
chapter 5

This was created quite termoil after meeting Hana was working seeing patients and the heart department was notified by head department there was patient was 57 yeas old .

He has cancer near the heart department was notified Hana was informed head of department arrive and they gave him full body scan and analysis of patients

And they notice it was impossible to operate but if they have any assistance of experience person they will cure him Hana said I seen information about Tyson he is not only brain specialists

He's master is a canser specialists and he worked under him and he performed lot of sergearies this kind of situation we need a help from him we will have high success rate

Ahh inform him if he willing to help us AHH ok Hana go to see him fase to fase and ask him for help we will inform Dean about this she asked me No no what your are the one who research him AHH ok

Her friend when did you research him after I found out AHH what found out nothing I will go and tell him. Situation AHH she left to see Tyson in same time Tyson was working.

And his ex girlfriend was trying to seduce him with words and actions this was seen by Hana but she was waiting for them to finish she even try to pull him and sat him trying to remove her dress

Suddenly a slap sound was heard Hana was also shoked and seen Tyson got ex ray and told do you think you can seduce me the day I broken up with you I realized good looking wealth is not important I searched for good girl and I seen you but after broke up I realized relationships is not good looking wealth

But companion life partner love I been searching that kind girl I didn't seen any one I believe ther will be person waiting for me don't try to seduce you have. Your future partner get out

This was impressed Hana after she left Hana got in and first thank him and said about situation and Keating was held Tyson sadi I can operate but I need assistance of 5 person 1st my friend hardly he was specialists in heart sergearies second experience heart department head and Hana and experience nurs it will have 10 hours or longer prepare for it Dean inform

My friend I going to take nap

Written by KHAAN.