
chapter 12

She got up and check at computer about esterday night Tyson carring Tyson and he was asking a key but she was kissing Tyson she wa sin embarrassed to look at it Tyson struggle with her fund out key

Oppend a door she kept kissing Tyson but Tyson control her and she vommitet everything Tyson leaves her and asked some girls in neighborhood to change her dress

After she changed her dress Tyson want to leave but Hana wanted walk away from her room Tyson was the one who held her from walking away and staying overnight to watch her

This was scene by Hana hana was embarrassed to death she was seeing a time and ahh it's only 9o clock AHH it's 9o clock and she getting ready fast and running to hospital

And buying her mother a good a girl changed dress yesterday stopped her and asked her did she love yesterday guy who watched you she said he was my friend thanks for that she sadi and Hana was running to hospita

She got in to hospital and sees her mother and her mother was eating a food mom what are you eating she said porridge sorry mom iam late you gone by it Hana mother said how can walk in this state

Then who buy this to you the guy you like the guy I like AHH Tyson ya he was very handsome young man do you know how he gave me he gave me food nad said sorry aunty Shara got drung yesterday

So she will woken up late so I will give food on her behalf AHH finally my daughter has love of her life and he is good Yung man hahha i am very happy about it hahah Hana mother was smiling happily

Hana was embarrassed to dathe she nodded and mom I will going to work her mom nodded and Hana was walking and her friend and colleague guys walking towards her Asking her what happened she didn't tell anything ok

I came here to inform you our hospital performing a canser treatment and warning to civilians our hospital arrange you to be his assistant as Tyson he was smiling happily but Hana was in sad state why did they arranged me what are asking of course you perform a sergearie with Tyson probably Tyson impressed in that what ya Tyson was the one recommend you ahhh..

Written by KHAAN