
LIFEAFTER; Era of the Revenants

Survival of the fittest has long been Accepted in this world. The Scientists and their arrogance caused the death of millions. Now in a world run by mutants and the infected, humanity has been forced to adapt in their new world. And yet, a new race seems to find it's way to the surface. how would this new race Frey in a war between humans and infected..?

SolVanny · Fantasie
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6 Chs

3: Rescued.

How long has it been? 30 mins? An hour?

Soulen couldn't tell. All she knew was that her body was getting weaker and the amount of infected pouring into the compound did not seem to slow down.

With a heavy breath, she sliced the last infected that approached her before switching to her Trevor and gunning down the two big infected.

The one to the left eventually stumbled and fell dead while the other grabbed a huge rock to block the bullets.

Soulen had been dealing with the infected for a long while now and it just seemed it was endless.

She switched back to her blade as a few smaller infected got closer and did quick work with them before noticing a huge shadow that suddenly appeared around her.

Returning her gaze towards the giant mutant, her eyes widened as she saw the rock the mutant held fly towards her.

With a quick side roll, she dodge her death flag as it crashed and crumbled on the ground, leaving a small crater.

She weakly pushed herself up only to notice a propane tank and a few grenades near a broken container.

She quickly grabbed the 6 grenades and pulled the hooks at once before tossing them towards the horde. Within a few seconds, a loud explosion emerged and a good chunk of the horde hard reduced.

Next she pulled the propane tank out and pushed it towards the up coming horde before moving a further into thee building.

Once she deemed she was within a safe distance, she aimed at the tank and waited a few seconds becore lighting it up which caused an even bigheer explosion.

The huge horde was reduced to nothing and the final huge mutant came crashing down.

With a sigh of relief, she crashed down on the ground briefly before pushing herself back up. She needed to get out of here. Any longer and she could get trapped yet again.

Without hesitating, she adjusted her duffle bag and ran towards the open exit. She could finally get away from this death trap of a base.

Just as she was about to reach the exit, something landed Infront of her. It caused the ground to shake slight and even a small crater formed.

Looking up, it was a different more huge mutant called colossal arms. The special name was given to it due to how huge it's arms were and how durable it's skin was.

With one huge swing of it's arm, the mutant smacked Soulen towards the building were she crashed on receptionist desk which was now completely broken up on her impact.

Her whole body jolted with pain as blood formed within her mouth. She spat it out on the ground while weakly groaning from the pain. How did she survive that? She should have been dead, actually she might die at this rate.

She was bleeding from her head and her left eye was damaged. She could no longer see with that eye as she had gone blind from it. Her left shoulder was in a wrong angle. Looked like it was dislocated.

She however still weakly stood up before making her way towards her front of the door. Her steps were heavy, her breathing uneven as her mind felt light and dizzy. She was slowly loosing consciousness. And the mutant simply roared before walking towards her.

She landed on her knee, spitting out blood as the mutant grabbed a metallic rod from the broken reinforced wall that kept the compound secured. It growled for a few seconds before shifting it's gaze from her to something in the sky.

Weakly, Soulen looked towards the direction it faced and saw a military helicopter come into view after straining her sight a bit.

The helicopter boomed in the air as a serious of bullets ran down on the mutant.

It roared and growled in pain as it got sprayed with bullets but it wasn't going down. It was very very durable.

It grabbed another huge boulder and turned towards the helicopter in an attempt toss it but the boulder blew up in its face once the heli shot a missile towards it.

The explosion caused the mutant to tumble and fall on its own weight which caused it too groan in return. The mutant was weakened with all the bullets that was sprayed and the missile that was shot at him.

It attempted to stand up but noticed something above him. It was Soulen, she held her blade up, her arms dripping with blood as she yelled and pierced the brain of the mutant.

The mutant's body grew limb slowly as the blade easily went through the thick skin and towards the brain where Soulen eventually stumbled backwards and collapsed on the ground.

Her vision slowly grew more unstable and unclear as she barely noticed the helicopter was above her and a ladder was dropped beside her.

Someone has jumped down towards her and was speaking but she could nearly hear anything. All she heard was muffles as the individual held her and spoke to her. Eventually her eyes grew too weak to stay ajar; eventually causing her to black out.


With a jolt, Soulen was awake. Her body tensed up in response to her sudden gesture which she then noticed the bandages around her left hand. She also noticed her obscured vision. Her left eye was bandaged a long with several parts of her body. She looked to her hands then balled it before slamming it down on the bed in frustration. She was careless. She knew that all to well. If she didn't bother with the briefing room, she wouldn't havee been in this state

Sulking slightly, she turned to her left and noticed the mirror that truly showed her disappointing and miserable state. She was a messy. A truly defeated mess.

Weakly, she pushed herself up and made her way towards the mirror, limping slightly in the process as her feet refused to work properly.

Once close enough, she stared at herself, then her face. Her left eye was indeed bandaged. She reached towards it and removed the bandage slowly only for her body to tense up and her eyes widen in shock.

Her left eye was completely destroyed. The once beautiful face she was proud of was now ruined. Her left face wss disfigured which she used all her willpower to refrain from throwing up.

it wasn't long before she heard a door open behind her and footsteps.

"....oh? Looks like you are awake." The voice spoke behind her. A soft, feminine tone.

Soulen slowly kept the bandages around her eye back then turned to face the female.

It was then she also noticed where she was.

It was a small size room with a bed where she got up from, a mirror, medical table with some bandages, tools and syringes as well as a few first aid kits. Her sword rested nicely on the shelf that was son the right side of the bed while the table and tools were on the far left side. The bed was directly opposite the door where the female was currently sitting on.

"....how are you feeling?" The female asked as her hazel eyes shimmered slightly.

Her white shirt desperately hugged her shaped body while hair blond hair was packed up into a small pony tail.

She wore a blue short and a utility belt was attached to it. On the utility belt were different grenades, syringes, bandages, a hand gun and a phone.

Her smile was warm yet Soulen still felt on edge.

" Ah how rude of me. My name is Cassei. Welcome to Camp Bound." She began as Soulen held her left arm slightly while walking towards the bed.

She stood up, giving way for Soulen before grabbing a nearby chair and sitting on it while facing her.

" And what's your name you little cutie?" She said with a friendly tone.

".....Soulen...." She replied with a very weak voice. She was till very weak after all.

"...Soulen. What a lovely name." She began before leaning back gently on the chair.

"..you know, i don't think it was a good idea snooping around a military base... Especially with ones that are surrounded by a horde of infected.

She began as Soulen winced slightly at that remark as it was a direct bullet at her. She heaved a sigh which caused Cassei to giggle slightly.

"....well you survived. That's what important." She said before standing up.

"We managed to fix you up when we brought you. You were asleep for quite a while." She said which caught Soulen's attention.

Turning towards her, she squinted a bit.

"....How....How long...have I been out?" Soulen asked between breaths as Cassie held her chin.

"....uhh...a week now?" She said which caused Soulen to feel even more depressed.

She held her head gently as she felt a sudden pain which Cassei quickly responded to and asked her to lay back down on the bed which she did.

".....I'm sorry ..for bothering you ..." Soulen began as Cassei simply smiled and sat beside her. ".....why did you bother....helping me?"

It was an honest question and Cassei knew that. She held her chin, contemplating on the most suitable answer before turning to face Soulen.

"You looked like you needed a hand" she said which made Soulen flabbergasted. It wasn't an answer she was expecting and Cassei also noticed that which caused her to sheepishly shy before rubbing her neck.

"....you should rest up for now. I'll keep checking up on ya each time till you are healed." Cassie said before smiling as she stood up and walked towards the door to leave.

".....Thank you..." Soulen said as Cassei reached for the door knob.

She proceeded to turn around and face Soulen before beaming a smile then gently left the room where Soulen later fell asleep once again.


A month had passed now and Soulen had completely healed. She stayed at the camp for a whole month where she spoke to Cassei who was actually the mayor of this camp. She also met other people of the camp like Grr who's name was actually Grelda but liked being called Grr as it was her nickname.

Sohan who seemed to always cause Cassei trouble and seemed to hate Soulen for some reason.

Gin who was Grr's husband.

Tougz who...she was very cautious of. He just seemed a bit weird.

There was also Khaleem, and lastly Ada. They were the executives under Cassei and they did their roles and jobs with utmost attention.

She enjoyed watching them take care of their members and the people that stayed in their camp.

Their camp was by no means small. It was a huge space that was around 100x120 in size. If any it should be called a town at this point cause she didn't understand why it was called a camp. There were people who were either in the assault force; those who go for missions to earn money and increase their camps fame, or they were in the reserves; those who were just enjoying being in the camp or did small works there.

It was a thriving camp and Cassei did a good job for a long while from what she heard.

Currently, Soulen and every member of the camp had gathered round as Cassie and four of her executives were on the podium that was placed Infront of the center fountain. Soulen's body had mostly healed up where she could stretch and do her acrobatic skills without feeling as much pain anymore as she did before.

Her eyes and the left side of her were completely destroyed now though so she has to wear an eye patch to cover up the disfigured part of her face.

She was currently wearing a oversized military outfit and a face cap while staring at the podium where the Mayor and her executives slowly climbed up.

Cassei, Tougz, Grr, Kahleem and Sohan were on the stage where Cassei was at the centre where the mic was.

She cleared her through slightly before speaking gently.

"Thank you all for coming. As you all know, after every month, a huge horde of infected will make its way pass this side. And once they site our camp, they will attempt to breach and trample down. But like always, we will prevent that from happening. I will need every able soldiers to join us this evening in protecting and stopping the infected while all the Reserves should stay hidden and safe. To our continuous victory!" Cassei said as everyone aside he executives roared in unison.

A small smile formed on Soulen's face as she saw everyone cheer and clap for their mayor before they returned back to whatever they were doing.

Once they did, Soulen made her way to the podium where Grr and Cassei went to greet her.

"Great speech... Really motivating." Soulen teased as Cassei heaved a sigh.

"That was just me talking, I wouldn't call that a speech." She said honestly as Grr laughed gently.

"It was a good speech in my mind. That being said, it's been a month. Looks like you are nearly healed." Grr pointed out as Soulen nodded a bit .

"Is she?! Good! Now fuck off will ya?" Came a loud voice behind them.

Walking towards them was Sohan, he wore a blue battle suit that glowed very fairly in the afternoon and a huge assault rifle on his back. Now that show really payed attention, all of them wore the blue assult Battle suit. Cassei's own was a nice bright red though.

Sohan walked towards them, his clear blue eyes staring at soulen as he towered over her. He was 7ft tall which made Soulen annoyed and frustrated. Being 5ft, him standing beside her always pissed her off.

Did he hate her or something? Or did he just not want her around. She never knew the reason. But he was right, she had to leave soon. As much as she wanted to stay with them, she rather be alone and survive by herself. She couldn't really picture herself here with them.

As Cassei began her argument with Sohan, Soulen gently slipped away and turned towards the building she was staying when she first got brought here.

She quietly left them to their talk feeling a bit depressed and sad.


Maybe it was the best she left..