magic. 

"He couldn't have given those earlier?" 

"Would have been nice, but gods are weird."

Esdeath had to agree with him. 

"Very true. But at least we won't be bored." 


As they were celebrating the pay they would get, Percy was getting the tour. When he arrived he was totally worried for his mom, but he felt she was going to be safe.

Grover led him through the camp and on the way he looked around at the people dressed in armor and training with weapons. People gazed over at him and were interested in who his godparents might be.

Grover looked back at him and cleared his voice. The young Satyr was excited that Percy could start training.

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. A place where the demigod children of the gods train to master their powers. But before that, we need to speak to Chiron."

Percy followed, but he looked at the purple bracelet that was clamped to his hand. Kurayami had clamped it down. 

"So what about this?"

He raised his hand and Grover shook his head as he had no clue.

"You can get it removed if you want, but it is a tracker, and that Fallen Angel guy said if your dad hired him to prove your innocence. Sadly he is a much better protector than me."

Percy didn't get what the protector was.

"What do you mean protector?"

Grover explained it to him as Percy was still new to this.

"Every demigod is watched by a Satyr and when they activate their powers they are taken here for their safety and to master their powers." 

Percy nodded and was led to Chiron however before he could move Kurayami grabbed his arm.

"Got you."

When Percy turned he saw Kurayami towering over him. Now though, he had a cat on his head. When Grover saw him he looked at him slack-jawed.

"How the hell are you in here?"

Kurayami pointed at the badge on his neck.

"A messenger of your father gave us this. Until further notice, you are stuck with me, and me with you. Percy."

Percy sighed and motioned to the bracelet.

"When is this coming off?"

"It stays on until I no longer have to deal with you, plus it is more than a tracker."

Percy was interested.

"What can it do?"

Raynare held his arm as she punched it. If that hit his entire arm would be broken, but a small shield appeared and blocked her blow. Seeing that made him a little happier to have it.

"It can serve as a sacrifice for your power if you go over your limit, and it serves as a small shield that can block deadly attacks. If that hit you would not have a hand."

Percy looked back to the purple bracelet and accepted it.

"How is my mom?"

Akeno reassured him. 

"She is fine. Nothing can get her in Grigori as it is teaming with Fallen and our Father is there. Plus messing with Azazel is not a smart move from any power."

Percy sighed in relief and nodded. It was interesting to think about. Just then, a blond girl looked at them with interest and ran up to them. He looked them over and yet her eyes went to Kurayami for his outfit. 

His outfit looked more in place in the Middle Ages not the modern time and he had a cross on his neck. 

"Hey. Why are you dressed like that? And who are your parents?"

Kurayami looked at her and answered. 

"We are not demigods. Special pass to enter."

They pointed at the pass on their necks. She saw that 4 of them had the passes, and the cat, but Percy didn't.

"So you're the one. Who is your parent?"

Percy answered. 


The blond girl gasped as that was one of the big three. The smell of the sea seemed to increase at the name. That confused Percy greatly as saying a name caused that. 

"Why does that happen?" 

Kurayami explained it funnily. 

"Names have power. Say it out loud and things happen. Indra."

The moment he said that the sky ripped with thunder, but some clouds retreated in fear. It seemed that Indra was doing this to mess with Zeus as no one liked Zeus. Annabeth was in shock as the clouds had never retreated.

"How did you do that?"

Kurayami explained simply.

"I just said the name of a god stronger than Zeus in his domain, but while fun it is not advised. From now on, refer to them by their proper names."

Percy nodded and was impressed someone had no fear when he talked of the gods. He needed to know how they did it.

"Hey. Why are you guys not afraid of stuff like this?"

Raynare shook her head as she answered the question.

"We are Fallen Angels."

Kurayami took over as he explained how they were not bothered.

"Well from the time I was 4, I have been trained in many ways by some of the best trainers in the Three factions. My father, Azazel, Shemhazai, and many others."

Annabeth heard what he was and knew a bit of the Bible, but she thought it was a myth.

"Wait. Fallen Angels? You are from heaven? It's real? Is God real?"

Kurayami knew what to say and what not to say.

"No. I am not from Heaven. My father was from Heaven, but he fell when he gave in to lust, and yes. God is real."

Annabeth suddenly found more info and as a daughter of Athena wisdom is power. When they got to Chiron he was playing pinochle with another man who was drinking a diet soda. He gazed over to their group and locked onto Percy.

"Guess I should say good luck for getting here. Welcome and all, but don't think I am happy to see you."

He looked at Grover and spoke up.

"You playing?"

Grover sat down and took some cards. Kurayami joined in the game after he read all the rules and played along with them. Mr. D was his nickname, but he was Dyonisus the Wine God. He had a red nose, black shaggy hair, a black beard, and a Hawaiian shirt. He also looked at the passes on Kurayami, Esdeath, Raynare, and Akeno necks. 

He also wondered, why was the black cat on his head wearing one too. When he focused he knew why. It was a yokai. 

"So we got three Fallen, a human, and a Nekusho. Great just what I need. More pantheons, more Sacred gear holders. At least he knows how to play."

Kuroka jumped down from his head and returned to her human form next to Kurayami. More specifically, she sat in Kurayami's lap. She was light and small so it did not bother him much. 

"You figured it out?"

He scoffed as he got underestimated.

"I am a god, your Ultimate Class strength is not enough to hide from me, little girl."

She frowned as she did not like being weak. It was her biggest regret as she had to work 10 times as hard to have any boost in power. Annabeth heard the term and asked about it.

"Uh Mr. D what is sacred gear? What is a Nekusho?"

The god rolled his eyes as he looked at Kurayami. 

"Mind explaining it? I ain't got the patience."

"A Sacred Gear is an artifact created by the God of the Bible for the human race to protect them from the Supernatural. The thing is demigods can get them, but the chances are beyond low. As for a Nekusho, it is a Nekomata or cat-eared youkai, a race from Japan."

Kuroka nodded.

"Me and my sister are the last two left."

Chiron sighed.

"Every time a race nears extinction it is rather sad. No matter where from?"

That made her angry a little, but it was true. There were only two left, but she had something to hope for. She turned around in his lap and hugged him tight. 

"No worry, my Kurayami will make me a lot of babies."

Kurayami's eyes began to glow bright in embarrassment. 

"Give us some years Kuroka. We are young. I'm only 14 after all."

Everyone there shot him a look of disbelief as he looked 17. Also, why was he so tall already for his age? A lot of men stopped growing at 5'7 or shorter and here he was at 14 and already 5'11.

How tall was he going to be when he reached 21 when Fallen Angels stopped growing? Still, Percy felt even more info as he just learned God is real and does that means Hell. Kurayami continued as he ignored Kuroka smelling him. 

"At the top are the 14 Longinus or the Gears that kill gods."

At his words, Mr. D's eyes looked salty, but he could not deny it.

"The 14 Longinus were made from many abilities, even some were taken from the Greeks' right Dionysus."

As the name of the god was said, grapevines sprouted in the room. As he was forbidden to grow grapes the sky rumbled and he snapped his fingers turning them into strawberries.

"I wouldn't throw names like that around, but as much as it irks me he is right. Two items were taken and turned into Longinus for the humans."

Kurayami threw some cards down as he was enjoying this game. Grover heard more and more and looked nervous.

"Uh Mr. D. You going to eat that can?"

The god shook his head and Grover ate it mournfully. Percy wanted to know more.

"Which ones?"

This time Esdeath spoke up to explain.

"The Nemean Lion and Canis Lycon. Two very powerful Longinus. Who owns them no one knows?"

Mr. D looked at the girl and saw she was stronger than any demigod he had ever met. Sacred Gears were unfair after all

"Ice girl is correct."

Percy tilted his head.

"Ice girl?"

She looked at him quite proudly as she bragged about herself.

"I and Kurayami own two of the Longinus ourselves. Incinerate Anthem and Demon Extract."

Mr. D sighed as Kurayamu just stole the card game. 

"Not bad for a newbie. On the plus side, why do you think Russia is so cold? An old wielder froze it solid."

Percy and Annabeth went slack-jawed. Annabeth did not know this in the history book so she was curious.

"Siberia was not always cold?"

Mr. D shook his head.

"Nope. Once was quite nice until my dear father went after that guy's woman. Dad was chased off and he still has a frostbite scar on his chest from the cold. Also, he lost the fight too."

Dionysus smiled as it made him happy. The sky rumbled in anger, but Dionysus didn't care.

"Anyway, I am going to take a nap. You 5 can stay with Peter Johnson here. Not like I care."

He left after that and Chiron moved his wheelchair out leading them to the cabin of Hermes.

"Normally only demigods can stay in these cabins, but your pass shall allow it."

Kurayami shook his head as he did not mind it.

"That is fine. We can just camp outside, but what are the rules for our families? We keep them out in the open, so they don't stay cooped up in their pact."

Chiron began to leave his wheelchair. Once he was out in the open he began to stand up from his wheelchair and soon his white horse's lower half was out and he stretched and thought about it.

"What kinds are they?"

Kurayami summoned Tyrant, Ulrik, and his Bicorn, Raynare summoned Cain, Esdeath summoned a small white tiger and Akeno summoned Elektra who was no longer so small. She was the size of a big dog. Still growing slowly. 

Chiron looked at the creatures in awe.

"A Mutant Razor Tooth Fiend, a Black SKull General, A Dullahand, A Tundra Tiger, and a Sprite Dragon. With this it will be fine and as long as they don't cause trouble."

He snapped his finger and a mark appeared on the creatures where it was most visible. Percy was once again drawn to the creatures and Grover, while afraid, tried to talk to Tyrant. The creature looked at the Satyr and licked his lips.

As for the rest of the creatures, they looked away. Cain and Ulrik were no animals, their mounts were, but they ignored Grover.

Grover looked down as if he failed but Chiron patted his shoulder.

"Don't despair. Monsters, especially familiars are extremely proud and only like their owners and close friends. Come along, Percy."

Chiron left with Percy and Grover and left Kurayami, Esdeath, Kuroka Raynare, and Akeno behind. Raynare walked forward and looked around.

"You know maybe we train here for a time and see how it compares to Nephilim."

Tyrant nodded as the training he was put on was also extremely intense. You don't get this strong by just eating. Kurayami looked around and accepted.

"Demigods can't be weak, so there must be a few we can recru- I mean befriend."

Raynare broke out laughing as to why wouldn't they try to recruit some for Grigori. Kuroka looked around as she could sense quite a few demigods that still had more potential that had not been tapped into.

"I second that nya. Let's steal them."

They all walked to a part close to a big pond where a few demigods froze when they saw them riding their mounts. Akeno still couldn't fly on Elektra, but it was bound to happen. They stopped and set up camp while their familiars all lounged around. After they were done they just relaxed together. 

Kuroka returned to cat form and just slept on Kurayami's lap as he rested his back on Tyrant. Tyrant was nice and warm, and Kurayami couldn't get burned by weaker flames. However, Tyrant's flames were purple and black.

Esdeath's familiar was named Astor, but he was just a cub. They just relaxed for a time while Percy was settling into Cabin 11. Kurayami knew that Percy would get bullied very soon as the new kid. It was so common that it was funny how much humans and supernatural beings were similar.

They nearly always had good and bad people and something told him Percy was an attention magnet.

'Oh well, it will toughen him out.'

He closed his eyes as he started to fall asleep.