
chapter 14

Tyson was changing his dress for nigh duty and Hana got in without knoking of door and the two of them seeing eachother in blushing and HSE turned around and apologies to Tyson and Hana got out

Tyson after minutes got out Hana was following Tyson and walking to emergecy department to met his friend and Hana was asking why did you agree to me to be your assistant

Tyson didn't speak and he walking in to an emergency department and sees a one doctor was running towards Tyson and saying one patient was hittet in a head hermerel damage

And Tyson said seeing report and said prepare for operation doctor said but the patient family was not agreeing he wanted to talk to there family but he stopped and sees Hana and said Hana

I already informed about your situation you can be my assistant and I know you and I are different sergens but when I perform a sergearie you can be my assistant and when we encountere

Canser patients you will perform sergearies now you have work as assistant go ahead and tell the situation about him to there family she got and she was professional doctor she convinced the family members

After the sergearie was performed well and after sergearie Tyson said Hana to met in his office and she was after refreshing she was going in to this office and sees Tyson Tyson give her on file about patient

And said to read it through after she read it he sadi your the one who is performing a sergearie for him do you have passport she said I don't have it AHH your in this age you didn't have passport

AHH ok let's get it tomorrow we and tomorrow is you mom was getting discharge right she nodded we are leaving in one week before that we have a lot of works to do if you have time take of her

Ok you can go to rest .in her room Hana was smiling happily about Tyson Tyson was happily smiling she was different I like her ...

Written by KHAAN