
The Carnival

Colorful neon lights filled lit up the world around me. Music was blasting though the air while everyone around me was having fun. At the carnival.

While looking at all the happiness and laughter around me, I grew depressed. In freshman year of high school, but I still didn't have friends that would come with me to fun places like these. The last time I had fun was 11 years ago. There was even a little boy who confessed to me back then.

On my 4th Birthday, Daddy took me to the zoo just once, because I loved soft and cute animals so much that I would pester them at least 3 times a day. All the animals were so cute and l loved the bunny the most. That's why he bought a white, fluffy, cute, stuffed animal just for me. Mommy laughed and sowed it a light blue, polka-doted dress for it to wear on that very night. It was the best day of my entire life.

Satisfied, I went to sleep hugging that precious white stuffed animal and got ready to sleep. Just before I completely fell into slumber, I heard 3 voices. Yelling. There was a bang and following that, muffled sobs came from the living room.

From that day on, I never saw Daddy ever again. Mommy never wanted to see my face again.

While I finally saw her face after a year, she was lying on a hospital bed. Dying slowly. The doctor said that she was mentally ill and also had severe lung cancer. At the time, I didn't know what that was. Even so, I instinctively knew this would be the that time I can ask her a question.

" Mommy, do you hate me?"

"Not you, my darling,"

"Then why do you never look at me anymore?"

" Because of that.disgusting… face..of…yours…h….te...d…."

I shook my head.

Lilith, stop thinking about the past. Since my mom's death, I've been living in this orphanage. In the start, I made one or two friends but they all got adopted one by one and never came back. That's why I stopped trying.

Looking around, I rode on thrilling coasters and other rides. Hoping to free myself from this depressing personality. After a long time, it was finally my turn, so I unhesitatingly climbed into the seat.

"Miss, as it says on the rails, there must me a minimum of 2 people on each seat."

" Ah…ok. Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to the sign." I awkwardly replayed, struggling to keep the smile on my face. As I stepped out from the caged seat, a hand suddenly booked my exit.

" I just noticed that this was happening and I thought, maybe I can help," the guy interrupted with a wink. " I believe I can just sit with you."

" N..no.. it's fine."

" Come on, I'll just join!"

"What about your group members then?"

" I'm sure they will be just fine."

" Ok then."

While we waited for the ride to start, we started to get to know each other a little better. The guy's name was Chris, and he was a sophomore at a neighboring high school. After that, if got awkward for a few moments, and I couldn't stop blushing! God, he is the most handsome person I've seen in my life!

After that, we hung out a lot, though it was mostly me clinging on to him because he was my only friend. Gradually, we hung out more and more and I fell for him. When I told him how I felt, he just said ok, let's date. I believe that he is the world's most perfect person in existence.

One day, while we were having dinner together, he said that he needed to go to the bathroom. While he was away, his phone kept on giving alarms





Four messages showed up one by one all by different girls.

- Hey! Were u at?

- Want to hang out tomorrow?

- Ok sure I'll be waiting :)

- Sweet dreams ;)

What in the world. Are these all friends? Or are they aiming to be his girlfriend? I need to get rid of them fast. What if they really are already making a move? What is going on!!?!!? It doesn't matter anymore. Either way, I will not let him leave me. That can never happen.

When Chris finally came back, I had already collected all the information I needed from recent text messages. We finished the rest of the food and went separate ways home.

Four days. Four days and he will be mine. All mine.

First went the redhead, the blondie, the brunette, and now, the pink haired, punk. While sneaking into the room, I heard Chris's voice. As I peeked in, I saw the two figures hugging, and heard their conversation.

" Did you hear? Almost all those girls you were with died in the bast few days. Do you think maybe I will die too? Or will it be the new girl..."

"Obviously you, cause your prettier, but don't worry, I'll protect you…"

" Haha! You're such a tease…"

" Yeah I know. That's why you like me right?"

" Gosh you're so annoying. But for reals. Who did you piss off for those girls to just be murdered? I feel kinda bad because they never new they were being cheated on yet they died because of you."

" I don't know, but I do think we should sleep now…"

They didn't know? He was cheating on me? How dare he. What right does he have? He should just stay by me. I clenched the kitchen knife in my hand and made my why to the bed.




I slashed downwards. The girl twitched, and blood was going everywhere. She screamed and finally died.i looked up. Seeing Chris stare at me. Scared. Raising my hand once again, Chris shook.

" What are you doing? Are you crazy? Don't stab me! Please! Don't kill m…."


Blood sprayed out. Staining my pure white dress. My face. Onto my hair. I wonder how I looked right then. A demon? A fallen angel? It doesn't matter. I can be with Chris now.


I crouched down, and put myself in his embrace.


— One Month Later

A boy walked down the road. Looking at the old photograph in his hand.

" I really did love you. I loved you so much Lilith. So why did you chose Chris? Why? Why didn't you chose me?"