

I awoke to the gentle rays of sunlight streaming through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. Stretching my arms above my head, I welcomed the new day with a yawn. The events of yesterday still lingered in my mind, the anticipation for today's training session growing stronger with each passing moment.

As I swung my legs over the side of the bed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling within me. Today was a new opportunity for growth, a chance to see if my training is paying off, even by only a little. But before I delved into the challenges that awaited me, there was one important thing to take care of—breakfast!

With a quick splash of water on my face, I prepared myself for the morning routine. Dressing in my training attire, I grabbed my bag, making sure I had everything I need, which in reality was really only my sword.

Before heading out, I checked my phone to see whether Hina or even Akio have either responded to my text, or have tried reaching out to me.... to no avail

I can't say I blame them though... they must still be recovering from that incident...

Pushing aside my concerns for now, I focused on the present moment. I slipped my phone into my pocket and made my way towards the dining area.

The familiar buzz of conversation and the clinking of cutlery filled the air as I entered the room. Raegar, with his wolf-like ears alert, looked up and greeted me with a big toothy grin. Sylia's tail began to slightly move as she saw me walk into her view. Amaya waved me over with a friendly gesture, and Aria acknowledged me with a nod.

Taking my seat among them, I couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air as we engaged in light-hearted banter, discussing our plans for the day.

Raegar leaned back in his chair, a playful glint in his eyes. "Hey, Kane! Slept like a log, did ya?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, I slept great. I think I could've slept through an earthquake."

Sylia grinned mischievously, her whiskers twitching. "Well, lucky for us, no earthquakes last night. But I did have some pretty crazy dreams though!"

Amaya tilted her head, her playful demeanour shining through. "Oh, do tell, Sylia. What fantastical adventures did you embark on?"

Sylia leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Picture this: I was soaring through the sky on the back of a dragon! When suddenly BAM! A GIANT STRUCK ME DOWN!"

We all burst into laughter, charmed by Sylia's vivid imagination. We continued having some light hearted conversations and shared some laughs while cleaning up, when all of a sudden…

“Attention, students!" Crimil announced, his voice carrying authority. "Training will begin in 15 minutes. I expect all of you to be ready and present at the designated training ground. We have a challenging session planned today, so don't be late!"

The room buzzed with a mixture of anticipation and a touch of nervous energy. The mention of an upcoming training session stirring a range of emotions within us. We quickly finished our breakfast, knowing that time was of the essence.

Raegar stood up first, his wolf-like ears perking up with determination. "Well, no time to waste. Let's get geared up and show Crimil what we're made of!"

Sylia grinned mischievously, her feline tail twitching with excitement. "You bet!”

With Sylia's energetic remark, we quickly finished cleaning up, and began to make our way through the enclave.

The walk through the enclave was filled with a vibrant mix of energy and camaraderie. Students from various races and backgrounds bustled through the corridors, all heading in the same direction with a shared purpose.

We passed a group of dwarves, their sturdy forms adorned with practical armor, discussing tactics and strategies with animated gestures. Their laughter boomed like rolling thunder, echoing off the enclave's walls.

A trio of graceful elves glided past us, their elegant movements a testament to their race's natural grace. Their ethereal beauty and poised demeanor contrasted with the more boisterous students around them.

As we turned a corner, a group of beastfolk emerged into view. Among them, a pack of wolf beastfolk like Raegar, chatted with friendly banter. Their keen senses seemed to catch every detail of the environment, adding to their lively conversation.

We also spotted a few avian beastfolk with their colorful plumage and keen eyes. They exchanged knowing glances and nods, their wings slightly twitching with anticipation.

As we arrived at the training grounds, Crimil stood at the center, a stern expression on his face. The other students had gathered around, forming a semi-circle, eagerly awaiting his instructions. The atmosphere was tense, each student brimming with anticipation for the upcoming challenge.

"Attention, everyone!" Crimil's voice rang out, commanding the attention of the entire group. "Today's training will take us back into the rift, but this time, it's a D tier mock rift. Each group will enter one by one and face an environment filled with monsters. Your task is to find and kill to core monster, just as you did during your last training session."

A murmur of excitement and determination rippled through the students. We had proven our abilities once before, but this time, the stakes were higher.

"Those who pass this challenge will have the opportunity to attend the next training session, which will be a real rift expedition," Crimil continued. "In that session, you will be facing actual dangers and dealing with real-life consequences. This is your chance to prove your readiness for such a task."

The prospect of a real rift expedition had a mix of excitement and anxiety coursing through the crowd. Although we’ve technically already had a bit of experience with rifts due to the training, a real expedition is a completely different ballgame.

Crimil's eyes swept across the eager faces before him. "Be aware that this rist is no easy challenge either. It will test your skills, teamwork, and resolve. Cooperation will be crucial in overcoming the challenges within."

With each passing moment, my determination grew stronger. I was ready to face whatever lay beyond the rift, feeling excited to test out how much i’ve improved from my training yesterday.

Crimil concluded, "Prepare yourselves, and remember, no matter what happens in there, the real reward is the experience and growth you gain from it. Now, the first group, step forward."

As the first group went forward, we observed how they handled the challenges inside the rift. One by one, each group had a turn, some failing, and some succeeding, until finally it was our turn…..

Stepping into the rift, a wave of energy enveloped us, transporting us to a different realm. As the swirling portal dissipated, we found ourselves in a dimly lit cave-like environment. The air was heavy with an otherworldly aura, and the distant echoes of water dripping filled our ears.

"Ew…. this place gives me the creeps!" Sylia remarked, her lips tilted into a frown.

Amaya nodded, her ears twitching as she sensed the magical energy in the air. "How fascinating..”

Aria remained silent, her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings with a sense of vigilance. She took a step forward, her hand ready to draw her bow if needed.

Raegar sniffed the air, his wolf-like senses on high alert. "There's definitely some monsters near by. Stay sharp."

"Yeah… this is definitely different than last time," I murmured, my eyes scanning the cave's intricate details. The walls were adorned with phosphorescent crystals, casting a soft, ethereal glow that illuminated the path ahead. The cave floor was uneven, with natural crevices and small, glittering gemstones scattered like stars on the ground.

Stalactites and stalagmites formed stunning natural sculptures, their jagged edges adding an element of danger to the otherwise beautiful surroundings. Water droplets glistened on the pointed tips of stalactites, occasionally falling with a faint splash, creating a soothing rhythm that echoed through the cavern. Occasional bioluminescent fungi clung to the walls, emitting a soft, pulsating light that added an almost magical ambiance to the cave. As we moved deeper into the cavern, the air became cooler, carrying with it the earthy scent of damp stone and moss.

The cave seemed endless, with winding passages leading off in every direction. I couldn't help but marvel at the natural wonders around us, even in the midst of our impending challenge. The way the light played on the cavern walls, the way shadows danced with every movement— it was beautiful.

The further we ventured into the cave, the more the environment seemed to come alive. As we turned a corner, we were met with our first adversaries—a group of magic fungi. These large mushroom-like creatures pulsed with an array of elemental properties. Some glowed with a fiery red hue, hinting at their fiery nature, while others emitted a gentle blue glow, suggesting water-based abilities.

I quickly assessed the situation, taking note of the varying sizes and colors of the magic fungi. They seemed to communicate with each other through soft, melodic hums, creating an eerie but fascinating symphony in the cave.

Sylia's eyes lit up with excitement as she observed the magic fungi. "Wowwww! They're so pretty!”

As Sylia marvelled at the fungi, her keen eyes caught a sudden movement in the distance. I followed her line of sight and noticed that one of the magic fungi had turned its glowing eyes toward our group. Within moments, the other magic fungi followed suit.

"They've noticed us!" I warned, tightening my grip on my sword.

Raegar's wolf-like ears perked up, and he raised his shield in preparation. "Looks like they're coming this way. Get ready, everyone!"

The magic fungi reacted swiftly, bouncing towards us with surprising speed. The red ones unleashed sparks of fire, while the blue ones sprayed jets of water in our direction.

Raegar expertly absorbed the attacks with his shield, and I seized the opportunity to close the distance. With determination in my eyes, I sprinted forward, weaving through the bouncing magic fungi with agile footwork.

With a burst of magic, I slashed through two of the fungi with flames and steel. The blade cut through them leaving a trail of fire in the air, and they dissipated into sparks and mist. However, as I stepped back, I felt an intense heaviness wash over my body, leaving me momentarily sluggish.

Sylia reacted quickly, her electric magic crackling as she leaped over the remaining magic fungi. Her attack stunned them momentarily, buying me some time to recover.

My body felt like it was moving through molasses, but I refused to succumb to the exhaustion. My training had taught me resilience, and I wasn't about to let it go to waste. Using what little mobility I had, I managed to dodge the magic fungi's counterattacks, relying on agility and reflexes to stay out of harm's way. The heaviness in my limbs gradually lessened as I focused on my breathing and regaining my composure.

"Kane, you okay?" Raegar asked, concern evident in his voice.

I nodded, determined not to be a burden to my friends. "Yeah, I just need a moment. Keep them busy!"

Suddenly, a few arrows tore through the air and struck one of the fungi, as another one was also stabbed by Amaya

She gracefully twirled her silver-forged dagger, her kitsune charm evident in her elegant movements. "I've got your back, Kane," she said, her voice calm and collected.

Meanwhile, Aria's bowstring hummed with tension as she sent precise arrows flying, hitting another magic fungus with deadly accuracy.

Raegar took the opportunity to unleash a powerful swipe with his clawed gauntlet, sending one of the magic fungi tumbling backward. I seized the opening and sprang into action. With a burst of energy, I lunged towards the rolling creature, my sword gleaming with flames. Time seemed to slow as I focused all my concentration on the approaching target. The fiery aura around my blade intensified, and with a precise strike, I sliced through the magic fungus with a single, swift motion.

The creature dissipated into sparks and fading embers, leaving only a trail of wispy smoke in its wake. I landed carefully, my breaths coming steady and composed.

My friends' cheers and encouraging words filled the air, echoing through the cavern as we stood victorious.

Raegar gave me a hearty pat on the back, a proud grin on his wolf-like face. "Nice move, Kane! You got 'em good!"

Sylia's eyes lit up with excitement. "That was awesome! Your swordplay is getting even better!"

Their words filled me with a sense of accomplishment, and I couldn't help but smile. “Just doing my part.”

With our first challenge behind us, we got ready to continue to explore the cave, navigating its twists and turns with caution and determination. More obstacles and adversaries awaited us, but we were ready to face them head on.