
Life Savior

Scarlett_senpai · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

As Kelly wanted to open the door somebody pushed her. "You need to be more carefull!!" somebody yelled. " I'm realy so-" "I don't have time to talk to you." that person said as they runned away. 'I should unpack my things' Kelly thought as she got up and went inside her room.

When Kelly was in bedroom unpacking her things door to bedroom opened and her roommate came in. "Stupid false alarm!" Kelly's roommate said as she slammed with door. "My name is Kelly. What's your name?" " Oh. My name is Haruka. Nice to meet you." Haruka said as she shook her hand. " Wait. You are Haruka like that Haruka?!" "Yeah and what about it?"Haruka raised her eyebrow. "Nothing you are just my idol." "Oh." As she said she walked out of their bedroom.

Next day

In mornig Kelly was woken by shouting her roommate was making. " Why are shouting in morning Haruka!!" Kelly yelled at Haruka. "I can't find my mask! That's why i'm shouting!" Kelly got up and helped her find her mask. It fell from Haruka's nightstand. "Thanks." " No problem!" Kelly smiled at Haruka even she can't see her. "I think you should get ready for morning practice." as Haruka she walked out of their room.

After morning practice(i'm lazy okay)

It was 9:30 and morning practice ended. Kelly wented to her room to shower. After shower she got dressed and wented to get soma snack and then to meet other member's of squad n.63. "Well it's nice to meet you Kelly my name is Nela." "Me too." "That is Joshua, Dex, Daniel and Hiroko." " Nice to meet you all!" Kelly said as she enjoyed being is a new squad.

After few minutes alarm goes on and everybody went to change to their fighting uniform. "Belciag showed up at sector 6 and is moving fast towards sector 4. It's under ground type of belciag so be carefull where you step." "Roger that!" Everybody yelled and runned towards helicopter. Only Haruka and Kelly stayed ther because neither one of them don't have partner to fight with. As they got to above balciag they jumped out of helicopter and landed on ground.

Belciag notice them and started attacking them. Everybody was trying realy hard to hit their enemy. "Captain this is bad. We can't even hit that belciag. We need someone stronger." Hiroko said to their captain. "I will send Haruka to you. Try to hold him in one place." Captain said as she turned around facing Haruka and Kelly. "Haruka go and help them. They realy need you." "But captain i want to help them too!" Kelly yelled. "You can't go you don't have partner to fight with." "But Haruka don't have one too yet she goes to fight alone. What if i fight witg Haruka?!" Captain hesitated for moment and looked at Haruka. Haruka just shrugged because she didn't care. "Fine you can go but you will listen to everything Haruka will order you." Captaid said as she turned around again to see how is rest of squad doing. "I won't let you down ma'am." Kelly said and runned with Haruka to help their others.

"Captain we can't hold him any longer. Did you send someone?" "Yes i did. Haruka and Kelly are on their way to help you with that belciag." "You send Kelly with her?! What if that happens again?" "It won't! I promise." In meantime Kelly and Haruka finally arrived and joined battle. "Kelly you need to destroy his core to kill him. You know that right?" "Yeah i know that Captain." "Kelly watch my back. I will try to get closer to hum." Haruka yelled at her new partner. "Alright!"

Belciag tried hit Haruka with his tail but Kelly cuted of part of his tail. "Good job Kelly!" Joshua yelled and finally pierced the core of their enemy. His blue blood start spray very where. "Frick my katana broke in half." Haruka said as she pulled out the rest of her katana.

"It's hard to said this but you fighted realy good." Haruka complimented Kelly. "Wow that is first time i hear her said that to someone." Dex said and putted his hand on Kelly's shoulder. "Well maybe she finally find someone she is able to fight as partner." Joshua said to his boyfriend.

"But it's only 'maybe' guys." Nina said and walked to helicopter. "Hurry up!!"

"We know!" Dex said and runned with Kelly to helicopter.