
Chapter 2 :One life began the first step to her success.

One day, she was going to collect firewood so she saw a school girl running towards the road and the car was coming at a high speed in the road from the front and that girl was about to die but suddenly she pushed the girl and they both fall on the other side of the road and the bus passed. She escaped the accident. Then her mother came there and seeing the girl alive, she thanked Ana. When her mother introduced herself so it was found that she was principal of the school. She called Ana in her office and offered job as a teacher. Ana didn't refused and started going to the school. There ,she made some friends. Everyone at school was amazed by her drawing. One day, the principal made a plan of forest trip to more information to the children. Ana refused to go there but principal ordered her to go with all the staff of the school. All the teachers and children sat in the school bus. They left early in the morning because they had to returned school before evening. When they reached the forest, they showed many animals of the jungle to the children and told them about the plants then everyone are lunch. The trip was going very well. The children and teachers were all enjoying themselves. When it was time to go back, everyone got in the bus and started going back so half way through, the bus went bad. Everyone got out of the bus. It was getting dark so all the teachers decided to stayed at forest until someone comes to help and they took the children to a safe place. When it got very dark so they lit a fire and everyone sat around it. All the teachers started watching suddenly there was the sound of the gunfire and all the children were afraid. The teachers decided to go and see who was there. Ana and two other teachers decided to go there and the rest of the teachers continued to protect the children there. As they went further ,they heard two people talking. They moved forward with fear in their heart so they saw that two persons sitting there. Ana recognized them. One of them was Daniel and the other was his friend. She remained silent when she saw him . When they went to Daniel,so he also recognized her. Daniel asked,"What are you doing here right now?" On which teachers told him that they need help before they have children with them. When asked them that what they were doing there so it was told that they were hunting there. Daniel asked them for their problem so teachers told him that there is something wrong with the bus. After hearing the situation he said,"I have a farmhouse nearby and you can spend the night there if you want". She was looking at him in amazement. All the teachers decided that it was better to spend the night in the farmhouse because the children were there too. The teachers took the children to Daniel's farmhouse. The children were hungry because it was night so Daniel and his friend arranged the dinner for them. After dinner, the children were sent to rest in rooms . Ana was impressed by his kindness. The teachers also went to rest but Ana was sitting by the pool thinking something deeply. He also went to the pool and sat there. When he saw her sitting there, he asked,"Why aren't you sleeping?". She replied," I can't sleep". Then he seriously asked,"Are you following me?". She was looking him surprisedly. So he said"I am just kidding". She smiled quietly. Daniel said to her ,"It's getting late and you should rest". She replied," I want to sleep but I don't want to live in this darkness anymore". Then he asked,"Why so?". She told that there is only darkness in her life and she wanted to turned this darkness into light. Then he said that.light will definitely came in to your life as the morning light comes after the night was passed. She smiled at him. Then he asked ," what do you want to do in your life?". So she replied that she wants to make her name and place in this world. He appreciated her and said that if you have the ability so you will succeed but it's important that you rest first. Next morning, the mechanic came to fix the bus. When everyone started to go back, the only thought came in his mind that shall we meet again. The bell rang at Mr Emery's mention, the watchman went inside and told that Inspector Parker has came. Mr Emery invited him in. As soon as he came in , Mr Emery was happy to see him . He shook hand and hugged him then he asked him to sit down. Mr Emery said,"Ah! my friend how are you? You are looking happy. Is there any good news?".Ins. Parker replied,"Yeah! I am fine and I have a good news for you and the good news is Daniel's case has been resolved". Mr Emery asked him,"Have you caught the culprit?". Inspector told him that he found a necklace of a girl from that place where the accident occurred. When he investigated about the girl so it was found that she ran away from her house at the time of accident. Further he said that when talked to her step mother so it was found that she was mad girl. We were about to reached her but suddenly it was informed that she had committed suicide. If she had been alive, we would probably have known why she attacked him. Me Emery happily said,"It means there is no danger to my son". Then Inspector replied that If you have any problem so please contact me. As soon as he left , Daniel came to Mr Emery and asked,"Dad,Is this your friend?". Mr Emery told him that he was Inspector Parker and he is his friend. He has found out who cause your accident. Daniel asked again,"who is the one who got so much courage?".Mr Emery said that there was a girl who did your accident but forget all that because she is died. Daniel smiled and left. Ana was sitting in school and was drawing a beautiful castle. Everyone was surprised to see her drawing. A teacher said,"What are you doing in this small school?. You should work with a big company. The teacher talked to principal about Ana's job. The principal said,"I can do something for you. I'll talk to Mr Emery . He was my class mate, now he's the owner of the builder company. He's very famous for his work. I think he needs you". After few days, she was called to the office. She felt that she was very close to her destination but there was a fear in her heart that she didn't know whether she would get a job or not. She relaxed herself. The secretary called her and saw her drawing and was surprised to see. When the secretary shown the drawing to Mr Emery so he called Ana immediately in his office. When he met her so he gave the good news to her that she has got a job .Then started working there as cartographer under Mr Kim. He was her senior. She worked as his secretary. Ana impressed Mr Emery with her ability. One day,she is in the elevator of the office then the elevator stopped at a floor. As soon as the elevator opened she was surprised to see that Daniel was coming in the elevator so she hide behind two or three people and Daniel didn't even see her. The elevator opened and everyone left. Ana also went to Mr Kim silently. When Daniel was standing outside with some employees and was talking to them so Ana asked Me Kim,"Who is that?".On which he told her that he's the son of Mr Emery "Daniel" and he's the sole heir to his property. She was surprised to hear this. Now she was afraid of how to faced him. When she went to make coffee for herself so the secretary of Daniel came to her and ordered her to make coffee Daniel. Ana replied," Ok, I'll make but you'll give him". The secretary told her that Mr Emery called her in his office so she has to go there then Ana couldn't refused and she made coffee. When she went to his office to give coffee so he was standing by window and talking on the phone and his back was to her so she thought it was a good opportunity I leave quitely. She moved slowly and put the coffee on the table silently than she left . When he turned back he saw that his coffee was on the table. When he drank the coffee , he liked it. Then he called his secretary in his office and said ,"I want this coffee daily". The secretary replied,"Ok sir". Secretary went to Ana and told her that she will make the coffee every day. At that time, she wondering that how she could stay away from him because whenever she meet him, something happens. Ana was working on a project with Mr Kim. Straight away, the secretary came to her and asked to make coffee for Daniel. She went and made coffee. After that, she was wondering that how can she give now?. So she picked up some files and put them towards her face m . She took coffee and went to the office so he can tried to see her face but she didn't let her face be seen and she quickly put the coffee on the table then left. He began to think about that how strange the girl was. When it's time to leave the office , she was going to the parking so she saw that he was coming from the front. She hide her behind the car and waited until he was gone. Then one day, when she was showing her designs to Mr Kim so the secretary came to her and told that Daniel was waiting for Mr Kim because they had to go to visit the site for the project. Then Mr Kim went to him and told that he didn't know much about the project because Ana made the model of this project . Daniel said,"Please send her quickly. I'm getting late". Then Mr Kim went to her and told that Daniel was calling her, on which she replied," I have to go to washroom that's why I can't go". Then she went to the washroom. Mr Kim went to Daniel and told him that she can't go with him because she's in the washroom. Daniel waited for her but on the other hand, she was standing in the washroom waiting for him to leave. He was very angery. He said to Mr Kim," How irresponsible she is. She doesn't care about time . Now, I'm getting late so you come with me". As soon as he left, she came out of the washroom and took a deep breath when he returned, he went to Mr Emery and he was very happy because he got a good place for their project. He was very affected by her model. He thought that he should meet her who was doing such a good job. When he was going to Mr Kim's office to meet her as soon as he opened the door, the secretary came to him and told him that Mr Emery was calling him so he couldn't go inside and returned from there. This time too they couldn't meet with each other. After few hours, Mr Emery called Ana into his office. She was wondering what was going to happen now but she went in, he told her to sit down. At his request, she sat down. Then he said," I don't believe this that how can ani inexperienced and low qualified girl do such a good job?". She was confused by what he said. Then Mr Emery said,"Don't worry, I'm admiring you. The fact is that the model you created,we have benefited alot from this. That's why , I have decided that you be rewarded and the reward is that you are being given a home and a car with driver". Then he gave her the keys. She was surprised as well as happy. Ana asked,"Thank you ,sir". On which he said that if you will work hard so one day you will become a very successful person. Mr Kim was also standing there so he clapped for her. Mr Emery asked Mr Kim to show her new home and car. She was very happy with her success that day. Then Mr Kim showed her new home. She thought that she would shift there with the old woman who had supported her. Next day, Ana went to the village. She said to the old woman,"Come with me to the new house". The old woman was very happy to hear that but she refused and said,"I can't go with you because I can't leave this house. I have happy moments in this house with my husband and my son".Then she further said,"Always be happy and get more success in your life". Ana smiled and asked that remember me if you ever need something. Then she went to her new home because it was closed to the office. After reached home, she went to her room. When she put the photo of her family on the table. She suddenly remembered her father and there were tears in her eyes. There was a hope in her heart that she would meet her father soon.