
Blue Sky City

I walked out the door of the old cabin and what I saw was a bunch of trees surrounding this place and leafs being pushed around by the wind.

I didn't know what direction to go so I decided to just walk straight and see if I could get out of the woods.

As I was walking I was admiring the animals and other wildlife around me that I've never seen before.

I had to admit that the world seemed very beautiful at first glance and made me think about all the things I didn't know.

But that also made me think of all the planets and universes and other things I didn't know about that I wanted and needed to discover in the future.

I was walking for a while now until I heard a weird noise in the bushes that was a few feet ahead of me.

I quickly put my guard up and readied my fists because I had no weapon, but I did have a couple of skills in my use.

I remembered I haven't even started cultivating yet but I still had Arcane Energy in my use.

Not a lot of it though so I had to improvise if anything that was about to come out of the bushes was dangerous.

Just as I had that thought something dashed right out of the bush and landed a few feet in front of me.

It was a wolf like creature that had hundreds of teeth and it was growling while drool was flowing out its mouth, it's eyes were also slit so it looked hostile. Its body was weirdly really muscular and it's claws were long too.

We both stayed there waiting for one of us to attack first too strike back.

Luckily for me the wolf-like creature ran out of patience and dashed first to attack me.

It opened it's huge jaws striking at my head intending to bite it off.

Before it did I stomped my right foot forwards and my upper body down forwards towards it's stomach.

I then used my right hand to throw a punch at it's gut with my full strength that I could muster up.

When my attack landed it shot back into a tree and coughed up blood.

The tree had a relatively big dent in it so I understood the limit of my power for right now.

It struggled to get up for a few seconds because my punch did a lot of damage to it.


As soon as it did that suddenly my organs started to shake out of pain and I coughed up a bit of blood at the same time.

It seemed like the wolf used a skill that allowed it's roars to do damage to their opponent.

I wiped the blood off of my mouth and distanced myself from it.

I casted "Nightmare Hallucination" and my eyes went from purple to light shade of red. It was simple to use skills, all you had to do was say the skills in your head and it would activate.

As I did that the wolf suddenly fell on the floor and started to grovel on the ground. I didn't know what it was seeing but I wasn't going to waste this chance to attack.

I then casted "Arcane Poison Chains" and suddenly 6 purple chains formed around me and I instinctively knew how to control them.

I commanded all 6 too stab the wolf in different places like the gut or legs and even the heart.

As soon as they pierced the wolf blood gushed everywhere and poison immediately started to rush into the places it was stabbed at and I saw as the wolfs skin slowly start to erode and its blood start to boil and burn its body.

I stood there expressionless and walked up to it to get a better look at the effects of my skill.

All that were left was a pile of bones and I was satisfied with this result.

I walked away heading forwards again to find any sign of human life.

Since I had my cloak I didn't need to worry about my identity of being found out.

...After about 20 minutes of walking I finally made it out the forest and what greeted my eyes was a huge wall that surrounded a city.

I walked towards the entrance of the city when I suddenly heard


I looked towards the source of the noise and seen two men covered in silver armor with a spear in their hand walk towards me.

I got nervous and thought that the cloak didn't work and that they found out about my identity or that wearing cloaks around here wasn't normal

It turned out that I was wrong and one of the men asked "Do you have a medal or a pass to enter these gates?"

It took me a second to answer because I didn't know what too say and then I said "No I am a foreigner of this area and I was just exploring, that's all, can I not enter without one?" I replied.

Both of the men looked at each other and sighed.

One of them took out a medal from somewhere I didn't know and said 'Here take this, its a medal of authorization to get into this city, don't lose it you wont be getting another one."

I shook my head up and down and said "Thank you" and quickly walked through the gates of the city.

But then I remembered that I didn't know the name of this city so I turned around and asked one of the guards what was the name of this city. He replied and said "Blue Sky City" and went back to doing his job in guarding the city.

I turned around and walked through the gates again and what I saw was a bunch of people walking around and shops and inns in every corner.

It seemed that this city was relatively active and popular so that was good for me, I could blend into the crowd without getting noticed.

What I needed the most right now was money so I stopped a random passerby and said "What's the fastest way to earn money here?" the person looked at me like I was an alien of some sort and said "Isn't it obvious the fastest way to earn money is to become a hunter, you complete missions that are posted by the guild and you get rewarded for completing them, but being a hunter is dangerous, you have to fight and kill strong beasts and bring back proof off your completion to the guild."

I nodded and said thank you and asked 'Where do I go to become a hunter?"

He replied and said "Just keep walking down this way and too your right you should see a huge building that says Guild Hall at the top, you cant miss it."

I nodded and went on my way to the direction he told me.

Eventually I made it to the guild hall and opened the double doors that was there.

What greeted me was a huge building bustling with people wearing armor that had weapons on there waste or back.

There were also people wearing robes holding a staff that had a blue glowing floating orb on the top of it.

And people at a huge board picking up requests they saw.

I looked around for a bit and walked towards a desk that had a window and a lady standing behind it in a formal suit.

I went up and said "how do I register to become a hunter?"

Then lady said "It's easy all you have to do is take this card and put your thumb on it and it will register you as a hunter."

I did as she said and took the card and placed my finger on it.

What showed up on it was basic information like, my age, and height.

I was glad that's all it could get because I had no name besides 014 which I was going to stick to because my name was one of my last problems. And I'm relieved it didn't show my race or that would be a problem.

She smiled and said "great, now I will explain to you the basics of the guild, there are 8 ranks you could acquire staring from F,D,C,B,A,S,SS,SSS and F being the lowest. To get higher ranks there are a certain number of missions you need to complete and all on the same level of your rank. There hasn't been a rank SSS rank hunter in years so don't bother on achieving that as its to hard, The mission board is right behind you to take on requests. That's all you need too know."

I took in the information the lady just told me and walked away towards the mission board.

Then I saw a request that said "Defeat 3 dire wolves and bring back each of their claws for confirmation of completion, the mission reward is 10 silver coins, and it was an rank F mission.

I ripped off the mission request and took it to the desk too take it on.

The lady took the paper and took out a stamp to confirm this mission has been approved and stamped it.

The location of the request was in the forest I just came from but before that I needed to cultivate to start getting stronger.

I asked the receptionist for a recommended inn and she said "The twilight inn is a good in to go if your looking for a place to stay at for a while.

I said thank you and walked out the guild hall.