
Life Exchange Game

Xia Yu finds himself in an alternate world where he belongs to a single-parent, a financially struggling family. Unlike his previous life as a well-off only child. After living for 18 years with no system, Xia Yu unexpectedly receives an odd "body-swapping game" system. The system allows him to swap or take over the bodies of of any Human or Animal for eight hours a day, in turn acquires various skills called "bonuses" after a successful swap, gaining their speciality. Curiosity and the desire to escape from his mundane life leads Xia Yu to experiment with the system. Ding- [Body exchange has been completed.] [Generating bonus based on the other party's body...] [Obtained bonuses: Music lv1, Painting lv1, Flower Arrangement lv1.] "Well It seems I don't need to sell this body's kidney or get a loan in their name anymore."

Xenal · Urban
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446 Chs

Entering Dangerous Territory

The door was a thin wooden door, which couldn't block bullets but could block the enemy's line of sight, allowing the soldiers to help the fallen Ah Wei.

Xiong Yu furrowed his brows, not feeling danger or, rather, sensing minimal danger. This might be because his psychic sensitivity was slightly dulled in the brown bear's body, so he didn't notice it.

It was also possible that his psychic senses knew that he and Meimei would be fine, so they didn't trigger an alarm.

Regardless, it was right to show some concern for Ah Wei, who got shot.

Coming to Ah Wei's side, Xia Yu looked at his body, and there was no blood flowing from him, his eyes wide open, unharmed.

As Xia Yu was puzzled, Ah Wei took out a coin from his chest pocket.

In Xia Yu's mind, a classic scene from a gunfight movie flashed where a coin blocked a bullet.

The captain of the Guards also thought so, hugging Ah Wei: "Heavens! This truly is a lucky coin!"

"Yes," Ah Wei clenched the coin tightly in his hand, "This is the amulet my mom gave me. I saw it this morning, and I remembered my mom's words telling me to put on a bulletproof vest."

The captain of the Guards frowned, "So, it was the bulletproof vest that stopped the bullet?"

"What else?" Ah Wei looked at the captain of the Guards, puzzled.

The captain let go of Ah Wei, sending him falling to the ground. Ah Wei's head hit the floor, making a painful sound, but none of the surrounding soldiers sympathized with him.

"Sir, there are only three people on the other side!" a soldier by the window reported.

"Only three people?" The captain was puzzled, he went to the window, indeed seeing three people slowly approaching. He tried to shoot at them, but the trees blocked his shots.

The wooden house wasn't built to withstand gunfights, so there were substantial issues with the layout.

The three enemies skillfully arrived at the front of the wooden house, sneakily climbed onto the roof, and jumped through the skylight into the room, only to be surrounded by eleven guns.

"Oh my God." In the perplexed gazes of Xia Yu and his group, the three enemies dropped their guns.

"The villagers told us there were only one man and one woman here!" The leader revealed their reason for rushing in.

The guards had come here without alarming the villagers, so the information the three enemies had was erroneous.

"Now you know." Ah Wei said as he rubbed his chest where he had been shot and tied up the three men.

The guards began to laugh again, teasing and mocking each other for their earlier scare.

As they relaxed, Xia Yu suddenly had an uneasy feeling in his heart. He looked around, trying to find the source of the feeling.

Suddenly, he had an inspiration, and immediately looked towards the skylight.

Another figure fell from the skylight, and the soldiers failed to notice the intruder.

Seeing the change in the shadow, the soldiers realized what was happening, and they looked at the figure that landed, rolled twice, and got behind their princess in horror.

The figure stood up, face filled with a triumphant smile, and raised his gun towards Meimei.

The eyes of the thirteen soldiers, as well as Ah Wei and Ah Hua, widened in disbelief. They never expected there to still be an enemy lurking.

Seeing that they were about to succeed, the attacker was about to laugh out loud, but that was as far as he could go.

Xia Yu stood up and waved a bear paw at him.

The attacker flew two meters and hit the wall of the wooden house, falling down and not moving.

The attacker's three companions looked at the guards incredulously. They thought the outcome would change after their companion stepped in, but they didn't expect that these damn guards actually trained a bear to be a bodyguard!

Is this something a human would do! How cruelly tortured must the bear have been! Did you ask for the bear's opinion!

The thirteen soldiers didn't notice the attitude of the three captives. They looked at the fallen attacker on the ground and swallowed hard, remembering their previous teasing of Xia Yu.

If Xia Yu also did this to them...

The thirteen men immediately moved away from Xia Yu.

A-Wei had a smug look on his face, staring at the three soldiers who had laughed at him earlier: "I told you, it's a wild bear, and even more so, one that fought three tigers alone!"

Ignoring A-Wei's bragging, Xia Yu comforted Mae-Mae, who was cuddling in his arms.

He rejoiced that he was here today.

Wrong, maybe it wouldn't matter if he wasn't there.

From the decisive way the last figure jumped down, they were not planning on hurting Mae-Mae's life. They basically wouldn't make it back alive if they hurt Mae-Mae.

No wonder the psychic induction didn't show.

Xia Yu felt relieved.

At this moment, a line of subtitles floated in front of him:

Brown bear's bonus has increased to lv3

Probably because it had been using its body for so long, the intelligence of this brown bear had risen so much that it could understand that it had just saved its little owner.

With the bonus at lv3, there was no longer a time limit for the game, and Xia Yu could lick honey all day long.

He put the matter of choosing rewards aside for now and watched the guards and the two brothers to see how they would proceed.

A-Wei interrogated the three men and learned that they were the vanguard of the interim government, with a large force behind them.

"We need to leave right away!" A-Wei searched through his bag for a map and forced the three of them to tell him which route they took to get there.

The trio pointed to the east.

Xia Yu curiously leaned in to see, squeezing past a soldier in front of him. The soldier turned his head in displeasure, but seeing it was him, he immediately changed to a smiling face and voluntarily made way.

Reaching the table, Xia Yu could clearly see the map.

The eastern side of the forest was the nearest exit, leading to a main road. A river lay not far to the west of the forest, more mountains to the north, and plains to the south.

"We should take the western route!" said the captain of the guards.

"No, I think we should go south!" A-Wei disagreed with the captain.

"Once we cross the river on the west side, we'll be free!" said the captain of the guards.

"I only trust my legs more than a boat! There are too many uncertainties in crossing the river," A-Wei said his reason.

An argument arose between the two.

Xia Yu slammed the table, the loud noise stopping the bickering between the two.

He stretched out his paw, pointing at the southern route.

"See, even the bear knows to go south!" A-Wei said happily.

"What does it know!" The guard captain was unconvinced.

Xia Yu then used his bear paw to scratch a deep mark on the table.

The captain of the imperial guard stopped talking, and the soldiers silently accepted the fact that they were going to head south.

However, Xia Yu was not making decisions; he was completely a layman who didn't understand how to choose a path. He was merely testing his psychic induction.

After choosing the south, a dangerous warning appeared in the psychic induction.

At this moment, Ah Wei was excitedly talking about how to go south.

"There is another village here, once we leave the forest, we can immediately get food supplies from here, and then..."

As he was speaking enthusiastically, a bear paw slapped the back of his head.

Xiong Yu pressed the bear paw on the map again, this time pointing to the western road.

At this point, it was the captain of the imperial guard's turn to be triumphant.

Everyone's future was twisted, and Xia Yu gained a new psychic induction.

The psychic induction was equally dangerous and it was even worse than before.

The west was even more dangerous.

He pointed to the north again.

"North is a dead end," Ah Wei said.

This time, he did not receive any new psychic induction, proving that the soldiers would never go north no matter what.

He could only choose the south again.

The danger in the south was equally great, and he began to worry about Mei Mei's future.