
Chapter 1 A Job To Do

The sound of screams from the damned awake her as well as a summon from the all might demonic king himself. She gets up and gets ready to receive her first mission in a few hundred years. She looks in the mirror admiring herself as per normal. Her hair falls from an angle with and undercut. Her double set of eyes and horns that hug her head pointed up. Beautiful wings and tail. She put her thin 2 piece outfit on a thin choker top with a pentagon on her voluptuous chest. and 2 thin strings holding together her thong piece. With her outfit on and boots laces she accepts the summon to his lair. In a burst of flames she's in front of him. her and 2 other demons. "Father" the other demon, a male spoke. "How can we please you on this awful morning?" he bows his head as to not look Him in the eye. She rolls her eyes "newbies" she thought to herself. The other demon, a female sighs she hasn't been around for long but she's not interested in the new guy kissing ass so early in the morning. He looks at his loyal demons and exhales a black puff of smoke. She opens her wings and in a blink of an eye is sitting on His lap. He smiles at her and He runs his fingers through her hair. The other demons at his feet jaws on the ground and the new guy looks like he's about to combust. It's amusing. "How can I help you Daddy Lucifer?" she shakes her hips and wips her tail across his chest. Lucifer clears his throat "I have new assignments for you all. Though it breaks my heart and makes me happy I'll be sending you all the earth to do my bidding. Each of you will have your own jobs. But you'll be staying there almost indefinitely. I need you all to do your best under my name. Do you-" lucifer grabs her hips still on his crotch so he can focus on his words. "Do you understand?" he looks at the demons for their response. " Cryus the male demon speaks through his teeth in a smile "Absolutely my Lord." He's gripping his fist so much that his blood burns as it exits his palm. Lucifer looks at the other female demon who rose her head and spoke "I, Kiora promise to do your bidding well " her eyes met the female demon on Lucifer's lap she glared back with the brightest burning in her eyes as if she was asking her to try something. Lucifer picks her up by her hips and turns her facing him but on his crotch still and he stands up, her arms now wrapped around him. "That'll be all then you can get your assigned positions from one of my demons in the front office." He carried her away with him to finish what she started in his quarters. As soon as the door shut behind him. Cyrus exploded with rage "Can you believe her?!?!" he looked to Kiora for confirmation. She stood and shrugged "I've been here longer than you so I know there's nothing you can do. But trust and believe it upsets me as well" Loud moaning and smacking noises start to emit from the room. Cyrus was glowing with heat from rage and Kiora just grabbed him by his hair and dragged him away. "They've been here the longest so they get to have those luxuries. They like to show off those luxuries whenever there is new flames around aka you. They just trying to burn all her bridges cause they only needs the one. Big bridge."Cyrus frees himself from kiora's grasp and uses his wings to float next to her while they walk to the front office. "How big do you think it is?" Kiora rolls her eyes. and they continue to walk.

With every thrust Lucifer give them they dug their nails deeper into his back. His black eyes looking into their golden ones "Why do you feel the need to be so petty Malice?" they smiled and clenched tightly onto his member while he was deep inside them. "How else do I get to show the newbies my rank and authority?" Lucifer pulls out as to have some leverage and to get their attention. They look up at him angry and longing for him to continue. "Where the gesture was a bit much and needed for the amount of garbage I deal with daily. You know better. I, of all the demons in hell can't show weakness. I don't have any really so let's try not to make it look like I have it." He places a hand around their neck and lefts them up and then pins them to the wall to continue. He places his thick hard rod against their moist crotch "Do you understand?" they smile lust burning through their eyes. "Yes, Lucifer." He then slams his shaft back into them releasing his seed deeply into their womb. The moaning from both loud enough to fill hell. Minutes later Malice dusts themselves off and asks "Who do I need to be for this job?" Lucifer hands her a paper. "Nothing you haven't done before. Go into some sad saps dream. Do the deed. Make him go insane. Once he looses all faith do whatever you can to have him pledge his allegiance to me as well as any offspring he brings in." "Offspring!?" Malice turns to him angry "What the hell!? This job is Long term not simple!!" Lucifer exhales a black puff of smoke "50 to 60 years in the human realm can fly by in a blink of an eye. And you're always my special case so you can pop into hell for your fix wherever you need." He says as he caresses their chin down to their chest. "Female. You may use she/her pronouns now. I've accepted the job so long as you keep your bed empty for me when I want it." Lucifer grins "Our relationship is purely open my dear don't forget our arrangement." She burns the paper in her hand and her symbol on her wrist appears that shows she's accepted the job. "Our arrangement is open that doesn't mean replace me and book your schedule to where you can tap this." she slaps her but as she leaves his bedroom. She walks to her room when she's stopped by Cyrus. "Message received. But don't think I won't be keeping an eye on you. Lucifer has to have some time on his hands with you soon to be gone." Malice grips his neck and he shivers as she pulls him closer. She then grabs his butt and digs her nails in and he lets out a small moan. She looks him in the eyes and smiles brightly "You can do whatever you want. Baby boy this is hell. I have no rules keeping you from doing what you want no matter how long I've been here." She takes his hand and brings it under her crotch. She relaxes and all the cum from their encounter seeps from her loins into his hand. "Have a nice day." She walks away from him the river continued to flow from her. She goes in to her room. "I have a job to do" and shuts the door.