

ELSU:Ha.... where I'm I?

JOHN:Oh hi you're finally awake

ELSU:Who are you and where I'm I?

JOHN:Calm down I'm Jonathan but you can just call me John what of you?

Telling him my full name might not be a good idea

ELSU:My name is Elsu.

JOHN:Hmmmm....I see anyway we need to talk can you walk?

ELSU:Ya I can manage

I got up and started accompanying John

ELSU:You still haven't seen my question yet where I'm I?

JOHN:Oh right sorry we are in Kolba village

ELSU:Kolba village how far is this from the capital?

JOHN:Oh not far you can reach there in 3 days by carriage

ELSU:I see

I hope mother and uncle are alright

JOHN:We found you near the shore do you remember anything?

ELSU:Nothing much I remembered getting shot by an arrow though

JOHN:Why will someone like you be shot by am arrow?

ELSU:I'm not well liked

JOHN:Wow that's rough


JOHN:Anyway we are here the village chief's house he wanted to see you once you were awake


I wonder how their chief is like

JOHN:I brought him sir

ALASTOR:Thanks John I'll call you once again if you are needed

JOHN:Right sir, see you Elsu

Wow I gotta say the chief looks young

ALASTOR:Hello I'm Alastor

ELSU:Thank you for taking care of me,my name is Elsu

ALASTOR:Don't worry about it I was going to ask about what you are planning to do now

ELSU:I was planning to go back to the capital but I thought that i should prioritize recovering first then try training a bit during that time

ALASTOR:A good plan

ELSU:Yes but I need to repay you first I owe you

ALASTOR:That's good of you but first I need to confirm something

ELSU:What is it?

ALASTOR:Not with words Elsu but through a fight


ALASTOR:I want to fight you just a duel

ELSU:I'm not at my best condition

ALASTOR:Of course we will fight after a week don't worry not really a big deal just a test

ELSU:I see understood then I'll fight you

ALASTOR:Good I'll see you in a week then but prioritize recovering from your injuries for now


And just like that a week passed

ALASTOR:Alright the duel will begin soon anyway winner is determined when one person or another surrenders or is incapacitated.Also dont worry about injuries too much Cherry there is here to heal you


Here we go

ALASTOR:John call it

JOHN:Yes sir...begin

He's fast, I put my all in blocking and dodging that


ALASTOR:Amazing you are fast

He just keep attacking from my blind spot but I need to land one hit


But I missed

ALASTOR:Nice try but it's over with this

After taking a total of 10 hits in total I fainted

ALASTOR:Cherry heal him

CHERRY:Right away sir

ALASTOR:John get ready you'll start training him tomorrow

JOHN:Yes sir