
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Anime und Comics
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507 Chs

[15] (Bonus Chapter)


I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our incredible supporter for helping us achieve the impressive milestone of reaching power ranking number 100. Thank you for your unwavering support!


In Sobu High School's auditorium, this year's incoming freshmen had gathered.

The host introduced Yukinoshita Yukino as the freshman representative, inviting her to address the stage.

With thousands of freshmen's eyes upon her, Yukino slowly ascended the podium, clutching the speech script. She commenced the opening speech, setting the tone for the event.

Although she held reservations about the formalities, she understood her duty as the freshman representative and embraced it.

The school had meticulously prepared the speech script to ensure a positive atmosphere for the opening.

Despite being new to high school, reality swiftly taught Yukino a valuable lesson – the need to compromise.

In that moment, she picked up her prepared manuscript, and with a composed expression, embarked on her opening speech.

As the words flowed, Yuigahama Yui, amongst the audience of freshmen, found her attention waver.

Unconcerned with the speech, she gazed downward, consumed by thoughts of Hachiman's well-being.

Noticing Yuigahama's troubled expression, a girl with golden, curly hair leaned in curiously. Her hair seemed reminiscent of a drill bit. Sensing Yuigahama's concern, she inquired, "Yui, are you alright?"

"I'm alright, Yumiko," Yuigahama reassured, her head shaking as she looked at the friend she had only met earlier that day. "It's just that a friend got injured this morning because of me, and I'm feeling a bit worried about him."

She reflected on the intriguing dynamics of girls' friendships. Often, it took just a sentence or two to forge a connection, rapidly turning strangers into friends.

It was a stark contrast to Hachiman's arduous month-long struggle to address Yui by name directly. Yet, she found it surprising that she and her new friend could casually refer to each other by name mere hours after meeting.

Understanding Yuigahama's concern, Yumiko Miura nodded in agreement. "I see," she acknowledged, absorbing the information. "If you're so concerned about your friend, Yui, once this is over, give him a call and check how he's doing."

"Absolutely," Yuigahama affirmed with a nod, her internal plans aligning with her actions.

Meanwhile, focusing on the teacher's perspective.

Shizuka sat in the audience, a veil of boredom casting a shadow over her as she observed the unfolding opening ceremony. Though disdainful of the rigid formalities, her role as the class teacher tethered her to her seat, prohibiting an early exit.

Yet, amidst the monotonous proceedings, her thoughts couldn't help but stray to the absent student who had managed to miss class on the very first day.

Hikigaya Hachiman.

Shizuka always sensed an eerie sense of déjà vu attached to that name. It was as if her path was fated to intersect with this individual named Hikigaya Hachiman, a notion that unsettled her.

In the present moment, a taxi deposited Hachiman and Haruno at Sobu High School's entrance.

"I hope Yui is okay."

"I hope Yukino is okay."

As they stood before the school gate, their thoughts mirrored each other.

"Hikigaya-kun, allow me to accompany you in searching for the teacher. I'm a Sobu High School graduate, so I'm more acquainted with the campus than you are," Haruno offered to Hachiman at his side.

After some consideration, Hachiman concurred with a nod. Given his current leg discomfort, excessive walking wasn't advisable, and having someone familiar with the campus guide him was a practical choice.

Accompanied by Haruno, Hachiman arrived at the teacher's office. They politely dismissed the occupants and stepped inside, only to find the room unoccupied.

"Why isn't there a teacher here?" Hachiman's confusion was palpable as he surveyed the vacant office.

Haruno's smile was reassuring as she offered an explanation. "The opening ceremony is most likely taking place in the auditorium," she mused. "No need to fret. I have a contact here; I'll make a call to confirm."

True to her reputation, Haruno's influence appeared to extend far and wide.

In a moment of recollection, Hachiman realized that when it came to Haruno's acquaintances at Sobu High School, the most likely candidate was Shizuka.

However, just as he was on the cusp of intervening, the call connected.

"Shizuka-san..." The instant Haruno's voice sounded, Hachiman couldn't help but perceive a deep-seated hostility seemingly emanating from the very fabric of the world.

Across the auditorium, the opening ceremony unfolded undisturbed. In the midst of her own ennui, Shizuka's phone rang—a call from Haruno.

"Huh? Haruno?" Confusion flickered across Shizuka's features as she glanced at the caller ID on her phone.

Exiting the auditorium, Shizuka answered the call.

"Hello, Shizuka-san..." Haruno's voice emanated from the phone.

"Haruno, what do you need?" Shizuka inquired, a touch of bewilderment lacing her words.

Haruno offered a succinct explanation. "Here's the situation: a student from your school was involved in a car accident this morning." After relaying their current whereabouts, Haruno abruptly ended the call.

"He was in a car accident this morning? Could it be that boy, Hikigaya Hachiman?" Shizuka muttered to herself after ending the call. Nevertheless, she proceeded to inform the principal and then headed to the location Haruno had mentioned.

After all, she was a teacher, and despite her seemingly unreliable exterior, she couldn't simply overlook a student's welfare.

Inside the office.

"Miss Yukinoshita, who was that just now?" Hachiman inquired, his conscience tinged with unease.

"Oh, that was a friend of mine, Ms. Shizuka Hiratsuka, a teacher at Sobu High School."

Upon hearing the name, Hachiman's footing faltered. It was indeed Shizuka. He felt his legs go weak beneath him. Unanticipatedly, within a month, he was about to reunite with Shizuka. Those words he had uttered earlier were bound to come back to haunt him.

Shortly after, the office door swung open, revealing Shizuka's presence.

"Haruno, where is he?" Shizuka asked, her tone direct.

"It's him!" Haruno pointed at Hachiman, his back still turned to them.

Looking at Hachiman's back, Shizuka felt very familiar, and asked involuntarily, "Student, please turn around."

As Hachiman turned around at Shizuka's request, he knew escape was futile, and he could only hope that she wouldn't recognize him.

Upon glimpsing Hachiman's face, Shizuka experienced a brief moment of surprise before realization dawned. Wasn't this the young man who had audaciously proclaimed she wouldn't marry by thirty?

"It's you!"

With that declaration, Shizuka balled her fist and delivered a punch to Hachiman's stomach. Dare to jest about her remaining unmarried at thirty? Now he would taste the retribution of her iron fist!

"Ah, Shizuka-san, you..." Haruno's outcry resounded, witnessing Shizuka's sudden action. Hachiman's leg injuries were still a concern!

Realizing this, Shizuka too recalled Haruno's earlier words. Haruno had informed her over the phone that Hachiman had been involved in a morning car accident and was injured.

The punch was already in motion, and there was no way to retract it. Shizuka could only attempt to lessen the force behind it.

On the other side, Hachiman hadn't anticipated that Shizuka would recognize him and be ready to deliver an iron-fisted retribution before he could even speak. Panic surged within him.

Yet, he was no longer the feeble Hikigaya Hachiman of the past. Relying on his level 2 combat skills, he swiftly adopted a defensive stance.


With a resounding noise, Hachiman adeptly caught Shizuka's incoming fist in his grip.