

It's late the stars are shining and most normal people are fast asleep not Blake, Blake has been outside for hours waiting for a shooting star waiting for one wish but none were falling looking up at the stars he said his last words "God if you're listening send me somewhere else.. somewhere better next time..." before jumping into the water

he tried to relax but even though he wanted to die not being able to breath panicked him he stopped panicking a few minutes later a few days later a missing person report was issued a few weeks later his body was found

that night a life was extinguished a star fell and a tiny blue jewel in a different world was lit up he hadn't seen a shooting star but he had got his wish but he made two wishes he was sent somewhere else but somewhere better in some ways yes others no but it was somewhere else he got his wish not something many can say..

I'm not sure how often I'll be uploading but my hope is to do fourteen chapters a week, hopefully the next will be longer then this. Thanks for reading and sorry about the grammar and punctuation.

ZodiacRewindcreators' thoughts