

Ever wondered why we were given such a name.? Honestly I don't know. Or is it because in this generation the youths and teenagers are actually open minded because of the Internet? Or the youth and teenagers are going against the norms of the society of which nobody actually knows who placed them there to be followed.?

We are actually a shocking generation that is well informed through the Internet than the previous generations. The Internet is a platform where we as teenagers share our experiences and relate to each other which gives us a kind of piece of mind knowing that we are not alone in this fight.

In the normal life of a teenager they are expected to keep up with the standards of the society. Everyday it's ' Don't do this or that because it is not acceptable to the outside people or they will see you in a different perspective...'

Honestly I don't care about what the outside people think and you shouldn't either.

First of all those people that you are afraid of displeasing are always going to talk no matter what you do. If you try so hard to be a people pleaser you end up losing identity of who you really are. Trust me you do not want to lose your identity because you want to keep up with society. Do you and let society adapt to your changes. Your identity is actually a very precious thing that you should guard at all cost.

What do we go to school to do?...

Why do we even go to school in the first place?

In my perspective the school was built to make us become like robots. Everyday you wake up, do the same ritual, go to school, come back do your homework wake again and repeat. What if one day we decide to break the cycle?

Ever wondered what will happen?

What's your plan apart from the school. Work?

What is your passion?