
Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

This is the tale of an average nobody, who after his death got transmigrated in a new world. The memories of his average life flashed before his eyes, as he found nothing that was noteworthy about him. So in this new world should he try to change that, should he wish to be supreme, rise to the peak or to rule the heavens, but he's too lazy for that. "And how come all the names are so familiar. Don't tell me, am I in that novel?" Soon after waking up he realised this world was based upon the very first novel he read years ago. At first he felt happy that finally something unexpected happened in his life. But that happiness was short lived as he remembered the plot of the book and the crisis that was coming for the world. If that wasn't enough he was living in the body of Rio Raven Blake - avatar of Nyx. Known by his other names like The last dark spawn, The first fallen or The infamous Devil. In a world brimming with dungeons, towers, Gods, Demons, monsters and magic - our MC finds himself trapped in the body of the last villain. "I don't care about the novel plot, I'll just ignore it, and live my life peacefully." At least that was his plan, until he heard a voice in his head , that he's been waiting for all this time. [DING] [TING] [TIDING] [DID YOU MISS ME??? ] 'The great villain system, what a funny name.' You can earn points by ruining the plotlines, and can get whatever you want. Let me see, I'm a master at messing things up. [What, someone is going to do a prophecy that I will become the villain after growing up - kill him while he's still a kid.] [what, this potion was made for the protagonist and the alchemist heroine - I'll take it with me.] [ohh you're the one who saves the protagonist when he was about to die - go to prison, you traitor.] [wait, you have a sister. but she is sick and needs help - here take this potion and work for me.] Got a money making slave for life. [What, my parents are fixing my engagement with the princess, who's also a main heroine, but will betray me later and help everyone kill me - Humph...just you wait...] Once the plot started many years later, at the academy entrance exam. Protagonist was shining brightly, breaking all records, taking first rank, but no one was talking about him. As the news came out that the genius of humanity Rio Blake, will be joining the academy too. Not only mortals, even Gods and Demons were surprised at this sudden development too. {Nyx nods at her believers achievements} {Odin says you've grown a lot} {Gauri/Kali challenges you to fight her believer} {Jesus prays for your souls redemption} {Anubis awaits your enemies doom} {Lucifer writes down your lines, as you take on the Devil persona} The protagonist just stared at the guy who took all the limelight from him, but his surprise turned to shock, when his sister ran and hugged the man, while crying her eyes out, saying she missed him and she was sorry. "What is happening? Who is he? {Apollo curses...} ## -- A/N - 1) NO HAREM. (I believe in soulmate love 2) MC doesn't care about right, wrong, good, evil - as long as he gets what he want, he'll do it. 3) He hates the so called righteous hypocrites, so don't think he'll be friends with protagonist. 4) MC is serious when it comes to relationships, so don't expect any kind of pokemon collection harem. 5) MC hates the plot, so he'll ruin it. Do not expect him to follow it or him trying to keep it same as written. 6) I don't like hiding my strength tropes, so not happening. He will be OP, and a badass. ## -- Join my discord for character arts and discussions https://discord.gg/zFTJsYP7kM DevilDarkness#0506

DevilDarkness · Fantasie
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421 Chs

Extra Character & destiny's plan

Myra looked at Chiron who was lying unconscious, pulled the bracelet from her left hand and threw it at him. The black bracelet chain grew in size and started binding Chiron.

*Cord of Schila- It was a chain type artifact which could be used as a lasso for weapon or a chain kind which can bind enemies. Though it didn't look any different from any normal bracelet , it could be used to catch enemies by surprise. The artifact's power depends on mana stored within it.


Myra then turned around and looked towards Rio who had now stopped using the defensive artifact too.

*Armor of Weak- A defensive artifact which can protect the wearer 2 times with the mana stored within. It forms a shield around the wearer and is able to stop the attacks both physical & magical.


Myra walked ahead as Rio followed her, Chiron was floating behind her. When they walked out they saw the soldiers who were now surrounding the whole building and in the sky above a few people were floating. It was cause of them that no one came inside to interrupt the fight.

One of the people came down and bowed to Rio. Rio nodded his head and tried to remember if he was someone from the plot.

The man who looked to be around his mid 20's from Rio's perspective. (You can never tell someone's age from their looks in Arcadia. As with some artifacts or potions or high rank - people can change their appearance however they wish.) He had short black hair and a pair of glasses on his blue eyes. He gave the vibe of a scholar or a salesman to Rio, who still couldn't remember any important character in the book looking like that.

The man then looked at Chiron and then towards Myra and said - "You took too much time shadow."

"Asher, I see your habit of standing on the sidelines hasn't changed a bit." - Myra said.

Asher smiled and replied - "I just thought the talented genius would be enough to handle an old guy. But I guess you're still too young considering all the time you wasted showing off your moves."

Myra just clicked her tongue and started walking away.

Hearing their conversation Rio remembered the plot and finally figured out who he was.

'Asher Vridal, son of Frigna Vridal.

Vridal's have been serving under the Raven family for generations. And Asher is their sole successor. Instead of taking over the business that was already thriving, he chose to make a name for himself. That's why he decided to follow Artemis when she wanted to open the Genesis.

(Genesis Corp. - A business organization set up by Artemis Raven. Its main focus was on mana stones, mana crystals mines, artifacts and rewards found in dungeons or towers.

- Working alongside the Shade guild and the Raven family's network, Genesis soon became one of the most profitable organizations in the Schilla empire. Further increasing the overall influence of the Blake family.)


Asher and his team are a group of people called Alphas, chosen by Artemis to manage Genesis. Any issues that arises in the business field or with other competitors, they were the ones to settle it.

Alphas were people who'll act in the light of day while silent reapers are responsible for all the dirty work in the shadows.

That's why Asher and Myra who are the new successors of both groups always had a friendly rivalry of sorts.'


Myra took Chiron away to the prison and Alphas were left to deal with the aftermath.

[usually they wouldn't be here at the mansion but stay at Genesis headquarters. But after Rio's curse Artemis called them back. They were the ones who put all the staff and others in prison last night on her orders.]

Asher came towards Rio and said - "I'm glad to see you're doing fine. Young master."

Rio nodded his hand and replied - "It was no problem Asher. How are you and your group."

"We're all fine young master. Even better." Asher said in an enthusiastic tone.

Rio looked at his confidant face and said -"Ohh what makes you so cheery all of a sudden. Even after you lost to Myra on your last duel I heard."

Asher nervously smiled and said - "That's only because I didn't have time to train and prepare for it, otherwise I would've beaten her easily."

"So what were you guys so busy with. Any new project." - Rio asked in a curious tone as he couldn't remember anything from the plot that happened around this time.

Asher smiled and said - "We have found a perfect crystal mine in Maxville zone. In the coming auction we'll sign the contract as well."

Rio who heard his voice remembered something from the plot and couldn't help himself from chuckling.

Asher looked at him with a confused expression but said nothing as he didn't wanted to disrespect the heir. He thought Rio didn't know much about the mines or business and just let it be.

Rio who looked at this naive guy lost in his thoughts said - "Foolish".

Asher who heard Rio's voice was surprised but then asked - "What do you mean young master."

"Well I just read in a book that the more purer mana in a place is, the more chances of an dungeon forming there. Or am I wrong."

Asher who heard his voice said - "That is true young master. But we can always predict it with the mana movements in the surrounding and if by any chance an instant dungeon forms, we can always transport everyone while Shade guild members deal with the dungeon. So there's no problem with us buying it. "

Rio listened carefully while nodding his head and said - "True. now tell me is that the only place you have in mind for the auction."

Asher said - "Yes.There are no other suitable mines that are of the same quality as this one. It can even give us more control in mana gems and crystal markets."

"You're right at what you said Asher, but you're forgetting the most important thing." said Rio.

Asher made a confused expression and continued listening, curious about what Rio was saying.

"We still don't know everything about dungeons Asher. Who knows what will happen in the future. It's always good to have a safe backup prepared, even if that doesn't bring us profit."

After saying this Rio started walking away, while Asher just stood there lost in thoughts trying to understand what Rio meant.


As Rio walked he remembered the plot. In the original book the Maxville mines which Asher bought at an outrageous price at the auction brought many profits to Genesis for a few years.

But as anyone could guess from the villain family's luck, it was all a plot of author to ruin Blake's further.

Since the mines were practically oozing with profits, Genesis poured too much resources into it. Which was a big mistake on Asher's part.

3 years from the start of plot, those mines became the first place where phase 2 of Emergence started.

The dance of a God's soul - that was what author named that chapter.

That incident not only pushed Genesis into bankruptcy, it also further fueled the theories and proficies of everyone to go against Rio and the Blake family.

Asher couldn't take the blame and the effect it had on his character was massive.

Rio couldn't recognize him before cause he wasn't important enough in the original plot. An extra mentioned far and few between some chapters, but never enough to get readers attached to him.


But now since Rio had given him enough hints, Asher will be able to see his shortcomings way before anything ever happens.

'I wonder what surprises this extra will bring me.'

Rio thought with a smile on his face as even he couldn't imagine what effects this one little action that he did on a whim will change the grand plans of both destiny and of Gods.


Mana crystal - Crystals formed by pure Mana. Used in making artifacts and enhancement of weapons. Can be absorbed to increase Mana. much expensive - bought by nobles or guilds.

Mana stone - Mana trapped within stones/ores. Impure & cheap. Used by commoners or poor people. lesser version of Mana crystals. Long use can cause damage to body or results in rank drop.


A/N - [PS if you're wondering why Rio didn't stop Asher from buying those mines , rest assured he has some big plans ready , which he thought during his shower.]

Sorry for the delay

some stuff came up on the last moment

DevilDarknesscreators' thoughts