
chapter 15

She was waking in morning and orders food for her mother and refreshed and after she gave food to her mother she was going to head towards to a passport office to get a passport

She was waiting in bus stand Tyson was in his car sees a Hana waiting for bus he stopped and asked Hana to get in but Hana hesitate Tyson said my route is same your going come on she got in

In the car she was checking his car ther was women inner wear are in car but she missunderstute Tyson for that he was a jerk but that was not Tyson car it was his friend harday's car

Tyson dropped her in a passport office and said Hana I want to a haed to please it was close I will come and pick you up wait for me she nodded and she was waiting in chair and cursing Tyson

After she got a passport and she go out and sees Tyson in mother bike she was femiliur with that bike has asked Tyson what who's bike is this he said mine she asked

then who's car is that you pick me up he said That was my friend harday car she was again misunderstood Tyson she was nodded and Tyson gave her helmet

She doesn't know how to wear it Tyson got helmet and wearing it on Hana head and that was quite romantic and the two of them are getting closer to kiss and

Suddenly a horn in car was Heard and the two of them got in to normal state and she got in and in bike she was trying to keep distance but that was Nike obviously

The two of them hugged each other and heading to her house Tyson invitet her to his house for a lunch she asked why he said as assistant invitation

In Hours she was getting ready for lunche with Tyson and and she knoking at door Tyson oppend and said dinner will rest in minutes feel free to visit my house she was in upstairs seeing Tyson photos and his workout equipment..

Written by KHAAN..