
Life is game

your_youngdol · sci-fi
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2 Chs

Sun shone

"Wake up young mistress there urgent message from your classmate"worker said..."what is it from early in morning?"I ask the worker who wake me up.So her is detail,My psych classmate boy who love me more than three years is purposing me from rooftop and it was like suicide,if I did not accept.I went there to see what dramatic things is going on but it was real.I was kinda angry that drama is going on from morning and all teacher and classmates are here to see this dramatic things.Suddenly i feel like sun shine in me...I have never seen him before nor I heard but he was there at rooftop kick that psych down and bring to me.He said "You apologize to this lady,if you consider yourself as man.You are already in junior year of high school and still acting like kids,huh" and than he went.I went near him and thank him but he ignore me and keep going. At lunch I was invited by my best friend dekeye whom I call 6.She is so pretty and kind.Don't imagine what is her pure kindness because she nearly donate her kidney last to my one of aunt who died recently due to kidney fail.It was me who stop her doing her kind things but my friendship is more like family.She always join me in all our family meeting and relative party like my sister,she safe my life twice.One was on the day I celebrate my 8th year birthday party and second was on class pic when I twist my spangle and nearly fall on swimming pool..(I don't know how to swim).So now eating dinner I tell all stupid drama just happen to her and tell that I gal for someone at first glance.She was nearly at shock but she control and ask me who is it?

(6 know the boy and luckily he was on same language class as her)