
Multiverse Travel Part 10: Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan Part 1 Talks

Passing through the Orbital Ring, the ship shot through so fast they had spent a few hours just getting themselves togethor from the effect of the trip on the body... Heading to South Galaxy was normal besides that.

Coming out placed them directly over the planet they were looking for, the soldier teams just looked at the situation down below passively. Hoping they would not have to deploy.

After explaining to them the level of power wielded by the Legendary Super Saiyan, they still didn't believe it at all. Seeing was believing as they say. Even young, Broly would be a problem if things go bad by all theoretical counts..

"Here goes nothing." Kakarot flew towards the only power level worth dealing with. Peppra and her two Saiyan guards went to deal with Paragus. Mai, Bulma, Launch, Pilaf, and 50 Demons as well for security going with and representation of a separate Saiyan faction. "Hopefully he is not that old yet and the damage from the control devices along with constant abuse has not made him a psycho yet."

Seppari, Rigor, Lapis, Lazuli, and Ruby were told to remain on the ship and watch from orbit. The cameras on the ship were taking pictures of the entire planet and its surroundings to help keep track.

The probes that shot out only kept the interest of the youngsters a little.

They wanted to go out and see what was what since it was a time off-planet. But right, orders were orders to wait.

Coming across the teen Saiyan that looked to be between 13-16 only helped a little to understand the situation. He wore no armor and his bushy hair looked to be pretty heavy somehow as it drooped to the sides. Broad shoulders on a lanky frame painted a weird picture of any type of fighter.

"Sniff sniff!" Considering Kakarot came down floating from a direction that allowed his scent to be carried, it helped prevent a sneak up on the teen. But that was intentional to let him know he was coming. "Who are you?"

"Hey, I am another Saiyan." Hands outstretched friendly enough, the biggest test would be the next thing. "Name is Kakarot." He waited for any signs of change at the mention of the name.

*Flinch!* Besides recognizing the name with a bit of physical movement, it was a calm enough response. Points going in his favor so far about what was going on with this version of him. At least timewise to the Emotional and Mental development of the child.

Despite the relative age closeness of their bodies, Kakarot's soul, In other words, Richard's was that of a grown man and much older than the other by full counts if done either way for tallying. Whether as Richard Kakarot or just done as Kakarot.

"I am Broly.. my father will be happy that other survivors exist." The response was simple enough. Rather tame and very cordial unexpectantly.

"Well, that is what I want to talk to you about actually." Kakarot outstretched a hand to offer a handshake. The moment on contact, his Aspect of History gave him the bad news. 'He is more than one Broly mixed. Well, this just turned to shit possibly.'

That and some people were shielded from his view while looking at the History while talking things over. Somebody wanted to cause trouble for him still it seemed. Just needed to navigate through it all to pull out who exactly.

"What are you besides a Saiyan?" Broly asked interested.

"A Soldier, Scientist, Surveyor, and.. well a father. That last one is new to get used to. I have a few years under my belt now but a learning process more than other titles. Then they are in puberty... oh boy just waiting for the emotional outbursts."

Paying close attention, it dawned on Kakarot that the kids are actually close to age with each other thanks to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber use and Magic Fields. Broly was close to the age of the actual Kakarot.. Goku would be right now maybe.

The two started talking about different Occupations. Broly was interested in the different jobs Saiyans had.




In another location, as time passed quickly, Paragus had listened to a few words from the Saiyan woman Peppra with little attention. Her two Elite attendants did not like the attitude of the man. He had know idea who she was despite the fact she seemed to know him so well. Well, a version of him to be precise.

"It is good you survived the destruction of the planet by the comet..."

The old Saiyan warrior was cut off very harshly.

"It was no comet! Frieza, that despicable tyrant wiped out our entire race!" Peppra's Ki shot up just from mentioning that incident. The waves of energy cause the environment to become a little unkempt. "Don't you want revenge against him!?"

*Ding!* The Moon Bracers on her arms also worked as a suppressor to keep her from using Divine Ki by mistake. Something Kakarot was adamant about for her and the others to not do. No matter what, they were not allowed to use it unless it was a secure area.

"Ugh!" Paragus stood his ground after stepping back twice regaining his footing. "If you are so powerful, you don't need me or my son to help take him out!"

'Maybe Kakarot is wrong, the father might not have done anything to his son at all.' Bulma tapped her scouter not finding anything odd in the area overall. No strange signals or weird plants on the planet. 'Paragus is not even that strong. But he has come across Magic somehow.'

Paragus: Potential Locked

Spirit: 87,546

Ki: 23,000

Magic: 1

"Eh, he is stronger than King Vegeta before his death according to the Archives." Launch said in slight annoyance. "This guy must not have been training since then. Over a decade and a half and this is all he has to show for power."

"What would you know about power?" Paragus took offense to that statement. Seeing the blonde woman point a Laser Cannon at him, he was not impressed. "That little thing can't hurt me."

*Pew!* Launch fired a shot pass Paragus with a little of her Ki in it. It sailed a 1/4 mile towards emptiness before exploding.

*Kaboom!* The resulting force shook the planet briefly. The shockwave barely dissipated before reaching them.

Launch fought with cunning not just raw power. That's what gave her an edge over the standard fighter. Which Paragus most certainly was.

"Smart people fight with a way to conserve energy, without this, I could still beat you to a pulp though." Relaxing her arm, Launch turned towards the distance in slight worry. Like some, she felt the spike of Ki in that direction before it settled down briefly. 'What a monster, Kakarot better be ok. No way will those kids sit back if he is killed.'

It never even came to mind about Bulma and Mai not acting.

Back with Kakarot and Broly a few minutes before, he currently had his hand on the young man's head treating some of the mental damage from the Mind Control Device and the damage from the fall in the shute after King Vegeta had them taken out and threw them out like trash.

'I must think Launch/Lunch when I get back, his mind is somewhat like theirs. Pushed by trauma, and a power that was never understood. A bit of Jiutians energy is inside him. As well as someone else... that feels familiar.' As he "fixed" the mental issues, the environment warped a little more. '..something is wrong!'

A trap basically sprung.

"Grr.. grrr!" Broly started to fuss for almost no reason. "Ka..karo... stop.." Pulling away with a bit of kindness still in his eyes, he looked at the Champion with a glazed look. The presence of Magic was evident as it seeped out of Broly's blue wrist gems. Whatever the bands were made of, they most definitely had the technology of Earth mixed in. "..no..more!"

Negative energy seeped out of the environment that was not there before. Almost beckoned to the young man's energy.

"What's wrong?" Kakarot kept a defenseless posture as he talked. 'Someone set a Magic trap for me. Only a small handful know I am capable of doing this. None of my people have been here before me. The choices are small...'

Of course, one person came to mind already.

*Fwoosh!* Like a meteor, Broly shot off encased in his energy back towards Paragus location. Like a trained animal, he would defend his master.

Kakarot just Teleported to get there before him. Slightly puzzled about what could have happened that he had to go back so quickly. The energy used that way already stopped, so why the rush?




Looking at the man child, Bulma was running readings nonstop. Only a small glance towards Kakarot to see if everything was ok.

But he looked on neutrally as possible to the situation. Listening to Peppra and Broly talk. It was quite amusing considering she had to keep herself from fighting him. Which he was sure would end badly for both of them of course.

"Your father started it, why he thought he could beat me is beyond me." Peppra instructed one of her people to heal the other. "It was not like we were trying to cause an altercation. Just a discussion between two Saiyans. Something you were not exposed to growing up with by the looks of it."

"Humph, you wanted to kill me, I know it." Paragus said spitefully. Aware his son was very interested in speaking with others like them. 'I can't have his mind wandering, we have some work to do soon.'

"I can't let you kill him." Broly grabbed Paragus and lifted him up out of harms way. Peppra had gotten into a fight with Paragus and the vast difference in power caused the older Saiyan to be beaten down quickly. "Despite everything, he is still my father."

As Kakarot was taking care of his trauma before, Broly was subjected to reliving what happened from an outside view. Also seeing his own acts of cruelty when controlled had an odd effect on the Saiyan teen.

Reviewing the History more was just not promising at all. Think of the different versions of Broly's that existed just caused a bit of pain. Just a lot of pain and suffering in all of them.

With one actually being killed in the cradle by the Kai's passing in his mind briefly.

"He is a sperm donor.. a real father would not have done what he has to you already. Let alone what he has planned still." Kakarot shook his head in dismay but he wouldn't be able to get through to the young man any further at this time he could tell. "Your decision has been made. Stay on this planet and live peacefully in South Galaxy."

"What are you saying?" Paragus looked at the Champion in anger. He would not admit it, but he could tell the other was stronger than the others. "You know how important he is to the future of the Saiyan race!"

"I am saying this is the only pardon he will get Paragus. Do not cause trouble. Consider this a notice of sorts." Kakarot was disappointed but not like he needed to have Broly. The mast executions and destruction of planets he witness done by controlled Broly were enough to warrant caution. He collected a few DNA samples to work with, so that will be used towards Saiyan advancements for Neurological Development. 'I could provoke a fight to test my theory, but not really important at this time.'

Bulma thought nothing of it as she moved off with some of the security. Launch stood in place sensing something was still wrong somehow. An almost "dangerous sense" alerting her to a change in the air.

"WHO ARE YOU TO ORDER ME AROUND!?" Paragus shouted loudly. Seeing how dismissive Kakarot was of the situation, he assumed he was not that strong now. Along the lines of someone who gained political power in a way like King Vegeta. "GET BACK HERE!"

*Woosh!* Dark Magic erupted from Kakarot out of control. His "Pride" took a hit in the worst way for some reason.

"KNEEL!" Kakarot said darkly. Paragus's knees hit the ground hard enough to bury it a few inches. "I am the New King of the Saiyans.. and I won't repeat myself on the order!" The flicker of a teal color before returning to red had the others frightened a little. "You do not order me around..."

*Woom! Woom!* Kakarot could feel his blood rising. The Dark King Aura wanted him to fight and kill Paragus for his insolence. Not to mention his Saiyan Blood feeling the threat Broly emitted constantly now.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 47,235,492 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 1,822,281

Magic: 137,002

Styles: Kanassan, Otherworld II, Ogre, Namekian II, Demon Realm II, Saiyan II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight III, Ki Blast III, Sense V, Telepathy III, Full Power, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form II, Masenko, Blood Bomber, Wormhole II

Abilities: Absorption II, Majin/Timebreaker Mark III, Shapeshifting III, Vampirism, Egglaying II, Materialization, Teleport V, Unlock Potential

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Earth, Jupiter, Neptune

Linked: 187 Namekians, 32 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,257 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 92 Snake Martial Artists, 15 Ogres, 16 Kids, King Yenma

Magmatidecreators' thoughts