
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

God_King_Soren · Anime und Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 34: Different Perspective

When Soren heard that he could die if he didn't get his energy under control, he quickly sat down as Ava instructed and began trying to control the flow of his energy as he began circulating in through his profound veins like Ava had instructed. Hours passed, and Soren was still leaking the destructive energy that was destroying everything around him at a slow pace, while any animal that was in a 1,000 mile radius fled their homes before Soren's energy could even reach them, as it was just pure instinct to flee.

'This is a lot harder than I thought… Ava, how much time do I have before this energy kills me?': soren

<{You have around 3 days before you are killed by your own energy, while most others who enter this stage only have around 1-2 days before they die… You can thank your profound veins for this extra time, as nobody here has profound veins, and can only cultivate a weaker version of profound energy}>

'So I have 3 days to save myself from death… I can handle that': soren

Soren's whole goal was to circulate and integrate the Law of Destruction into his profound energy, as only then will it stop destroying his body along with everything in the surroundings. As Soren was slowly integrating the new energy, quite a few cultivators sensed the massive amounts of destruction law radiating from Soren, so wanting to know who was trying to break through to the next level, they all began heading towards Soren's direction to watch, while elsewhere, a special God was looking into the world that was created by one of his brothers.

[Hahahaha… That brat is gonna kill himself… Looks like I don't need to make a move… Such a shame that I sent that one human to the Dragonball world… *Sigh* Just another ant I'll need to get rid of… Actually, how strong is he now?]: ???

As the God spoke, he turned his attention onto a special man who had black spiky hair, and obsidian black eyes, with scar over his ripped chest going from the left side of his shoulder, down to the right side of his waist, seemingly a scar from a wound that should have killed him, but yet he was alive and well. He wore a red pair of baggy martial arts pants, with a black sash tied around his waist to keep his pants up, and had 2 black armbands around his wrists, while he also wore a pair of black boots. Strangely enough, the man had a fuzzy brown monkey tail that popped out of his backside, making him appear to be not of human origin, while he was sparring with another man with black spiky hair, with a body build being around the same as the man with a tail. Looking closely at this other person, one could tell that the figure was familiar, as everyone knew this person to be Goku wearing his orange gi, with his blue accessories, and currently both Goku and the other man with a tail were fighting with each other, as they both held smiles on their faces.

[Not bad, Sun-kun, but you'll have to try harder than that if you want to make me turn Super Saiyan… Hehehe]: ???

[Hey!... I thought we agreed no holding back!... If I turn Super Saiyan, then you also have to turn Super Saiyan, Negi-san]: goku

The man's name was Negi, and he was born on Planet Vegeta, 10 years before its destruction, so this gave him time to train, as he still had his main goal, as well as the main quest from his System of being to kill a man named Soren, who also has a System. So from the age of 3, Negi was trained how to use his Ki to fly and attack, before he was sent off to start conquering planets in the name of the Frieza Force, and by the age of 6, Negi had conquered 6 planets, and raised his overall BP to 8,000. And when King Vegeta heard of this, he tried to recruit Negi into his overall plan to rebel against Frieza, but was angered when Negi said only a few words.

[Hell no!... You're gonna die, and I'm not going to be taken down with you]: negi

When King Vegeta had heard this, he got furious and took one of his royal guard's sword, and slashed at Negi in a blinding speed, slashing him across the chest in hopes of killing him for rebelling against his orders, but Negi was able to react in time and backed up making the attack lose its fatal strike, but still wounding him to the point of critical condition. Negi stumbled back as he grabbed at the wound in his chest, before he back into a window and shattered it as he fell out, while King Vegeta's men were about to go get him, only for King Vegeta to stop them.

[No need… He will die anyway… That wound may have not been fatal on the spot, but it is still a critical strike that will kill him in a few days… He can't possibly survive, he's still only 6]: king vetega

Upon hearing their king's command, they halted, while some felt bad for the little boy, as he indeed was only 6, yet he had to die such a painful death, instead of the quick one he was hoping the king would bestow upon him. Negi, on the other hand had caught himself in the air and flew off towards his home where he had been living at alone for quite some time due to his parents being sent on a mission, only to never return, and while Negi was sad at first, he understood that going on these missions had its chance at dying there, or coming back missing limbs, so it wasn't something new, as Negi even witnessed people who went on missions with him dying due to a miscalculation in planetary power.

[That damned Vegeta!... If only I could kill you, but that's a job for Frieza… Hehe… I guess It's time to make my escape]: negi

Negi had it all planned out, he would steal a ship and destroy it's tracker before setting the coordinate to Earth, where he planned to grow stronger, and then come back and kick Frieza's ass, but what he would never had expected was for his space pod to redirect his coordinates to some barren planet that had power levels of over 800,000 and closing in on 1 million, while the weakest power levels were around 10,000. The planet Negi ended up on was unnamed, as well as uninhabited by beings with human intelligence, rather it was filled to the brim with beasts and monsters, leaving Negi with the soul thought of how he got there, but no matter how many times he asked his system, it never respond to him, and only gave him a quest.

<{Survive the horrors of this Unnamed Planet… Time limit: 4 years}>

[Damn System!... Gonna cheat me out of an answer with a stupid quest]: negi

Negi then spent the next 4 years fighting for his life, and by the time he was 10, he had a BP of over 800k, making him the strongest Saiyan currently alive in Universe 7, or at least from what he knows of, while the quest was complete, and as a reward he was given a new space pod that already had the coordinates for a specific planet in mind, but it wasn't Earth.

[How long will this go on for]: negi

Many years had gone by, and Negi just lost count, but after finishing the quest he was given for the current planet he was on, Negi finally got the quest to go to Earth, as it would temper all that he had learned, and make him stronger than before.

[Finally!... How long has it been?... 20 years? 25?]: negi

Negi had spent 24 years going planet to planet, and his BP had soared up to new heights, as he now had a BP of around 10 million, making him stronger than Frieza in his second form, but he still couldn't match Frieza in his final form. Negi then got into his space pod, and began heading back to Earth, and after a few months, Negi arrived on Earth, and his power level freaked out all of the Z-Fighters, as they quickly came and surrounded him along with Raditz, but Goku was nowhere to be seen, and instead, Vegeta was there.

'Looks like I made it after the fight with Frieza… Such a shame, but it doesn't matter, I'll get to fight him again in the future… Also, how is Raditz still alive?... Wait, did that Soren guy save him?': negi

Negi was then questioned by everyone what his intentions and purpose was on Earth, while Vegeta was surprised that Negi was a Saiyan, and his power was through the roof, making Vegeta happy that he could have a good fight with this new Saiyan.

[My name is Negi, I came here because I wish to settle down… For the past 20 or more years, I have been fighting nothing but wild beasts, so a long rest is due]: negi

Piccolo was the first to inspect Negi, while everyone noticed that he was a Saiyan, making them a bit wary, but seeing as he meant no harm, nobody tried to chase him away, and it's not like they could chase him away if they wanted too. Negi then was told about getting his power under control, so the Z-Fighters took him to see Kami and Popo, where he then spent a few months learning their techniques, and just like Kami offered Soren, he offered Negi to be the new guardian of Earth, but like he thought, Negi declined, making Kami sigh in exasperation.

'Will I ever find a successor?': kami

Negi then sparred with Vegeta until the day of Future Trunks arrival, where Trunks was surprised to see a few faces he wasn't expecting, such as Raditz, and Negi. Trunks was wondering what timeline he traveled to, but put that thought to the back of his head when Frieza's ship arrived, and like the Anime, Trunks killed everyone, and came to talk with the Z-Fighters. Soon, Goku arrived, and then he turned Super Saiyan when he was talking with Trunks, and then Trunks gave a playful attack towards Goku, while Goku just blocked it, making Trunks sigh in relief, and soon, a few more months went by with Negi learning how to go Super Saiyan, and then was followed by Vegeta, making their sparring much more fun. Now Negi was currently sparring with Goku, so that they could prepare for the Android attack, and Negi was a complete monster without Super Saiyan, as he had packed quite a punch due to a special skill he bought from his System known as Kinetic Punch, it was a skill that would gather all the Kinetic energy from the air, and concentrate it into a single point, and then you punch out, and Negi had upgraded this attack to be used with kicking as well. After the sparring was over, Negi put the top half of his gi back on, and began wiping the sweat from his face before he went to go eat with everyone, and while the normal people sat at one table, all the Saiyans were gathered at another table with mountains of food that disappeared in an instant before more food was brought back out.

'Ahhh… What a life… Such good food to fill my stomach, and I get to hang out with all the people I looked up to back when I lived on Earth as a dying kid… But where is this Soren guy?... I have yet to see or hear anything about him… Maybe Goku knows of him?': negi

Negi then asked Goku if he knew a person named Soren, and Goku began to choke on some of his food before swallowing it and shouting with a happy tone.

[Soren!?... Yeah! He was like a father to me after Grandpa Gohan died, and he also brought my birth mother back to me, as well as my brother Raditz, while he's also the father to my younger brother Kouki… He's such a nice guy… Where is he? Do you know?]: goku

Goku sounded like an idiot, as he basically said that Soren had fucked his mother and gave her a child before acting as a father figure after the one who you looked up to as a father had died, and in the end he said Soren was a good guy. Negi tried to stop himself from laughing, and after he calmed down, he began wondering where Soren had run off too, but if he weren't here, then he was safe, as his System had informed him that if he and Soren were to make contact, Soren would without a doubt kill him, and right now, Negi was too weak to fight Soren.

'I wonder where he's hiding right now': negi

As Negi said this, the God began to laugh as Soren wasn't hiding, rather he was trying to stop himself from dying due to the leaking destruction force from his body.

[I can't miss this… I wanna see that brat that father chose, die]: ???

Soren was slowly but steadily controlling his energy, but it was evident that he was starting to feel the backlash from the rampant energy as his skin began to peel off as blood began to leak out from his body, and from afar all the cultivators who came to watch were all a bit sad to see such a young talent such as Soren die because he tried to break through.

[Such a shame… Did he not know that Creation God is the highest realm one can reach?... Only people who have a death wish try to break through, as it's a 99% chance for death, and only 1 person in this entire realm had ever successfully broken through, but he lost an arm and a leg doing so]: random cultivator

[Well once he died, we should escape, as I heard that after dying while trying to break through to the Destruction God state, all of your Profound Energy turns into a bomb and explodes]: random cultivator 2

Lots of rumors began to spread among the gathered crowd, while Soren was in a whole new realm in his mind as he couldn't hear a single thing from the outside, and was completely focused on controlling the energy within his body. After 2 days, Soren's energy began to calm down, while his body was still covered in a layer of blood that appeared to harden into a crystal making him seem like a statue, as even his hair had fallen out due to the burning of his scalp, leaving a pile of hair on the ground behind him, and after all the energy subsided and was no longer running rampant, most though Soren had died, and were prepared to run and flee, but hearing a cracking sound, all of them turned to see the ruby red blood shell begin to crack while releasing a bright red light.

[It was true!!!... Run for your lives!]: random cultivator 3

Many cultivators began fleeing, while only the brave stayed, as they believed that Soren had broken through and passed his challenge, making him a Destruction God, and they stayed to watch as the blood shell began to crack even more, as the red glowing light began to radiate from the statue more and more, before it completely shattered, as long flowing black hair cascaded down Soren's back, as his skin seemed even whiter than before, while his eyes seem to have changed color and radiated a silver light. Soren then got up as he clenched his fists, and felt the world begin to tremble, making a smile appear on his face before he looked up into the sky as he took in the entire world's presence with a single wave of his energy.

'So this is the power of a Destruction God of the Cultivation world… Ava, how powerful am I compared to Zeno from the Dragonball Universe?': soren

<{Zeno is an Existence of the Semi-Omnipotence realm if compared to cultivation realms, while the Angels are all of the False Omnipotence realm, leaving the Grand Priest at the Omnipotent Being Realm… This is to create a balance, as Angels must be stronger than their God of Destruction by a few levels, whereas the jump between Semi and perfect Omnipotence is vast… Do you understand now?}>

'I think I do… So if I wish to get any stronger, I now need to ascend once more, but you said I'm not strong enough yet… I think it's time to get a special skill from the world of Pirates… Hehehe': soren

Soren was planning on going to the One Piece world next, but there were a few things he needed to do before hand, so opening up a portal, Soren went back to the lower realm, where Gine and his family would be, as he wanted to ask them if they wanted to be pirates before he leaves.

I thought it would be fun seeing what the other guy who reincarnated did so far, tell me if you want to see more of this.

God_King_Sorencreators' thoughts