
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

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70 Chs

New colleague

When I helped Yuzuha after our lunch session, I saw her mother's condition suffering from late-stage HIV in the slums and unfit living conditions. Seeing her like that made me feel sad.

It was painful to see someone on the verge of death, but with my ability to use magic, I should have been able to heal her easily. However, when Yuzuha stepped out to make cheap tea, her mother asked me not to heal her at all.

At that moment, I was very surprised and listening to her reason hit me hard. Her mother had long yearned for the end of her extremely difficult life.

Throughout her life, Yuzuha's mother had always experienced oppression because they were of Japanese descent. This made them hated by people even though the war had ended.

I understand why people hated them, but what's unbelievable is how they were ostracized and subjected to unfair treatment. Yet, all they wanted was to live peacefully like everyone else, but the people there couldn't accept them. It's as if they were sheep among a pack of wolves.

The family was almost gone, even Yuzuha's father committed suicide because he couldn't bear their situation. Also, the Lee surname is their grandfather's surname, who was their adoptive father. Yuzuha's mother was also a victim of the war at that time. Up to this point, I understand it.

"Doctor... Can I make one request before I go?" the old woman asked with pleading eyes as if I were the only hope she had been waiting for a long time.

I swallowed hard, then nodded slowly. Seeing the dim light in the dying woman's eyes certainly made me feel uncomfortable.

"I don't know you, but I can trust that you are a good person more than anyone I've met in my life," her breath slowly faltered, and she also made an effort to turn her head to look out the window. "Can you, take Yuzuha away from this place?" Her request was simple yet full of meaning.

I understood the meaning of her request clearly. In this family, Yuzuha's mother wanted me to break the vicious circle full of suffering and misery. By leaving the country, she hoped that her child could have a decent life, unlike herself who was always oppressed wherever she went.

With a heavy heart, I looked at the woman with great respect. "I will take her away from here," I said softly.

The woman smiled faintly, as if hearing my answer had relieved a great burden she had been carrying. "Thank you... Thank you so much," she said in a voice that was almost inaudible.

I gently touched her hand, giving a little warmth in her final moments. "May you find peace in a new place," I said with a prayer in my heart.

The woman's eyes moved from the window to my face, and I could see a look of relief in her eyes. "Thank you..." she said softly before her last breath peacefully left her.

I then gently closed her eyes, giving a final tribute to the soul that had long suffered. Then, I turned to Yuzuha, who looked confused and sad in front of the door.


The unexpected sadness washed over me at that moment. Despite having lived for so long and often seeing people experiencing much worse lives, this time, my sadness was more towards sympathy for Yuzuha. The young woman had to live alone in this harsh world, but spending a day with her was enough to make me realize that she lived her life with a smile even though the world around her was not always kind.

Although Yuzuha was 18 years old, her job was only to sweep the streets, and her salary was not enough to meet her daily needs, especially with her mother's illness. Her father even committed suicide because he couldn't bear the pressures of life. Yet, Yuzuha remained strong and resilient in the face of all that suffering.

After her mother's funeral, which was attended by no one but me, we buried her body in a cemetery. I paid for the land even though I saw the cemetery keeper who seemed to dislike the presence of Japanese descendants there. After some consideration, he finally agreed to sell a plot of land at a high price for Yuzuha, who was from the lowest caste. So, I paid for the land and gave a little lesson to the cemetery owner by reciting a baldness mantra on his hair so that he would experience premature baldness.

A year passed since her mother's funeral, and I finally fulfilled my promise to help Yuzuha leave that dismal place. She agreed to accompany me on a short journey, and at that time I did not expect that this journey would be the beginning of a major change in her life.

Throughout the journey, I witnessed how Yuzuha transformed from a weak girl into a tough and brave woman. Although still fragile, she showed a strong determination to improve her life.

When I finally reached my destination and obtained the artifact I was looking for, I felt relieved. The artifact was the key to achieving my ultimate goal, which was to reach Maitreya and change the future.

After leaving Yuzuha somewhere in Japan, I saw how she grew and developed. Besides the changes in her attitude and personality, she also changed physically. Her messy hair was gone, replaced by straight and glossy black hair. Her skin became white and clear like milk, and her face became even more charming.

At that time, I couldn't help but compare her to one of the characters from my past world that I used to know. Her name was Hinata Hyuga. Although she didn't have white eyes, Yuzuha had a sweet smile that could melt anyone's heart.

Including mine... Damn, that was unfortunate. If Grayfia found out about this, I'm sure she would kill me considering how obsessed she is with me.

But I'm sure she'll understand... Right?

No matter how hard I tried to brush it off, the feeling continued to haunt me. Anyway, I'm only human, even though I've lived for over a thousand years. But imagining how Grayfia would respond to it made me feel uneasy.

Maybe I should be honest with myself. But before I could take that step, I had to make sure that Yuzuha felt the same way. And if she didn't see me as a mentor or protector, but as something more than that, would that be a good thing?

When I finally stepped forward to confront these feelings, I hoped that Grayfia would understand the situation. Perhaps, by continuously speaking openly, I could resolve this issue without ruining our relationship. But, am I confident enough in that?

Meanwhile, I had to ensure that Yuzuha's journey to her new life went smoothly. That was the most important thing now.

"Sorry, Yuzuha, but this is where I can accompany you," I said, standing in front of the door of a decent house in a Japanese city called Kuoh. Well, I placed her here for a reason.

The woman who once lived in poverty and hardship now became charming and could enjoy her life without caring about anything else.

Yuzuha looked at me with gratitude. "It's okay, thank you very much, Hiroaki-sama. You have given me a new life, a chance to start over."

I smiled warmly at her. "No need to thank me, Yuzuha. I just did what I thought was right."

Yuzuha nodded, her eyes shining with hope. "I will wait for your return, Hiroaki-sama. May God always watch over you on your journey."

With a feeling of emotion, I nodded. "I will come back, Yuzuha. Make sure you're okay here."

We looked at each other for a moment before I turned to leave. Yuzuha stood at the doorway, looking at me hopefully. Like a faithful wife waiting for her husband's return, and a woman who never stopped thanking the man who saved her life. But I didn't feel like I was leaving her to live alone again. At least I could be a good father to her someday.

Yuzuha looked at my back while gently stroking her stomach, perhaps with hopes for a bright future she would live with.

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There are 15 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.