
chapter 8

After three days Hana's mother got a CT scan and she met a Tyson for verification and Tyson said it's alright miss you're camepletly all right and healthy miss don't worry if you have any uncomfortable please contact me

They thanked him and Hana asked when can I mom can discharge AHH you can discharge her after two days AHH thank you your welcome and after he got in work and Hana left there

In night time Hana was cleaning a restaurant alone and Tyson was working out in balcony Hana didn't notice this days Tyson was working out in balcony she was seeing him he was working out she was seeing and getting blush

After minutes she was going to clean but she didn't do it so next day Tyson got a day off so he thought to get good wondering around but in early morning Hana was trying to clean the restaurant

This was seems by Tyson Tyson walked in Hana was shocked he asked Hana do you need a help she was shocked to death the first one making Hana blush was the Tyson Tyson said AHH I also need help from you .

She asked what today I got a day off so tomorrow I need work full day I will give you my house key can you give my cat some food to him AHH it's ok I will help you AHH thanks she said if you don't have any other think

You can do what you want no I have appointments in evening so I am free I can help you she smiled and the two of them are cleaning a restaurant and neighborhood sees this and got pictures and send it to Hana mother Hana mother was happy to sees this

And Hana was cleaning table and she sees Tyson was cleaning a plates and a kitchen she smiling and seeing a Tyson and a guy was coming in it was harday was buying a wegetable yoh your cleaning AHH yes

Tch tch tch I thought our God of cook was going to cook for me when CE called me who thought he was cooking for his future girlfriend AHH you Tyson Thai was first time haha I will leaves you guys enjoy bye hey

Hana was shocked to see harday and he was saying this think s she was blushing and Tyson also blushing and after minutes Tyson called Hana I called him for food and help but he got out I didn't have things to Cook at my home can I cook here for two of us she blushed and said ok ok sure ..

Written by KHAAN..