
Light Years Away

Story of best friends, Kang Sola and Xue Guangxi, as they traverse their journey through adulthood, amidst conflicting choices and internal issues within themselves and from their past. Will they be able to resolve their personal struggles and find a common ground towards happiness? Will they have to compromise to achieve it? Will they end up together and overcome the threshold of their friendship into lovers or remain as platonic friends and each other's family? ---- She balled her fists, getting ready to punch the man in the face if the situation requires. They are, after all, alone in the room. Sometimes she forgets that Xue Guangxi was of the opposite gender – a man more than capable of beguiling innocent women when he sets his mind to the task. ‘Perhaps he had been gone for too long that I had forgotten how his charms work. That fact never left my head, but experiencing it firsthand… Well, Nah!!!’ She tried to shake whatever silliness her mind entertains despite her prudence. But what her neutral poker face could hide, her berserkly widened eyes could not conceal. Nevertheless, even if he noticed, the young man did not point it out. He was more concerned and occupied by other matters. Matters of far greater importance… …For example, her safety. She blinked several times, trying to disrupt the connection their locked gazes somehow managed to forge. She bowed her head, still blinking, and darted her lowered gaze to the floor. She straightened up her sitting position and swatted both of the man’s hands on her shoulders without force. But Xue Guangxi held her in place. “Look at me.” “What is it now, Guangxi?” She whispered. Her voice, thin and fragile and barely audible. Perhaps more from the earlier adrenaline pushed a blush on her face. Perhaps, it wasn’t the adrenaline to be blamed. She tried to swat his hands for the second time, but his grip only tightened, making his point more pronounced. Either he obeys or she does. Most of the time, Xue Guangxi always gave in to Kang Sola’s whims. Even when his temper wasn’t too great to be proud of, at the end of every argument, he lets the girl win. But in this instance, he wanted to be more assertive. “You always make me worry, Sola.” He breathed with all solemnity, like a prayer. The clasp of his hands on her shoulders tightened. She could feel it. She winced. Then, without further ceremony or introduction, he pressed her into a tight embrace, full of concern. Any person would be able to discern if a form of skinship was of sincere nature or not. Kang Sola could tell his was of genuine care and concern for her. “You are far more delicate than you think. God, Sola!” He cradled her head with his right hand placed just above her nape. Some of her balayage locks laced his manly fingers. ---- Other Info: Light story about friendship, family, love, and adulting. No offensive, dark themes (just the backstory, hehe), **Can be considered the second book after Milady's Fine Gentleman, but the story is stand-alone. Reference to the first novel is minimal if not only shown in the backstory. BUT THERE WILL BE SPOILER FOR MILADY'S FINE GENTLEMAN (It's inevitable, sorry)** "You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars" -E.E. Cummings "Just like the moon, I go through phases." -Angie Weiland Crosby "Only in the darkness can you see the stars." -Martin Luther King Jr. ----- The author has a discord server and Instagram! Follow, connect, and share your thoughts. IG : author_midnight_bloom email : authormidnightbloom@gmail.com For kind appreciation efforts to the aspiring writer, please go to the following sites: https://www.patreon.com/midnight_bloom Ko-fi.com/midnight_bloom Disclaimer : Cover credits to Pinterest

midnight_bloom · Urban
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233 Chs


Kang Sola parked her car into the slot reserved for her in their office building. She just for back from touring Xue Guangxi's new office.

It was around ten in the morning, and she was running late, thanks to her friend.

Almost in a brisk-walk, she scampered towards the elevator. Coat on one arm, she tried to slide off her car keys into her shoulder bag while maintaining her mobility. It's those instances when multi-tasking could be handy.

Mind preoccupied, she did not notice a man that had been studying her from afar until he was almost arm's length.

"Miss Kang Sola." He called her attention.

"No way!" She blurted out, surprised. "When did you come back, Senior Qiao?" Her face brightened at the sight and recognition of the man she looks up to.

"Two weeks ago." The man smiled back without going into much details on his whereabouts.

"How have you been, my darling weather girl?" His face was filled with inquisitiveness – the type that was laced with genuine excitement, and not just with being nosy.

"Uhh, sorry to disappoint you, Senior. I'm not a reporter anymore. Hehehe. Personal reasons."

He sighed. "What a waste of talent. Anyway, I think it's providential that we meet today. I'd like to inform you that our broadcasting company, KNA, is opening its doors to aspiring reporters. If you ever have a change of heart, maybe you can give it a try."

"Uhm, I don't know, Senior. I've already graduated from that phase in my life. I'm leading a different life now. More colorful and flexible and fun." She chuckled a bit. "Besides, can I be still considered 'aspiring'? More like a failure who wants to be a wildcard." She bit her lower lip from the bitterness of her words.

"Oh, come on. Just think about it. I know a talent when I see one. Just promise me you'll give it some thought. At the end of the day, it's still your decision."

"Hehe. Okay, Sir. Thank you." She bowed her head slightly.

He tapped her on the shoulder, then handed her his business card. "See you around."

She bowed again in respect as he disappeared into the corridor. The elevator she's been waiting for opened and she climbed onto the fifth floor.

There, she was met with her friend, Wu Xiang, the same guy who went with Xue Guangxi to take her home when she was drunk.

"You're late." His face was scrunched.

'Uh-oh.' Kang Sola thought guiltily.

"We're on flexible working hours." She responded tactlessly in her defense as she lay her bag on a corner of her desk.

"But we have a call time. You've never been late before." He gave her that suspicious look which had an underlying message, 'There must be a bad influence around you.'

"Hey, stop that, okay?" Kang Sola begged with an arched brow. Sometimes this friend was too righteous for her standards.

"What?" Wu Xiang proceeded with where he left off before the lady entered the room. He picked up one metal ornament made up of brass and polished it with a rug repeatedly.

"Don't give me that look and let's just get to work."

He scoffed. "You want to get away with it, huh? It's him, isn't it? The reason you were late today."

"Who are you talking about?!" The lady now raised both of her brows, turned her whole body, and faced Wu Xiang.

She thought it weird for the young man to know her senior at her previous occupation. It's a small world but wouldn't it be too small for them to move around if indeed Wu Xiang knows him?

"I bumped into a colleague from my previous work. Sorry." Kang Sola admitted just to end the conversation. They were already behind their schedule, but this young man seemed to prioritize giving her an earful first.

"Are you sure? Is it not because of your friend, the newcomer? The one you brought the other night?"

Kang Sola released an exasperated sigh. 'Come on.' She went on studying their plan and blueprint for their DIY project scheduled that day. Wu Xiang already prepared the initial woodworks.

When she had been drunk the other day, she had not personally seen how hostile her two closest guy friends had been towards each other, but she was notified by her lady friends. They sent her concerned and prying messages about it.

"He may or may not be the reason. Maybe. So what?" Her tone reflected annoyance. Her patience was slimming off. She could barely hold on and be tolerant of him. It's one of those talks that were pretty much pointless.

"He's bad for you." He clicked his tongue.

Kang Sola stopped what she was doing altogether and just gawked at him. She locked her gaze on her prudent friend's frowning face, and laughed mockingly, "How would you know? Easy conclusion, huh? Why does your blood boil over him? What did he do to you? It surprises me. You do not lose your temper so easily."

"He pisses me off without reason. I think he's too conceited, too smug. It's just him being him."

She tried to analyze the situation from a different angle. "Hmmm. I guess your personalities clash. Please be more tolerant of him. Especially when we're going to feature their office in one of our vlogs."

"You didn't just agree to that." Wu Xiang nearly dropped the polyester crystal and the rug he was holding. He froze, but then resumed in rubbing the crystal.

"Oh, I just did." She leaned the ball of her right hand onto the edge of the work table full of scattered scraps of colorful paper and a cutting board on the farther side.

"You should have consulted me first." He complained. "We're partners in this channel."

"…Is that so?" Kang Sola fell silent in a moment. "Well then, maybe I'll just do the feature on my other channel. In my solo channel." She smiled and shrugged. "It'll work just fine. Relax. Sorry! I should have asked you first, hehe! It's all figured out now."

The conversation ended there, as she focused all her attention on their DIY project that had been delayed. Wu Xiang was far from being contented yet with the resolution but sensing that the lady seemed already annoyed at him, he controlled himself and just stopped there.

The day went by and they accomplished doing and capturing their DIY project on video. They did not discuss her tardiness any more. The uneasiness between them that morning also disappeared throughout the day.

That night, Kang Sola tossed and turned in her blankets. She thought about what her senior at her previous work told her.

'Would I give it a shot? Why not, right?'

'Nah, it has been too long. I've gone for too long… And… I would need to do lots of adjustments.'

'What do I really want to achieve in my life?' She stared at the ceiling. 'Maybe I'm not qualified anymore.'

Lost in her thoughts, sleep finally arrived and conquered her.