
Life At Serena High

What's it like to be a famous teen attending the same art boarding school as your similarly famous twin sister? Having roommates and getting to know folks from various countries? One is the introverted, reserved kind, and the other is the gregarious, crazy type. As their time at Serena High School begins, Kiara and Hiara Obi-Anderson are in for an exciting experience with the dramatic atmosphere of high school itself and a ton of friends, fans, and anti-fans. Cue the fangirl squeals when there are boys on the other side of the wall and the fanboy screams when the girls are just within reach. Could boarding school ever get any more interesting, amazing, traumatizing or crazy? The girls are in for a surprise.

Milleran_Jackson · Teenager
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12 Chs

CHAPTER 9: "Sing Along!"

Kiara's POV

Emily and I are on our way to the Hostel's auditorium where we are to have our first meet. I still think it's a joke cause it wasn't publicly announced.

We heard from Ariana and Valeria who heard from heaven knows where-in this case gossip or people who live based on rumours (some girls actually)-that our first meet is today. Ok, so maybe that was kinda rude but still I'll be mad if this is a joke.

"So, I'm just gonna be like..." I trail off to clear my throat.

"Hey, girls! So, I'm Kiara Obi-Anderson aka DJ Kiara and...I won't get to finish my sentence if I have fans there" I said with a sigh.

"As long as we have supervisors who we have to be on good terms with....everything's gonna be alright," Emily said.

Be on good terms with our supervisors huh? That's not gonna be hard. Geez! Kiara don't jinx yourself.

"I hope our supervisors are cool and not stuck-up," I said as we rounded a corner which brought us to the hallway that leads to the auditorium.

I glanced at Emily to see her eyebrow raised at me. "What?" I asked defensively.

"In movies, they tend to be," I said with a shrug.

Because it's a movie stupid. My subconscious who I always battle with said. Yhen yen yhen! I replied in my head…duh!

"That's why I'm always here to remind you that your life ain't a movie sister" Emily said stopping halfway down the hallway to brush invisible dust off her dress making me roll my eyes.

"Are you sure we're going the right way? Cause-" I stop talking when we hear a voice from the intercom a bit distant from where we were standing.

We walked back to where we started to hear Principal Vera talking. "All seniors are expected to meet in the main auditorium in five minutes for an important announcement. All activities for the day are cancelled including the meet-up for all freshmen which is to be held after school hours on Monday. Good day!"

"Why do I feel so great?" I asked Emily as a grin appeared on my face.

"Emily...I'm euphoric!" I exclaimed jumping around.

"Calm down child, it's 2 pm so we have like the rest of the weekend to do a lot of stuff," Emily said as she pulled me with her, walking back the way we came.

"Let's start with lunch 'cause I'm starving," I said feeling my insides turn.

We'd gotten close to the hostel kitchen.

Yup, you better get something in here. Shut up! subconscious

"You should call your sister too," Emily said turning to look me in the eyes. "Have you even called her since you get here?"

Busted! Is there a way to rip out your subconscious from your mind, body and soul or something?

"Well, I was gonna check on her in her room but I don't know if she arrived yet...I haven't called her" I stuttered.

Then the realization hit me like a giant ogre. Oh, crap! Hiara! "Oh my gosh! I haven't seen my sister's face or heard her voice in over twenty-four hours!"

"And that's not a big deal," Emily said folding her arms.

"Of course, it's a big deal and your sarcasm is not appreciated," I said rolling my eyes at her playfully.

"She's my freakin' twin who I'm supposed to be with almost every time" Well, there's no rule which states that but the fastest way out of a mini-moral lecture from my best friend who I love so very much is; to be dramatic. And I'm a natural at that.

"Well, call her or something rather than just stand there and let realization hit you more-which now that I think about it, ain't such a bad thing cause girl realization has got a lot of work to do for you" Emily rapped ignoring the look I was giving her.

"Are you done now?" I asked and she nodded.

"Good cause I'm hungry. I wonder what's on today's menu" I said pulling her with me to the kitchen.


Diana's POV

We'd heard the announcement that our proposed meet-up was just a rumour. To be honest I had a feeling that we were being played a prank. Turns out I was right.

"So we have the whole weekend to chillax. How about we play a game?" I said to my roommates, sitting up on my bed after putting my phone aside. At the sound of the word game, they looked at me. Great! I got their attention.

"Maybe twenty questions so, we get to know each other better," I said and Angelina nodded in agreement.

"I'm in," Hilary said then we all turned to Valerie.

"Sure, why not?" she said and I mentally did summersaults and cartwheels.

I decided to go first since I suggested we all play. "I'll go first. Um, Hilary when did you start singing?" I asked.

"I'll say when I was still speaking the baby language, you know how babies just happen to pick up and record whatever they hear? Yeah, I was like that. I'd repeat everything I heard so, my parents were always careful with their words around me" she said then sighed.

I thought she was done speaking but she wasn't because she said, "The years when life was so easy. Angie, what's your favourite food?"

"That's easy spaghetti and meatballs," Angelina said.

I wonder what they were talking about last night that they didn't get to know stuff about each other like their fave food or maybe Hilary just asked the first question that came to mind. I'd like to think it was the latter.

"Who's your favourite artiste, Valerie?" Angelina asked.

"That's a tough one" Valerie said her British accent present as she tilted her head to the side thinking.

"I'll go with Dua Lipa," she said. Omigosh! I love Dua Lipa."Omg! I love her...well, her music not her as in..." I gushed, trailing off, excitement obvious on my face as it rushed through me.

My idea/thinking bulb just sparked in my head. "You know what? Imma gets my list" I told them as I got off the floor and away from the circle we had formed while sitting crossed-legged in the centre of our room.

"What list?" Valerie asked,-the 't' in 'what' left unpronounced so it sounded more like 'war'-as I made my way to one of my bags which held books and stuff.

"It's like for topics, you know like, when there is nothing to talk about you just pick a topic" I said as I retrieved the sheet of paper I had written topics to talk about on.

"So, there's food, music, school, movies, sports, cars, games and a bunch of other stuff," I said taking my position on the floor between Angelina and Valerie.

"Can we start over?" I asked and they nodded. Glad to see we're on the same page here.

"I'll go first this time. I pick movies" Hilary said and I shrugged.

"So, it goes how we are seated," I said.

"Okay. I think my fave movie is The Greatest Showman. Zac Efron is soo drool-worthy" Hilary gushed. Yeah, that movie was amazing. I mean who knew Wolverine could sing?

"I'll go with Descendants 2," Angelina said.

"Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson and every cast were amazing. I love all the songs. We got all the ways to be w-i-c-k-e-d" Angelina sang.

"I love that song too" Valerie gushed and soon we were all singing Ways to be wicked.

"Okay okay," I said trying to catch my breath after we had done a good amount of laughing when Hilary mixed up the lyrics.

"I liked Little. Marsai Martins is an inspiration" I said. I loved the movie it was great and awesome for being produced by a girl my age.

"The truth is..." Valerie started to say but paused having this nervous look on her face.

"I love Harry Potter!" she exclaimed. Wow, that's just...wow.

"I wouldn't have guessed that. Tbh I am surprised" I said.

"Me too" Angelina gushed. "Next, I go with the music. Let's mention our fave songs and artists. I'm a fan of Drake. Life is good was and still is a hit" she said.

Wow, I am so glad we are playing this game. I never would have guessed she listened to songs by Drake. That's trap music, right?

"Also, the Toosie slide is amazing!" she gushed before standing up to do the Toosie slide dance.

To our surprise-yes, our cause we were all agape- Valerie stood up to dance while singing, "Imma show you how I do it"

"We go right foot up, left foot slide

Left foot up, right foot slide..."

"Omg! Do you guys remember the In My Feelings challenge? A lot of people did it and it was lit!" I said and they both settled down to continue the game.

"Okay so, I love Lewis Capaldi-" I started to say and was interrupted by Valerie and Hilary who squealed "Me too!" That's good. Did I say it was good? I meant fucking amazing! Yeah, I swear when I'm excited.

"My faves out of his songs are Grace, Let it Roll, Someone you loved, Bruises and Before you go. He has an amazing voice!" I gushed.

"I already said I'm a fan of Dua Lipa but I also love Little Mix," Valerie said.

"I'll go with Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber," Hilary said.

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed at the same time Angelina said, "They are amazing!" and Hilary said, "I love them!".

It was my turn and I suggested a new game.

"I go with songs. Let's make it a game" I said and they nodded in agreement with excitement written on their faces, "We'll start from A to Z. I can start with any part in a song where a word in the lyrics begins with the letter 'a' example..." I trailed off, clearing my throat.

I was thinking of what song to use as an example. She said Justin Bieber so...cold water!

"And if you feel you're sinking,

I will jump right over into

Cold, cold water with you

And although time may take us

Into different places

I will still be patient with you

And I'll hope you know

I won't let go"

I sang forcing myself to stop before I got lost in the sound of my voice echoing within the walls of our room.

"Then the next person starts a song with 'a or continues from where the previous person stopped before passing it to another person. Then we'll move on to the letter 'b'" I explained and they nodded in understanding.

"And what's the name of the game?" Valerie asked.

Wow, my siblings and I never thought of it. "Tbh, we never really thought about it" I confessed and they gave me looks that expressed utter confusion.

"We?" Hilary asked.

"Yeah. All kids in my family, my cousins included. So, who wants to go first?" I asked after they finally understood and Angelina offered to start.

Ohhh this is gonna be fun.

"All I want is everything

Yes, everything

Too much is not enough

I'm sick of settling for

in between

And I'm not giving up", she sang before passing it on to me.

Omg, I love this song! I had wanted to say but had to sing.

"As long as it feels right

At least we know that we're alive

All I want is everything

Yes, everything yeah

Whoa oh oh"

Then I passed it on to Valerie.

"We don't ever stop

Let's watch the song come up"

Valerie sang and then passed it to Hilary.

"We'll sleep when we're dead cause

Halfway kinda sucks"

Then Hilary passed back to Valerie.

"We're heading for the sky

And we'll get lost in it"

Valerie passed to me and I sang the part before the chorus.

"Cause all I want, all I want

All I want is everything"

Next was Angelina who sang,

"And I will pose if I wanna"

Then Hilary said,

"And I will vogue like Madonna"

Then Valerie and I said,

"I might not dance like MJ R.I.P.

But I will give the best of me"

Before we all sang the chorus together.

"All I want is everything

Yes, everything

Too much is not enough

I'm sick of settling for in between

And I'm not giving up

As long as it feels right

At least we know that we're alive

All I want is everything

Yes, everything yeah

Whoa oh oh".

So, we just created a new version of the game where we just sing along. Omg! That's it! "Guys, I think I've got the perfect name for the game now. Y'all we just played..." I trailed off catching the suspense.

"Sing Along!" I chorused and they repeated after me in equally loud voices and cheers.

"Okay, that was fun. Let's go again with the letter 'b' now!" Angelina squealed.

We all seemed deep in thought thinking of songs that started with the letter 'b' when Valerie burst out singing 'Baby' by Justin Bieber.

"Baby, baby, baby ohhh like Baby, baby, baby o-" she stopped noticing the shocked expressions on our faces. "Why are y'all looking at me like that?" she asked blushing.

"Just never thought you're a 'Belieber'" I admitted and she laughed, it sounded sincere.

"Oh please every normal teenage girl is a 'belieber' okay? Anyway, I guess we're all Nickelodeon fans since we all just sang to 'All I Want Is Everything' by 'Victorious' cast" she said and I recorded that it was the most words she'd said since I'd met her. Though I'm pretty sure there are some non-beliebers out there. Just saying.

"That show was amazing. It was so funny and my fave cast was Cat Valentine aka Ariana Grande!" Hilary gushed.

"I liked Beck...I mean who didn't?! His hair was… insert dreamy sigh!" Angelina gushed before letting out a dreamy sigh.

"I go with Andre and Rex, their hairstyles were just dope," I said with a dreamy sigh of my own.

I have a thing for dreads. I tried getting my hair. locked before but my parents disapproved

"I'm going with Jade. Devious forever!" Valerie said with admiration in her eyes.

Well, that explains a lot of things.

"Can we go on with our game now?" Hilary asked and we all agreed.

"We still go on with a. Everyone must start a song and pass it around. It's my turn and I hope you all are Barbie fans?" I asked and they nodded.

"All for one, it's true" I started and immediately Valerie chorused, "It's true!" which made me smile.

"Together we know what to do", I sang then passed to Valerie who said, "Strong hearts, strong minds" before passing to Hilary who said, "Fighting for what's right every time. United!"

"United!", Angelina chorused.

"Decided!" Hilary said.

"Decided!" Angelina chorused.

"We'll never be divided" they both sang before we all said, "All for one, one for all".

"All for one, one for all" I sang ending the song I started before we all squealed in delight.

"That was awesome!" Valerie and I gushed at the same time, then we shared a look before we burst out laughing.

"Amazing Angie. Who knew you could hit high notes like that and you too Hilary? Awesome Val!" I commented.

"Can we move on to 'b' now?" Angelina asked sounding impatient and immediately Valerie burst out singing 'Baby' by Justin Bieber again.

And of course, we joined in. It's called Sing Along for a reason.


Hi ya, Serenians(that's my fan name for you guys. Hope you like it).

Okay, so I know I said I'd put the abbreviations in full in every author's note of whatever chapter but c'mon we all know what aka means! It's the 21st century people!

Thanks for reading!

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