
Light Force

The day of destiny. The light of goodness let's know the faith of our just heroes

Charles_jnr_Nwonyi · Aktion
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1 Chs

The beginning

Narrator: In the beginning there was a god. He was creating his own universes among the multiverse with the aim of creating a prime ultraverse. His name is Lurachio.

Lurachio:(creating universes seriously)

Narrator : While he was creating, some creation molecules let loose because of the powers instability. Thus the molecules formed a being. While lurachio was in the kingdom of gods. He was making a full scan of all his universes. He discovered a being and tested it and it was good. While in his chamber.

Lurachio: What are you thinking of

Unknown being: I am thinking of justice and doing good.

Lurachio: From this day forward you shall be called ACTION LIGHT, for your actions bring forth justice and your goodness is light.

Action light: That's my name(happily).


Meanwhile in the lunarverse/ Dark kingdom. In a planet called Darkum. A being called Darksun was planning to kill the Darkgod so he become the new king like his grandad did before he was killed but luckily had a child. So he went to another planet in the lunarverse called demom. It was the 2nd strongest planet in the lunarverse. It has one of the most deadly weakness germs. These germs are 3 (Woosh, Sarp, and Lufi). Woosh and and sarp were destroyed by the use of selfish owners. They destroy within a week , if the holder's intention are drastically demonic. The strongest germ is Lufi. It makes immortals to become mortals, it makes the powerful to be powerless and vice versa. So it is guarded by two deadly beings called LEVI and DEVI. They both protect and sense beings that came to the evil groove to get the lufi. So when darksun found out about it. He used his Spell journal and Dark magic (Heavy). He had to sacrifice his left eye for the magic. Then he was now invisible to every living and dead being. Then he made a fake eye with his normal black magic. When he went to the evil groove it wasn't any hard for him. He just appeared , grabbed the germ and disappeared with no trace. He got the germ.

Darksun: Now I can go to darkum and kill Darkgod. (laughing) (with a small grin on his face).

Narrator: He arrived darkum and plans to buy a blood cake(the most loved food in the food in lunarverse).

Darksun: Now I need to give this to the King. (walking to a grocery store, buys the cake uses his black magic to put the lufi inside the cake, then he soaked the cake inside black jelly and then goes to the King's Palace). Good day my royal darkness. (with the lufi in the cake).

Darkgod: Good day darksun. Guards let him in .

Darksun: I got a gift for you (opens it )

Darkgod: Woow, blood cake my favourite. Bring it here.

Darksun: Please tell your guards to go.(knowing that the guards would stop him from stabbing the king.)

Darkgod: Guards leave here ,pronto.

One of the guards: but sir.

Darkgod: Are you flaunting my orders. (gives him a lunar blast.) (then the guard hits the wall and they leave).

Darksun: Take my majesty.

Darkgod: Looks good. (he takes the first bite , the second bite, third bite and about taking the fourth bite his tommy and body starts shaking. Then the lufi touches his tongue. Weakened him and sucks all his powers. ) What is this.

Darksun: Your death(picks up a rusted knife and stabs Darkgod. The king then died afterwards. Then darksun carried the lufi and took all the king's powers. The lufi now exploded because it was used for an extremely demonic act). now I am the god of the lunarverse (laughing).

Narrator: Meanwhile, action light was learning about life basis and so on. Then since action light was created by mistake. Lurachio decided to make a friend for him. He now made a being and named him actual light. He made them brothers and kept them in the non-gods chamber, which was not protected and was just free. Since Lurachio didn't expect any threats and was planning to teach them how to use their powers since they are not normal. Then there was an in balance and something altered between the multiverses. Back in the lunarverse. Darksun was crowned the King for being able to do such an evil act. Then suddenly he saw himself in the multiverse lurachio made. He was shocked, not knowing that was because of the creation of the light brothers. The two Multiverse altered. So Darksun was brought there to balance it by some supernatural forces.

Darksun: What am I doing here (spreading darkness everywhere).

Lurachio: I am feeling a dark presence in this universe in my multiverse.

Unknown gods: Should we handle them my lord.

Lurachio: No leave it to me. (left very furious)

Narrator: He sights Darksun.

Lurachio: Who are you ? , you this evil.

Darksun: I am darksun the god of darkness and you are gone.

Lurachio: Really, we shall see.

Darksun:(throws a demon black hyper soul blast to lurachio).

Lurachio: ( holds it and squeezes it) please is this a joke is that all you got.

Darksun: (shocked) What, how possible that is one of my best shots.

Lurachio: Are you surprised. Well let me give you a shock of a life time(He makes a small sphere. That contains a neutraliser to all derk beings).

Darksun: I laugh at this tiny thing.

Narrator: He tries to hold and squeeze it . But instead the power was too much and started weakening him badly.

Darksun: What are you (screaming in pain)

Lurachio: I am the god of creation. The only reason why I won't make you extinct is because you still have a chance to change . Be gone(he gives Darksun a trans punch, Then he flies back into the lunarverse).

Darksun: What's going on. If I go back home. They would reject me. I need to kill a being to be accepted back (He appears into the universe). This time I am here invisible to every being including that Lurachio .

Lurachio: (could still sense a being but not so strong since he was invisible ) .Something is wrong.

Other god: Don't worry about it my royal highness. It probably your imagination.

Narrator : (Darksun sees the light brothers) I think they are as powerful as that Lurachio, so let me ambush them.

Action light: Bro let's talk

Actual light: About what.

Darksun: Your death (while holding holding a soul bomb💣)(throws it and teleport back happily).

Lurachio: Now the being presence is gone(still confused) wait, wait,wait. aaaaaah action light and actual light.

Narrator : When Lurachio got there they were dead.

Lurachio: They are dead because of I didn't pay attention to my senses. I knew that there a being(In anger and tears). How I wish I came on time. If not because of the the altered universe i would have re-created them, so I won't create them again. Instead I will reincarnate them to keep the Ultraverse sound.(talking to himself)

Narrator: Now darksun was accepted and had a party 🎉 for his act. While the innocent brothers were killed . One day we will know what happens next.