
chapter 3

She seen a Tyson was the who she always thought as hooligan she was embarrassed to meet him Tyson was seeing the files of patients and suddenly a door was oppend and his friend came in and said your hospital has many beutiful lady dude see if any one have your eyes

Ahh you started it no I seen a beautiful lady and she guided me ohh and she is the daughter of the one who we saved in restaurant yesterday ohh you and she is wearing your hospital uniform ithought 

She was working in your hospital Tyson ohh you don't know no I know you knew ahh look like someone has eyes on someone ahh ay give me food an dhot out ahh ok ok and he got out after breakfast he needs go to meating

After finishing his breakfast he was walking towards to morning meetings for heads and ha was walked in and sat down in his possision 

And after Tim the heads of various special list heads gathered but he didn't care of them

In the heads Hase assistant to various heads Hana was also one of assistan sheep sees Tyson was sitting ther and he was doing his work she seen heads first worck was to see lady their like and flirting with them but Tyson was difrent he didn't care about beutis. 

He didn't even care about hospital dean hospital dean came in and everyone got up showing ther respect he was doing his worck every one was standing and looking Tyson but Tyson didn't care one guy in close to Tyson tapped him and he sees 

Standing person and sees Dean and said hello sir and he kept doing his worck dean sat down and he said we have new head to brain sections so let's welcome him all. Clapped for him but he didn't even care about them he kept doing his work and guy tapped him he asked what happened he said interduse your self

Ahh oh hi my name Tyson not to me bro to them he sees all them seeing him and he got up and adi hello my name in Tyson iam brains section new head thanks you 

All guys were talking he has lot of guts for him one guy asked him what worck are doing mr Tyson you didn't even get up to greet him and didn't showing respect to elders he smiled and said I was seeing japanese defense minister case and what elders are here 

All person have they're own experiences you call yourself elders then why did i got reports instead of mr Mr ahh sorry I don't want to know if you achieve something I will naturally remember your name like you remember my name joke. He laughed and. Sat down this was thrilled entirely heads and someone laugh and some in anger he said mr dean I have to read a report of my take over patient and minister here was so noysi ddi have any orders for me he said no I'd have I will inform you he nodded and sir can I leave he left there he didn't give fart for the heads 

Written by KHAAN.