
Tips for Life #1

We hear about happiness and success everywhere we look.

These themes are in movies, TV shows, books – you name it. We start hearing the messages when we're just kids. We get all sorts of tips about life and the things we should and shouldn't do.

And it never really goes away.

We all want to be happy and successful. To look back on our lives when we're old and gray, and think to ourselves, "Dang. I totally nailed it. I have zero regrets."

But the problem is that most of us aren't sure what these words actually mean or how to get there. Some of us are already there and don't even know it yet!


"Define What Happiness and Success Mean to You"


Before you get stuck in a vortex of other people's tips about life, take some time to reflect on your own goals, desires, needs, and values.

Do some fantasizing. What is it that you really want? Think about your wildest dreams as well as your mildest ones.

✓Do you want fame and extravagant fortune?

✓Do you want just enough money to pay your bills while being able to have some vacations and nice things along the way?

✓Do you want esteem and respect from your peers?

✓Is your main focus not on money at all, but on your virtue and relationships?

✓What keeps you awake at night?

✓What makes your heart race with excitement?


Ask yourself these big questions and work your way down to smaller ones, like the things that make you feel the most joy in your day-to-day life, and one thing that you could change if you had the opportunity.

This kind of reflection might seem obvious, but it's not something that most of us take the time to really dig into. (I know I didn't for a long time… and the questions were hard to answer!)

You might find that your goals and values don't really align with the people you've been surrounding yourself with or the things you thought you've always wanted.

And that's totally okay. Dare I say it's surprisingly normal.

Once you have some revelations – or just confirm where you thought you were all along – you can focus on the life tips and tricks that will help get you there.