

life may seem cruel to many cause it truly is, we are all faced with challenges along the way and we all get hurt, either by loosing someone special or being hurt by someone you love, maybe it's when the society criticize you or when your own family doesn't accept you, the point is life is harsh and hard, you may have good moments sometimes traumatizing moments but it's just a temporary journey and this is the journey and life of a Muslim black Melanin.

Aisha_Muazu · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Loosing a sister

(Rahma's pov)

"Nooooo!!!" I said as the tears kept streaming down my cheeks rapidly.

Just when I thought life was getting better, i saw it crashing down again.

There I sat down in the middle of the road, it was raining so much and the weather was really rash describing my emotions, I couldn't move as I kept on staring at the bloodied body of Margaret, there she was unconscious and she s-she wasn't breathing.

Breathing suddenly became hard for me, my dress was covered with blood and this time I desperately called Allah's name.

Five hours ago...

(Rahma's pov)

Margaret and Victoria were planning on going out, I was seated on the kitchen floor as I secretly typed in some codes when suddenly Margaret and Victoria came into the kitchen looking sexy and very revealing.

They literally wore clothes but it was the same as being naked, they both walked in like queens that ruled different kingdom.

They didn't notice me but when they did they gave me the affectionate glare I always got from them.

"We won't be coming back home early so if mom ask, tell her we went out." Victoria said while I just nod my head.

"Where are you both heading to?" I asked them and they just gave me a glare in response.

"You have no right to ask us that question." They both said to me.

"I know, but your clothes are too revealing what if-" I was cut off by Margaret when she said.

"What we wear is non of your business." And I internally just sighed hoping that maybe just maybe one day they change to be better people.

Without waiting for me to speak again they both walked out of the kitchen and left the house.

Three hours later, they didn't come back home and Richard and Mrs Monroe were also not at home.

I don't know if it was me being worried for no reason but I suddenly started thinking of why Margaret and Victoria weren't back and after two minutes of pacing back and forth I got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello" I answered the call wondering who could probably call me, I mean I literally have no one on my contact except for Richards number.

"R-rahma h-help." I heard Victoria's shocked and scared voice which made me worry even more but then I heard screams from the background.

After saying that the phone call was cut off and I saw a message with a location, the location was sent with the same number that called me.

Next thing I knew i was searching the house for some money and when I found some I quickly made my way out, took a cab and arrived in front of a house on a busy street.

I felt uncomfortable being here because most people I saw were either smoking or gambling and some were making out, all sort of disgusting stuff.

I made my way into the house and found a struggling Victoria and Margaret was being raped by a big blurry man.

Ya Allah what was I thinking coming here alone.

They were two men in they house that were sexually abusing Margaret and Victoria in the living room, well at least I carried a knife.

I was shaking but told myself that I had to do this even if it meant me killing me.

Luckily no one noticed my presence and Margaret seemed to be having more troubles.

"P-please stop." She said while crying, I've never seen her cry and seeing her being raped hurt me so much, how could someone do such a thing to a girl?

My legs quickly moved on their own when I saw a vase on the table close to the and I used it hit the man that was on top of Margaret with all my strength, next thing I know the loud sound of breaking glass was all over the place as the man turned around while blood kept dripping from his skull and soon he dropped to the floor being unconscious.

"What the fuck." The man on Victoria said while looking towards me.

I quickly grabbed my knife out of reflex.

"Get off her" I said while pointing my knife towards the man on top of Victoria and he did as I said while taking his clothes to leave the room.

He'll probably be back maybe with defense or help so I had to find a way to get out of here with Margaret and Victoria fast.

Margaret already looked traumatized and she didn't seem to notice that there was no one on her any longer she just kept crying and saying please stop.

Victoria quickly stood up with the little strength she had, their clothes were torn on the floor so covering the will be another problem.

She limped towards me and hugged me, I didn't care about the fact that she was naked right now, she needed comfort.

"T-thank you." She said to me while hugging me tight.

"It's okay, it'll be okay." I said in a soothing voice trying to assure her that it'll be okay even if it won't.

We both made our way towards Margaret.

Victoria shook her while saying.

"Margaret look rahma's here, it's okay we'll be safe now." And that seemed to make Her come back to life.

Looking towards me, Margaret broke into more tears when she saw me standing there.

"I-im sorry r-rahma." She said in a hear broken voice which also made me spill some tears.

Victoria went around looking for her phone and when she found it she told me that no one was picking her calls, and we needed help.

We tried calling their friends but no one picked up, Victoria was desperate and at the verge of crying again so I told her to give me the phone.

I called 911 and reported my emergency and they said they'll arrive in an hour.

God damned I don't have an hour to waste, suddenly I was scrolling through Victoria's group chats and I saw that we tried calling almost everyone there.

Where are their fucking friends when they are needed, it was even worse because Richard and Mrs Monroe weren't picking up either.

Ya Allah what test have you put us into today.

I was still scrolling when I saw a different number with the dp picture as Asif's picture.

I quickly pressed call and once he answered I couldn't stop thinking Allah.

Suddenly I felt relived and less scared.

"Asif it's Rahma, I don't have time to talk right now but I desperately need your help, I'll send you an address please come here as soon as possible and bring help I beg you." I said and quickly cut off the call without waiting for a response.

My heart was beating rapidly but I was glad that Victoria locked the front door.

I looked over the house and found some big t-shirt which I gave them both to wear.

Margaret was bleeding badly so it was hard for her to walk but I and Victoria supported her.

We went through the back door door and we're trying our best to escape without being noticed.

Soon it started raining which wasn't really helping our situation and for once I wished it wasn't raining

I don't know what came over to Margaret but she said she saw Richards car and she pushed me and Victoria aside while she used all her strength to limp into the road trying to run.

We were about to follow her All too quickly a car came in full speed and ran over her, the car didn't stop and made a run for it.

"Margaret!!!!" Victoria screamed out her longs while my eyes just budged out of it's socket.

I was too shocked that I froze while Victoria fainted.

I slowly walked over to a bloodied body off Margaret.

That was it I couldn't hold it in any longer and I let my tears flow.

I was relieved to see that she was still breathing when I came over to her.

But she was bleeding horribly.

She looked over to me and smiled.

"You actually came." She said in a bearly audible voice while I cried inside the rain feeling helpless.

"I-im sorry for all the things I did to you, h-how I t-treated you, you deserved better, you were truly great rahma, and me and Victoria only envied you and that's why we treated you badly." She said while reaching out to hold my hands in hers.

She looked over to her bloodied hand and my own hand, and she chuckled a little.

"Blacks are truly amazing and today you proved it by coming, I hope others see how amazing you truly are." She said which truly broke my heart.

"Don't do this Margaret, please fight for your life, you can be with me to show them that black people are truly awesome please fight to live." And that mad her spill some tears while I tried cleaning them but it didn't help much.

She just looked at me with sincerity and love which made me break down down into more tears and I said.

"Please don't leave Margaret, you have to make up for all those years you did bad to me please." I said even when I knew it was of no use.

"One more thing rahma, you're beautiful, you truly are." She said and at that point I realized that she was truly leaving so I held her hands close to my chest and said.

"Do me this last favor before you go or I won't ever forgive you." I said while she just shook her head in response.

"Repeat after me."

"La'illa ha'illaAllah." I said while she repeated the words.

"Muhammad rasulluAllah." And she repeated again.

And with that she stopped breathing.

I should be happy that she died in peace but I still couldn't accept it, so this is the pain of loosing a sister.

And soon I was screaming.

"Nooooo!!!" I said as the tears kept streaming down my cheeks rapidly.

It was hard to breathe and next thing I started hearing siren calls, maybe 911, I was also loosing consciousness and next thing I remembered I saw asif's face, calling my name nonstop but I couldn't find the voice to reply, instead I let myself embrace the darkness.