
chapter 6

His friend harday arrived and sees Hana and they talking about sergearies and they were ready to operate but Tyson was not there AHH harday said don't worry he will here soon .

Hana said but he said he is going to take nap it's not only nap he will laying on bed and looking at information and after that he will pray to the god after that he will arrive here don't worry hey Hana what do you think about

What what do you think about ayya it's about Tyson is good choose as life partner AHH he is good yeah but i will give advice there was many women want to have relationships but no one sucseed.

But I think he has little bit feelings for you you need to work hard Tyson was coming Hana was seeing Tyson he walking in operation room and nodded to harday and two got ready for sergearies.

And two are only talking about important parts of sergearies they are talking about harday girl friend AHH harday I didn't seen your girl friend why you want to see her I won't show her to you

If show you you will snatch her what are talking about and really regards as ther are in private conversation after 3 hours he gave opportunity to Hana harday guided heart department haed

They are telling them it was and easy for any sergean to pass that 3 hours this 7 hours will be our golden hour Tyson was closely guiding her to operate this side harday and department head become buddy

After hours passed the came to important part to remove completely canser sells and Tyson and harday got in to sergearies and guidd them in words and sergearies was successful

And the Tyson and harday were in silence and for two minutes but but entire hospital and sergean were chearin about the success Hana seen harday and Tyson was in silence state

This news was spread quickly to all head of department and they were congratulat Tyson and heart department head after sergearies harday and Tyson was laying in ground AHH it's was hard dude yeah it was hard

hey here's is your drink department head and Hana was sitting down biside theme Hana and department head thanked them and they cheers and Hana asked harday why are you two didn't even cheers for person saved are you guys saved lot of guys that's why you guys used to mmhh it's also reason but was main reason was Tyson Tyson tell them reason why we kept silent

Written by KHAAN..