
The Dungeon Master that goes Gah!

A week had gone by since he had tried merging with the red dungeon and he had only come to a minute ago "I'm supposed to be a dungeon master! Why won't my dungeon do anything?!"

A really annoying voice made it's way into his head looking around his dungeon he saw a new room inside it was a person who seemed to be the one talking

"When will I get to do something?" he complained to thin air

'...' He normally wouldn't act like this but this guy just pissed him off for some reason

"Gah! Who would do this to mee?!"

'STOPPPP!' he didn't care about this guy anymore as long as he didn't have to listen to his annoying voice

using all the mana he had collected while merging with the red dungeon he created a way out and got the ogre to carry the person out of the room and out of the dungeon

the person came back to the dungeon very quickly


"Listen here dungeon I am your boss now get with it!"

looking through the crafting menu he created a roll of duct tape and had the ogre put an x over the annoying guys mouth he didn't care if that was the dungeon master even if he was he would have to at least change his voice before he was in charge

[I can still talk to you ya know.] the dungeon master sent telepathically one of the skills dungeon masters had was always being able to communicate with the dungeon thought normally it was only used to give orders [Yes, But your voice changed.] the dungeon said in response [..It's a habit jeez, anywho what should I call you?] the dungeon paused it hadn't thought of needing a name he remembered when he first came he had a name but he forgot it.. [Call me Casus.]

[Gah that's gonna be annoying to remember! jeez louiz it's gonna be tough!] 'grrr' trying hard to ignore what was being said he asked [What should I call you...] [You come off a bit grim don't worry though I'm sure you'll get through whatever it is that's bothering you as for m-] Casus cut Grim off [I'll call ya Grim ol' buddy ol' pal a mine...] sniffing Grim returned to his room still with duct tape covering his mouth [When are you planning on helping me move in?] [The very instant you have a house somewhere else you plan to move to.]

ignoring Grim he had to accept he had just wasted a bit over 388 units of mana.. Grim would make up for it over time, Grim as a dungeon master boosted mana production by 5 each day in 78 days he would of made up for it.

[You can't just forget about me nunaya can forget bout me!]

'No but we can try..'

using up the last of his mana he blacked out and escaped the chants of Grim although his voice was no longer painful to listen to his words were

Normally words Grim say that are misspelled or non existent are supposed to be like that but I would be happy to go through the comment section and correct people on that because it means you're reading this book!

ZodiacRewindcreators' thoughts