
One hell of a night!

I look in the direction of the voice and see Foxy smirking big at me, wiggling his brow. He pats the spot beside him on the bed and I switch beds. I sit down and lean to his ear, "how do you want me?", I purr seductively. He groans and bites his lip, "anyway I can get you", he growls. His hands reach for me and pull me closer. Making our bodies touch from head to toes. His skin feels blazing hot and my hands roam all over him, avoiding the prize between his legs. I can see him twitching every time I come close and by the sixth time he groans in frustration, clearly wanting to be touched. He grabs me tighter and pulls me on top of him and to balance myself , I straddle his waist and my hands are on his chest, "you're behaving like a naughty fallen Angel, teasing me", he says giving my ass a slap as a punishment. "Just prolonging the moment, it will be so much sweeter when it finally happens", I purr, and giggle. His eyes fill with a wicked glint and I'm a little scared of what he has planned. "Kaiden", he commands and Kaiden looks up at him, shocked to be addressed, "turn around and lie down again. And you, Angel, climb on top of him, 69 please", a tingle shoots right to my clit, the prospect of Kaiden's lips and tongue on me, arousing me beyond measure. And then him in my mouth, while Foxy probably will be behind me, filling me up. We do as he asked and Kaiden doesn't waste any time and attacks my pussy with total abandonment licking everything he can reach. I moan long and deep, unable to do anything but feel, his cock against my cheek, feeling hot and soft. When I'm a little more in control, I use my tongue and give him the same treatment he's giving me. Getting lost in the sensations of this position, I completely forget it's not just us two. I jump when two new hands stroke my ass, Foxy fills my mind and I squirm on top of Kaiden. The hands stroke and caress across my back, till they reach my hair, and his chest is on top of me, pushing me tighter against Kaiden. Being sandwiched this way has my mind short circuiting. For a while Foxy's hands guide my head up and down, the dominance in the act has me hyperventilating, which is a problem, due to the restriction of access to the much needed life force. When he feels it becomes a problem. He pulls harshly on my hair, and at the same time slides his cock into my pussy. Kaiden's cock leaves my mouth with a pop, and he whines beneath me, while I gasp for air and at the feeling of being filled. The immobility of my head, and the pleasure of being filled, after feeling empty, has an orgasm flowing through me right away. Foxy moans, "yessss", he hisses, "come on my cock, squeeze me, god you're so tight, and now even more. So beautiful, I want more. Just give me more." During my orgasm, he kept still, just staying inside of me, riding out my orgasm. "You ready for being fucked senseless?" He asks, but he doesn't want an answer, slowly pulling out, so I can feel everything. Kaiden hasn't stopped licking and sucking, and the over stimulation is somehow, very pleasurable. I try to distract myself with the beautiful cock in front of me, and when I lick the tip, Kaiden whines and bucks his hips up. I don't torture him longer and take him into my mouth, my tongue flicking and feeling him. He moans and the vibrations are shooting through me, hardening my nipples more. The relentless pounding in my pussy, help me bob my head. Foxy speeds up, "come for me, now", he pants, voice raspy. At the word 'now' I release and get hit by a hurricane as it flows through me. Clamping down on the cock inside of me, trying to keep him in, he releases a long moan and comes. And the sounds of us both moaning has Kaiden shooting his cum down my throat. All of my muscles shaking and spasm-sing, feeling completely drained, I collapse on top of Kaiden. I try to entangle my limbs from them, I feel like suffocating Kaiden, and I don't want that. When I'm finally free, I miscalculate and slide right off the bed and land with a loud skin slapping sound on my ass. "Fuck that hurt", I groan and two heads look from the edge off the bed down at me, both wearing an amused expression. I climb on the empty bed and just sit there, letting the pain fade away. Then I get up and head to the bathroom, I need to clean myself, I get joined by Foxy and we both do our thing in silence. When I'm about to walk past him, back to the room, he stops me, placing his hand on my arm. His thumb strokes my skin and I enjoy the feeling, "before I forget to tell you, we do have some bad news. Mr. Lee called Adam, and it basically means that our time here comes to an end. I'm not sure when, but it has been calm, and no information has been leaked to the public for two weeks now. He wants to wait a little more, but the call can come any day", he finished with a very soft voice, filled with sadness, just like how I feel. I smile and hug him, holding tightly, putting everything I feel about him into the hug. He does the same and we stay like that for a while. He pulls away first, "don't let it bother you. Just enjoy the time we do have, okay?" I ask, concern clear on my face. "I will miss you guys though. It has been an adventure so far", he chuckles at that, and precedes me out of the bathroom. Kaiden is under the covers of one of the beds, and I wait to see what Foxy is planning for sleeping arrangements. Kaiden's eyes travel up and down over my body, oh yeah I'm naked still. I giggle a little and Foxy raises his brow at me. I shake my head, and follow slowly after him. To my surprise he crawls in the bed Kaiden is lying in. He leaves a space between them, and I crawl in the allotted space. I make myself comfortable and two arms, one from each side, wrap around me. Both sighing, like they're finally at peace. "I like this room", I say, "did you get it for just this night?" Kaiden slides his face closer to me so his lips are right at my ear, "yes, just for tonight", he whispers sleepily. Shit, if they booked it for more it could be my refuge from unwanted attention. No one knows the room number. "Would it be possible if you were to extend it before you leave tomorrow?" I ask. Silence engulfed us, and I look at Kaiden, hi hi he's passed out cold, snoring a little, lips parted. His breath tickles me, he's cute when he's asleep. Face relaxed, making him look younger than his age, and not as manly as during the day, when he's awake. I look at Foxy next, and he's wide awake, eyes boring into mine when we connect. A small smile is playing at the corners of his lips, "why?", his voice sultry, sending a shiver down my spine. Fuck, he just gave me a mind blowing orgasm and I want him again, by body reacting in a familiar way. He smiles evilly, seeing my reaction. "I just love the way you react to me, to us", he leans in and kisses me softly on the lips, pulling back a look of expectancy on his face. Why is he looking at me like that? My thoughts still scrambled from the sweet kiss. "What?", I ask, and then I remember, "oh right, why? Well, you know about Luke, right?" He nods and I try to swallow a lump forming at the back of my throat. It doesn't work, and I clear it to help. That did the trick a little, and it's easier to talk now, "well, Asswipe, the stupid manager from the tour who has all the power, has decided to make my life a living hell. First the unexpected news of the extra shows, no time to go back home and pack, so I have nothing with me. I had to go shopping", I rant on and he just looks amused, listening to me vent my frustrations. "Then the overselling, although that is not necessarily his fault, really, it still made him enjoy it. And today, just before the show, he pulled me into a small cleaning closet", I pause and look at him, I'm a little scared to be honest, I really can't tell how he's going to react. I'm glad Kaiden is asleep, he might not seek Asswipe out to punch him, but given the chance he definitely would. The seeking out will be a problem if two others find out about it, which I'm planning to never let happen. "What happened next Angel. Don't keep me waiting", he warns me, voice deep, laced already with a little anger. I knew it, this was not going to end well. I take a deep breath and brace myself, "he pinned me to the door and tried to feel me up, but I could get him off me, before he touched me. He landed on his ass and I immediately left, to run into Asswipe in the hallway. Turns out he has an identical twin." I watch him silently, and I can see the wheels turning in his eyes, clouded over with anger and fear? Fear for what? I wait for him to say something, he opens his mouth, but closes it right away, shaking his head. He tries again and what comes out of his mouth is not what I expected at all. "I'm too emotional right now to give you my real thoughts on the matter, I'm just too angry, and I might say something I don't really mean and scare you, scare you away from me. So let's just go to sleep and we'll talk another time. I realize that this needs to stay between us. Some of the others will not react so nicely, one of them lying next to you", he finishes with a small chuckle, and I smile gratefully. How did he know that was what I wanted to ask him next? He gives me a good night kiss, "sleep", and he makes himself comfortable, wrapped around me, as much as he can. I keep looking at him, after he closed his eyes, and his even deep breathing now tells me he's asleep. He's beautiful, the inside more so than the outside. The outside is only so beautiful, because his inside shines out of him, making him almost glow. With these thoughts swirling through my brain, darkness overtakes me and I fall into a restless sleep.

The next morning, my body feels like lead, I didn't sleep well for some reason, I feel like I had a nightmare, but I don't remember anything at all, and I need a minute to recall the events of last night, and why I'm literally dead weight right now. When the memories flush my brain, my blood heats up, warming every muscle and I'm able to move a little. I need to dance tonight, how am I going to do that? The restriction I feel now isn't caused by my own body, I realize when I try to sit up. About seven to eight limbs are wrapped around me, and I wonder why I don't feel suffocated. I feel content, relaxed, safe, loved. It's an intoxicating potion, the boys mix, with me in the middle. "Hey, I need to pee", I tell the sleeping boys loudly, trying to wake both up. Foxy just shifts a little, but continues to sleep happily. Kaiden on the other hand shoots up, back straight, looking around. When his eyes land on me they soften and the unfamiliarity of the situation disappears. When he sees me squirming and wiggling, I'm still held tightly, he laughs but proceeds to pry the limbs of me. When I'm finally free, I run to the bathroom and slam the door, finally waking Foxy up. "What the hell?", he yells, to no one in particular. After I relieve my bladder, I turn the faucet and fill the bathtub, I peek my head out and tell them I'm taking a bath, I retreat my head and climb into the tub still filling up. When the water has reached its limit I turn the faucet. I slide down a little and just let the hot water relax my muscles further and the ache and stiffness of over use, slowly melts away. I'm still sure I had a nightmare, I'm feeling restless, on edge, like something bad is going to happen, not right now, but someday. When the water is cooled off, I drain the tub and get out. I dry myself slowly and do my morning routine, dressing in ripped, black jeans and a blue t-shirt, with a red dancing converse shoe. I had to have it when I saw it hanging in the store. I get out and meet the boys, well actually, Kaiden rushes into the bathroom, pushing me out and yelling, "I'll be real quick", and he slams the door shut. I laugh shaking my head as I walk towards Foxy, who sits on the bed, looking very serious. "What's up?" I ask, voice small, still scared of what will be coming out of his mouth. "I still don't know how to feel about it, but don't point him out to me please. I don't know what will happen then. Just promise me to never be alone with any of them again, okay?" I gladly comply with his request and promise him wholeheartedly and when I do so, I climb on his lap, straddling him. His arms wind around me and hold me in place. I lay my head on his shoulder and he rests his chin on my head, "I promise." When Kaiden comes out, fully dressed, smelling like soap, we're making out slowly, embracing each other tightly, barely any room to move. Kaiden clears his throat and we jump apart, but Foxy sits on the edge of the bed, so I fall back, again and disappear between the two beds, and he chuckles loudly, slapping his knee, "you should've seen yourselves" he cackles. Foxy looks at him disapprovingly but it doesn't phase Kaiden, still laughing. Foxy leaves for the bathroom and Kaiden comes over and reaches his hands to me, with the intent to pull me up. I eye him suspiciously. You never know with him, either I will be teased or seduced. So which will it be today? I decided to take the risk and place my hands in his. They close around mine and he pulls me up slowly, so I'm thinking I'm safe. But, being the devil that he is, he pulls hard at the last moment and I crash against his chest, his lips on mine already, "I didn't get my good morning kiss", he mumbles against my lips before taking complete control and penetrating my lips, his skillful tongue wreaking havoc in my mouth, that has me moaning in delight. I push him back and he falls on the bed, and I'm on top of him in seconds, reattaching our lips and tongues. My hands fist in his soft locks, he groans at the sensation and his fingers dig into the skin on my hips, probably leaving bruises. Not good, some of the outfits for the show are quite revealing. I don't stop him however, I quite like the possessive feeling he has over me. Like I'm his, and I want to be. I don't ever want to stop kissing him, but eventually I do, pulling back slightly, foreheads resting against each other. He is just as out of breath as I am, and I just look at him, and he looks back, memorizing me just as I am doing with him. Even though we're not kissing anymore and my other senses aren't as clouded as they would be if we were. I still don't hear a door opening and closing. I'm, just as before, only pulled out of my daze by the clearing of a throat, undertones of amusement clearly ringing through. But contrary to last time, I don't fall on my ass when we jump apart. Two strong hands hold me firmly at the waist. I climb awkwardly off of him, because he still doesn't seem to want to let go. When I'm finally free, and his hands are on his lap, a pout on his lips, so adorable, I shift nervously from one foot to the other. Foxy notices my uneasiness and lifts his eyebrow at me. "To be honest, I don't want you to go, and I really don't want to do the show anymore, the fun is all gone. So have breakfast with me? Just keep me company a little longer", I tell them, looking from one to the other. "We don't want to leave you too, but we need to go back, the MV isn't finished yet. And the second will be filmed after that, and maybe even a third. But that depends on whether we have enough time left before the crew leaves again." Kaiden explains, "So let's go eat breakfast, I'm starving." We leave the room and when we reach the elevator, Vere and Lindsy join us. Vere looks positively giddy, why I don't know. Lindsy on the other hand looks completely drained. Eyes drooping, limbs heavy, leaning on Vere's shoulder. "What happened to you?", I ask, barely keeping the smile off my face. I want to laugh so hard, but I don't want to get slapped, which she will do. She looks totally fucked senseless. So that's why he is so giddy, the bastard doesn't have to look so smug. "Nothing", she mumbles, and I barely catch it. I exchange some looks with Foxy and Kaiden and I see them also holding back their smiles and laughs. The elevator arrives and we get on, Vere pressing the button for the restaurant. We go down in silence, arriving at the second floor. The doors open and I'm face to face with Asswipe. "Yes?", that one word laced with venom. I try to keep my tone as friendly as I can get, I don't want Foxy to catch on, but no such luck. I can see understanding coming over his face in the corner of my eye. I sigh, when I feel his arm slide around my back, resting possessively on my hip. Asswipe sees it and smirks, telling me that it will not be a problem for him, and his eyes turn dark with unveiled lust. Just great, fucking great, he will be more persistent now, just what I don't need. I can't wait for it to be over.

"Ah there you are. There was a change of plans. Come with me."