

I observe them one after the other :


Jacques Mercier (level 2)

Hp: 52/60


Pierre Mercier (level 2)

Hp: 58/70


Paul Mercier (level 2)

Hp: 92/102


Alexander Dobel (level 1)

Hp: 79/82


François Dufour (level 2)

Hp: 69/85



Definitely, considering their levels and Hp, they are not dangerous in themselves, however even my grandfather has shot down orcs much stronger than him with a hunting rifle, I'm not ready to bet that a volley of lead will not tear me all the torso even with my level and my raised stats .

One of them whispers to his neighbor :

"- Are you sure they are the ones who got the food?

- Certain, there was a young man, a woman, a super hot redhead and another weird guy with a dog mask. They packed everything in a car and left. I then saw the kid and the masked guy on a motorbike several times, I followed them and bam! look at their fucking house ! Hehe if there is the redhead we could have a little fun with her ...

- You are disgusting. We are there for the food, we take it and we go. If we do not find them we pick them up and shake them a bit to convince them... "

(There is one who is at least a little smarter ...)

- ... if they resist, we kill them and take the house.

(Smart and ready to kill if you stand in his way ... ooook this is the first one I have to eliminate ...)

They start to separate to search the house, this is the moment that the kobolds and I were waiting for. Once again I thank my grandfather for making a ridiculously big house, the living room itself is a hundred square meter with lots of hiding place in the dark: the huge table covered with a tablecloth almost to the ground perfectly hides the two wrestler kobolds and my position on the mezzanine allows me to watch them in the shadow of a curtain. Two people then pass near the table, my kobolds took the opportunity to seize the ankles of the two men. These two last fall obviously, creating a concussion, but they disappear immediately under the table even before the others sees what happens. However the tension goes up a notch, a pity that I do not intend to give them time to react ...

I throw myself from the mezzanine on the guy a little too decided. My elbow falls directly on the top of the skull, knocking him directly while I receive without noise (thank you Agi 70 (+9)!). In the same movement I grabbed his rifle, turned it over and went to another man, I send the hilt in the face of the said guy. The kobolds arise from under the table while the others begin to turn to me and once again I throw the butt of the gun on the cheekbone of the second guy armed with a rifle. An action so long to describe, however, it took only two seconds to be executed between the time the kobolds seized the first two men and the disabling of the second rifle guy. By the time others understand that they are under attack, their numbers have decreased by more than half. The kobolds are damn effective I must admit, they hit the head directly and do not let them react. In less than another two-three seconds, all the attackers are under control, and when I take a look outside I see Inukami knocking out the last men with the handle of his weapon. The last rifle is already on the ground when it attacks the last two people. However I see a man running towards the forest in the background, he surely escaped as soon as Inukami appeared. While I'm about to run after him, a blue flash appears and explodes just to the left of the runner, surprising him enough that he falls and takes a tree strait in the head.

(Ahah it must have hurt)

The blue flash is undoubtedly a lesser mana sphere that my grandfather launched ... the accuracy is not there yet but hey ... at least he improves. He shot someone without hesitation anyway. I'm not sure he realizes that given the level of these people, his projectile would have been enough to tear a member or just kill them, but hey, I will not tell him too.

Inukami goes to find the fugitive and we gather the ten others in the garden. I attach their limbs with electrician tape, a very resistant stuff, and they start to wake up little by little. Yes, when someone is knock out he does not stay as long as in the movies, more than a minute and it is a coma or a head trauma. To give them a helping hand, I spray them with the water jet. After a few cries and insults from those who wake up suddenly, they realize that they are tied up and in deep shit.

"- Release us assholes, or I swear I'll kill you!

- You will pay fuckers ! When we are free you'll cry!

- I'm going to kill you! I will kill you!

- You will regret it!

- ...

It was fun for two minutes then it got boring so I asked the Inu to hit them a bit. It did not help much so I grabbed my sword and placed it on the throat of one of them. Strangely the silence is done immediately.

" - What do you want ? Asked the gunman I knocked down first.

- Some answers. You attacked us. Why ? "

They all looked at each other, and while the jackal wanting to kill us if we were on his way is about to answer, one of the other morons starts shouting :

"- You took all the food that's why ! Bitch, you have taken everything! What are we supposed to do huh?

I look at him, he looks at me full of hatred and ... I hit him.

"- The next time you scream, your head will roll to the ground before finishing your sentence", I answer, using [King's Bloody Aura].

I see them all having trouble breathing and shaking.

( I like the effects of this skill)

"- Lukas, gently. They are there for a reason. It is true that we took some food."

My grandfather comes out of the house with the others but I ask my mother to come back with Alyssa. She does not need to see that. I put my sword in its scabbard and wait for my grandfather to join us.

"-... however gentlemen, we did not take "everything". Our small village certainly does not have a big supermarket, but we could not take everything. There is a lot of food left in it. So do not use that kind of reasoning", he says reading his book.

The sceamer is about to open his mouth again but after a dark look in his direction he prefers to stay quiet ... and he's right, I had already grabed [Burning Rancor]...

"- Maybe, but the place is teeming with bugs now and we can not go get anything"

I look at the only intelligent one, the decision-maker of the band, approach him and grab him by the collar, lifting him easily.

"- Do not try to fooled us. What interests you is this place, in addition to the food. We are outside of the town, so we have not suffered any creature attack, we have walls surrounding the entire property and a solid portal. The house itself is great ... in short : a good place to "loot" and even recover. I heard you just now ... your little discussion with this charming gentleman here wanting to "have fun" with the redhead over there ...

- What ?!" Shouted the so-called redhead.

- ... and your order if we were going to resist ... was very clearly heard."

He looks at me, sweat beading on his forehead. Out of the corner of my eye I see Marie grab a dagger and look with hate the guy who wanted to "have fun" with her. Since the incident with the hobgoblin and the one with the horde of goblin, I think she has developed some ... um ... a hatred towards anything that may remind her of this rape.

(I think sex with her is a little compromised ... wait what ? What am I thinking ?!)

I release the man and reactivates my skill [King's Bloody Aura]:

"- Now ... what am I going to do with you ... a bunch of people wanting to kill us to take our house ... the new logic of this world would want me to kill you, after all that would make me earn experience and more ...

- Lukas ! I do not want you ... I do not want you to kill humans."

The person who said that is obviously my mother.

"- Mom, these people wanted to kill us and loot us. What tells me that if we release them, they will not come back better armed or more numerous ?"

I grab my sword and point it again on the throat of one of them. It would be best to eliminate all threats immediately to avoid future problems.

My sword on the man's throat is more pressing and even pulls a drop of blood that floats alone around me. Seeing this, the eleven attackers open their eyes wide. My grandfather adds that I'm right and makes a sphere of mana appear.

They were surprised with the blood flying around me, but now seeing a ball of blue energy appear like that ... it looks like their eyes will come out of their sockets. It snatches me a smile I must admit.

"- What are you ... whispers", shocked, one of them.

"- Tch, we see that you are only "noobs", I tell them scornful," our world has become a video game. We have all gained levels, skills, skills etc ..."

By telling them that I activate the [Predator's Eye], [King's Bloody Aura] at full strength, and I open my veins and manipulate my blood so that it floats around me. My grandfather shows two new spheres, smaller, that he makes it gravitate around the first. The kobolds are also grumbling.

"- Oh by the way, they are not masks, they are kobolds, real creatures half man and half dog. They are my subordinate," I tell them with a big smile that I suppose scary with my red eyes, my aura and the blood ...

Seeing and hearing all this, I see them becoming pale and trembling, making me smile more beautifully...