
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Flaptzy

Leonzky · Anime und Comics
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455 Chs

[75] Erina's Lofty Ambition

"It seems that young Hachiman has quite an interest in Italian cuisine," General Nakiri commented.

"General Nakiri, you're too kind. I'm merely intrigued by food," Hachiman replied modestly, offering a humble smile.

"Compared to Japan, the country across the coast has an even greater allure when it comes to food," he continued.

"You're absolutely right," General Nakiri nodded in agreement.

"In each country, culinary culture is deeply rooted, with a wide variety of dishes, each region having its unique specialties. Moreover, they constantly innovate and develop new recipes."

Indeed, every country excels in the realm of food. Regardless of whether it flies in the sky, swims in the water, runs on the land, hops in the grass, or crawls in the earth, one can turn anything into a dish.

Not to mention the diverse range of wild vegetables; whether they're palatable or not, they all must be tasted.

"I hope, young Hachiman, you'll always maintain this voracious appetite for cuisine. Such an appetite is the greatest driving force for culinary progress."

"Erina, you too. Remember, there's no end to exploring the art of cooking," General Nakiri concluded.

As the conversation came to an end, Senzaemon Nakiri looked at Hachiman and his granddaughter with a serious expression. These young individuals were the hope of the Japan culinary world.

"Yes, I understand, Grandpa," Erina replied, her tone earnest, taking her grandfather's teachings to heart.

"Don't worry, General Nakiri. I have plenty of opportunities to practice my culinary skills," Hachiman chimed in with a nod, wearing a reassuring smile.

Indeed, that was the case. As one of his most frequently used skills, he prepared dinner every day, steadily improving his culinary proficiency. Combined with the natural growth of his skill level over time, his culinary skill was now approaching level four.

With a level four culinary skill, he was confident in challenging the top seats of the current Elite Ten.

"Haha, excellent. I hope to see your shining presence in the future Japan culinary world," Senzaemon Nakiri laughed heartily.

Just you wait. I'll return and work hard on my culinary skills. Once I've elevated my culinary skills, my first target will be the current tenth seat of the Elite Ten. After that, you'll be the next one I aim to defeat.

With these thoughts in her heart, Erina glanced at Hachiman, who was wearing a smile on his face.

The poor current tenth seat of the Elite Ten had been unknowingly targeted by Erina.

Let's pray for this seat, whose name hasn't even been mentioned. We hope he's okay.

In any case, the showdown between the two of them had come to a close, with Hachiman emerging as the victor.

Having finished their meal, Senzaemon Nakiri took his leave.

After all, as the head of a major conglomerate, he had many responsibilities to attend to.

The fact that he could spare time today to reminisce with old friends was quite remarkable.

Once the three of them left, only Saeko and Hachiman remained.

"Hachiman, let's continue our training," Saeko proposed, both of them having rested enough.

Hachiman didn't refuse the invitation. In no time, their figures were intertwined.

The echoing sound of their strikes resonated once more in the vast kendo hall.


In the car of the Totsuki conglomerate, the three individuals displayed distinct expressions.

Nakiri Senzaemon had his eyes closed, appearing lost in contemplation.

Erina wore a slightly hesitant expression, nibbling on her finger.

Hisako looked at Erina with concern.

"Erina!" Senzaemon's voice suddenly cut through the silence, snapping Erina from her reverie.

"Yes, Grandpa!" Startled by his abrupt address, Erina jumped slightly.

"How does it feel to lose to someone your age for the first time?" Senzaemon inquired, fixing his gaze upon his granddaughter.

Erina had grown up amidst excellence, possessing the "God Tongue," which granted her a significant edge in the culinary world.

With a single taste, she could discern flaws in dishes and then proceed to refine them, resulting in rapid progress.

This led to her being undefeated against her peers, particularly due to her ability to categorize food into levels of quality, a mindset she had adopted from someone influential.

These categorizations were deeply ingrained, and Senzaemon believed it was time for someone to help her break free from this rigid thinking.

"I'm very unwilling," Erina tightened her dainty fist, her expression colored with reluctance.

"Then remember today's defeat and turn this reluctance into motivation."

"Keep in mind, the most crucial aspect of cooking is the taste. There's only a distinction between delicious and not delicious, no categorization as low or high."

"Remember, a true culinary master can excel even with a simple dish like fried rice, surpassing mundane gourmet extravagances." Senzaemon Nakiri imparted his wisdom to his granddaughter.

"Erina, do you wish to become ordinary?" Senzaemon Nakiri took this opportunity to impart some valuable lessons to his granddaughter.

"Of course not," Erina immediately replied, refuting the idea.

"Then pursue the ultimate flavor. Taste is the key determinant of victory, and everything else is just empty talk."

"Today, even though you lost to Hachiman, don't be disheartened. Consider him as your whetstone on the path to success. Only through honing can you shine in your unique way."

Senzaemon Nakiri slowly spoke, also designating Hachiman as Erina's imaginary rival.

"Yes, I understand, Grandpa."

"After I return, I'll diligently practice my culinary skills. Once I've improved further, I'll challenge the Elite Ten."

"As long as I become one of the Elite Ten, I'll surely defeat that guy."

Predictably, when Hachiman's name was mentioned, Erina became highly excited. In her heart, Hachiman had become her most formidable opponent.

"Miss Erina, I support you. You can definitely become one of the Elite Ten," Hisako chimed in, her eyes seemingly transformed into stars.

Hearing those words, Erina's confidence soared.

When I become one of the Elite Ten, I'll surely defeat him. No, merely defeating him won't be enough.

At this moment, Erina set herself an even grander goal—to rule over the culinary world in Japan. She didn't just want to defeat that guy Hachiman; she aimed to conquer many more and become the queen of the global culinary scene.

After setting this goal, the young woman felt incredibly motivated. Moreover, the shadow cast by her father in her heart unconsciously diminished.

"Haha, indeed. I hope you can become the first person in Totsuki's history to join the Elite Ten while still in middle school."

In Senzaemon Nakiri's laughter, the black car slowly headed toward Totsuki.


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