

"What? A character with superpower?"

"It would be cool for a slice of life novel to have a character with superpower. Take the three psychic in TDLOSK as an example."

"But the main character has superpower so that's why it makes sense if there's a character with super power included."

Klein listened to both of them debating about his decision. Woo Young caught Klein writing a new chapter and they calmly explained to her that Klein is K.

Well, actually, Klein explained it himself while Han just had a mental breakdown.

"You two. I can't concentrate with two monkeys in the room."

"HEY! Watch it. By the way, what makes you think of creating a character with power?"

Klein looks at Woo Young before thinking of yesterday's incident. Surely popular girls wouldn't approach you unless you did something they didn't expect. Also, they sound like they thought he had superpower.

"The twins suddenly approached me yesterday and asked if I had some sort of power."

"Well, the twins' parents are both fortune tellers, you know? It would be amazing if they have some sort of power."

"Why is it, if there's something new it's always them?" Klein mutters before going out of the room.

Those two followed them from the back and they went to the kitchen. Making themselves at home, Han and Woo Young grab their own glass of water while Klein starts going through his snacks.

"And today's chapter is so gonna be funny. The main character got lost in the parking lot and a character with super power helped him."

"Well, I once helped my mom put the stuff she bought into the car while she's still looking for something else. I ended up being lost and had to call her."

'So that's the inspiration for today's chapter?'

They already know not to ask why. Klein did not focus on his surroundings so…it's normal even for the mother maybe. Woo Young thinks for a while before confirming this with Klein.

"Did the twins mention that they have power or what sort of power they have?"

"Hm? No. But they did ask if I have superpower like…knowing the future?"

Woo Young slammed her hand on the table which caused Han to cough out his water while Klein just looked at her. Ready to beat her. You do not slam people's tables when you figure something out.


"I bet, you will stop being energetic once I beat the living s*it out of you." (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Woo Young clears her throat in nervousness before telling Han to bet with her. The poor boy just bet his whole life with it just to make Woo Young stop bothering him.


"You have power."

Right when he says this, the twins pull him to the rooftop. Klein wasn't a fan of attention so when the twins made people put their attention on him just because he's talking with them, he had to say something to make them bring him somewhere more…less stalker.

"How did you know?!" Laurel asked him while holding his collar.

"I actually don't. Woo Young bet that you have it because I told her what happened before."

"We- Hmph! We just ask you about it because you change something from what should happen!"

"...Look, it's not my fault god built me differently."

Laura holds Laurel back from throwing punches to the poor boy. Klein did not intend to hurt her feelings but he also thinks that power is useless if it could go wrong like that.

"We're sorry for the trouble but please…don't expose our ability."

"It's fine. As long as you guys don't disturb my peace. Also, why do you two like him?"

"What?! Laura, you like him too?! I thought I tell you not to go near my crush!"

Klein's face went from bored to regretful. He just started a world war between two school beauties. If anything, he regrets being born in this world. He regrets being human too.

"I- Um…"

'Look, please stop blocking the door first and let me go down.' (ʘᴗʘ)

"Laura! You know how important he is to me!"

"I know…but he once helps me-"

"I don't care how did you meet him-"

Klein decided to push both of them to the side before going downstairs. People who were waiting downstairs ran up and saw the school beauties on the floor. They knew Klein pushed them and Klein didn't know that, he just created a bad reputation.

Not like he cared about it in the first place.


9091: Dude, not cool. Just because he's popular, he thinks he can bully people? He's so f*cking lazy too i don't even know what's so cool about him.

9099: Bro, I better not see his face or else I will beat him to death

4441: I can't believe people like him.


3244: bet they were fighting or talking about something while Klein just stands there lmao.

5445: His face was also like 'I just started a war' or some sh*t╮(^▽^)╭

2222: Lol. Look at his fanclub defending him.

Klein's group friends are helping the fanclub defending Klein while Klein just went straight to his class. Class E is defending him knowing how he is. He could even hurt a fly with his laziness, how can he even bring himself to push girls.

The guy in Class E even agree that Klein isn't that dumb to even bully the girls.

What they don't know is that, true, he didn't bully the girls but the fact that he pushed both girls….

It's not a lie.


School ended and both Woo Young and Han followed Klein to his house with Louis and also Jamie tagging along.

"Hey my favourite author~ Did you get inspiration from the school website?"

"...? No? What happened there?"

Louis and Jamie don't take the author part seriously and Louis shows Klein the school website. He even saw people take pictures of his table that got vandalized when he already went home.

"I love you, Woo Young. I should start reading the website."

The four humans darken at Klein's claim.

'So all this while, he never loved us?'

"Your table just got vandalized. I should expel the people who did so." Jamie said.

Klein rubbed his chin before lifting up his hands.

"Give it three days. After that, you can capture all of them."

Han and Woo Young pull his ear in anger.

"Please don't let them bully you just for your writing."

"I don't care."



Klein: …


Klein: So that was his last words to me, officer.

Officer: …Are you really sure that you're not the one who beat him to a coma?

Klein: Yes. I can't even hurt a fly, you know.