
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Anime und Comics
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504 Chs

[106] Lobster Showdown

Chapter 106: Lobster Showdown

"In truth," Hachiman admitted with a modest smile, "I won against Miss Erina last time purely by chance."

"Hmph," Erina responded with an air of indifference, "I don't need your sympathy. Losing is losing."

"But just wait and see," Erina continued with determination, "this time I'll definitely win."

Erina, however, remained ungrateful for his kindness, maintaining her proud demeanor.

Observing her tsundere behavior, Hachiman simply shrugged it off.

"That's right, young Hachiman," Senzaemon Nakiri interjected, breaking the silence. "The reason we invited you here today is to have you and Erina compete once more."

"But don't worry," he added, "if you don't want to, we won't force you. What do you think?"

Upon hearing Senzaemon Nakiri's words, Hachiman wore a confident smile.

"No problem. If Miss Erina thinks highly of me, how could I refuse?"

With his Level 4 cooking skills, he had no reason to fear even the top seats of the current Elite Ten.

"Very well," Senzaemon Nakiri declared, "since young Hachiman is so confident, let's not waste any time. The competition shall begin."

With Senzaemon Nakiri's announcement, everyone gathered in a bustling kitchen.

After donning chef's attire, Erina crossed her arms, her face displaying a hint of pride.

"Hmph," Erina remarked with a hint of arrogance, "this is my private kitchen, generally off-limits to outsiders. Today, consider yourself lucky."

Hachiman glanced at the elegant chef standing before him once more, offering a nonchalant shrug. His attention then shifted to the private kitchen, a space larger than the back kitchens of most star-rated hotels.

Their opulence was undeniable, evident in the sheer size of this practice kitchen. It not only possessed vast dimensions but also boasted an impressive array of tools and equipment, ranging from traditional knives to cutting-edge electronic gadgets. Moreover, the ingredients were meticulously restocked daily by dedicated staff.

"Alright, both contestants, please take your positions," Senzaemon Nakiri declared.

"The judges for this competition will be me, Soue, and Leonora," he continued, setting the stage.

"The cooking theme for today is lobster, and you'll have two hours."

With those final words, he concluded, "Let the competition begin!"

In response to Senzaemon Nakiri's instructions, both competitors leaped into action. Hachiman couldn't help but suspect that Erina or General Nakiri had chosen the lobster theme, likely recalling his previous victory with his lobster thermidor.

With lobster as the designated theme, their first course of action naturally led them to the lobster tanks. They observed the lobsters gracefully swimming in various tanks, carefully considering which type of lobster would best suit their culinary creations.

Erina, displaying her culinary expertise, took the lead. She gracefully approached one of the tanks and skillfully used a net to select several vibrant lobsters. The lobsters she chose had slender bodies and heads, somewhat resembling regular shrimp. However, their defining feature was their elongated front claws, nearly as long as their bodies.

"These are... Norwegian lobsters!" Soue Nakiri exclaimed, adjusting his reflective glasses upon recognizing Erina's choice.

"They are also referred to as Norwegian lobsters, Dublin Bay prawns, or langoustines," he elaborated, showcasing his profound knowledge of diverse ingredients as the head of "Nakiri International."

"These lobsters are widely found in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean, ranging from North Africa to Norway and Iceland. They are harvested for culinary purposes in Western European countries such as the UK, France, Norway, and Italy."

With the lobster selection settled, Erina moved on to pick the remaining ingredients required for her dish, then gracefully transitioned to the kitchen counter to commence her culinary work.

In the meantime, Hachiman remained cool and collected, contemplating the lobster dish he intended to craft. When it came to shrimp dishes, the one that prominently lingered in his thoughts was the classic Japanese tempura shrimp.

Indeed, the versatility of tempura was undeniable. Almost anything could be transformed into a delectable tempura dish. A simple coating in flour, a dip into hot oil until it achieved that perfect golden brown, and even the most discerning eater would find it irresistible.

Yet, Hachiman couldn't help but recognize that tempura traditionally featured shrimp, like tiger prawns or kuruma prawns, which were distinct from lobsters.

As he pondered lobster-inspired dishes, his thoughts drifted to "Dragon Pot Lobster" and "Cloud Dragon Lobster," reminiscent of the anime "Cooking Master Boy" (Chuka Ichiban). Although the series embarked on culinary adventures in China, it was unmistakably an anime rather than a donghua.

Between the two tempting choices, "Dragon Pot Lobster" and "Cloud Dragon Lobster," Hachiman ultimately settled on the latter.

With his dish decision made, Hachiman delved into the task of selecting his lobsters. He strode toward the aquarium, rolled up his sleeves, and reached directly into the tank, deftly retrieving several lobsters without the use of a net.

His actions drew the attention of those around him. The lobsters he plucked from the tank were notably larger than the Norwegian lobsters Erina had opted for. They possessed vibrant red shells, a cylindrical body shape, imposing claws, and substantial tails.

"These are... Eastern Rock Lobsters, a prevalent variety of large lobster," Soue Nakiri elucidated, adjusting his glasses once more. "They're renowned for their generous size, abundant meat, and exceptional nutritional value, making them one of the most popular choices for lobster aficionados."

Hachiman's culinary journey had officially begun, and the stage was set for a competition of lobster-themed delights.

"What! So now, the expectations for the ingredients have dropped significantly. He's using the most common lobster instead of all the precious ones available. It seems like this guy winning against Erina last time was just a fluke," Alice, known for her straightforward personality, couldn't contain her commentary upon hearing her father's words.

Hachiman merely shrugged, brushing off Alice's remarks. He understood that his background as an ordinary person, both in his previous life and this one, couldn't compete with the discerning tastes and ingredient preferences of a wealthy family.

His choice of lobster was pragmatic; he opted for a type that was not only substantial in meat but also reasonably priced, something that regular households could readily afford.

With his lobsters selected, Hachiman proceeded to gather complementary ingredients before returning to his designated kitchen counter.


The initial step in their culinary journey involved preparing the lobsters.

Erina opted for the meticulous process of extracting the shrimp meat from its shell. She skillfully wielded a delicate deboning knife, swiftly and precisely transforming the Norwegian lobsters into immaculate pieces of shrimp meat.

Erina's meticulous approach involved delicately extracting shrimp meat from its shell, while Hachiman embarked on a different culinary path. He placed the lobster meat in a pot and let it simmer for ten minutes. During this time, he busied himself preparing the essential batter for his Cloud Dragon Lobster creation.

With the batter skillfully mixed and the sauce crafted, his focus shifted to crushing the walnuts into small fragments.

Once the lobsters had been suitably cooked, Hachiman carefully removed them from the pot and set them aside to cool.

Contrary to Erina's use of specialized utensils, Hachiman relied on his honed skills and a deboning knife along with a peeling knife for lobster preparation. His knife work was undeniably impressive, a testament to the proficiency he had gained through Level 4 kendo and his culinary adventures.

With a knife firmly held in each hand, Hachiman positioned the peeling knife at the lobster's tail joint. Swiftly and deftly, he separated the lobster's robust shell. His hands moved with precision and speed. In no time, he had extracted substantial, tender portions of lobster meat. The compact texture of the lobster meat allowed it to maintain the original lobster's shape, a testament to his culinary skill.

"Remarkable, this knife work is not just skillful but visually captivating. Even observing him peel the lobster meat is a treat!"

"Certainly, young Hachiman lives up to his reputation as a kendo and culinary genius. His knife skills are truly a spectacle."

As they bore witness to Hachiman's exceptional knife skills, both Soue Nakiri and Senzaemon Nakiri, father and son, couldn't help but shower him with praise.

Meanwhile, Alice, hearing the commendations from her father and grandfather, couldn't conceal her frustration. Her father often praised her for her beauty and charm, but her culinary talents seldom earned such recognition, especially from her grandfather. Today, an ostensibly unremarkable individual had garnered simultaneous praise from both her father and grandfather, leaving her understandably dissatisfied.

Had it not been for the ongoing cooking competition between Erina and Hachiman, Alice might have impulsively challenged him herself.

With the lobster preparations completed, Hachiman carefully extracted the pristine lobster meat pieces, laying them out on sheets of bean curd skin within a bowl. He generously drizzled the pre-made sauce over the lobster meat and deftly enveloped it all using the bean curd skin. The final touch involved a coating of beaten egg, followed by a generous application of prepared flour and crushed walnuts. The dish was now primed and ready for frying.

In contrast, Erina's process proved far simpler when juxtaposed with Hachiman's intricate steps. She amalgamated wheat starch and other pre-mixed powdered ingredients with hot water, ensuring it reached the ideal temperature to craft her dough.

Wheat starch, also recognized as wheat cornstarch, represented a gluten-free variant of wheat flour. Its unique properties included a higher brightness compared to conventional flour and robust glutinous characteristics, rendering it suitable for an array of dim sum dishes, such as shrimp dumplings.

Given that the main ingredient was shrimp, shrimp dumplings, also known as har gow, emerged as the logical choice for Erina's culinary creation.

Shrimp dumplings trace their roots to early 20th-century Guangzhou and hold a prominent place in Cantonese cuisine. What sets them apart from traditional dumplings is that the shrimp meat is not minced but left in substantial pieces, complemented by minced pork, bamboo shoots, and other delectable ingredients. This results in a dish that's not only flavorful but also boasts a smooth texture and delectable taste.

Erina's rendition of shrimp dumplings was no ordinary affair. After steaming them to perfection, she took it a step further by preparing a sumptuous sauce to pour over the dumplings.

As Erina meticulously plated her dish with the thickened sauce, Hachiman's lobster had undergone its transformation, emerging from the frying process with a captivating golden hue. He delicately removed the fried lobster meat segments and, with the remaining lobster heads and legs, embarked on the final steps of his plating endeavor.

In the end, both of them managed to complete their dishes almost simultaneously. Following the principle of ladies first, Hachiman graciously allowed Erina to take the lead in presenting her creation.

"Hmph," Erina remarked, not one to hold back her words. "Be careful that the judges lose their appetite after tasting my dish and don't want to try yours. Don't blame me if they don't give you a chance!"

In response to her candid confidence, Erina let out a light huff, flicked her single ponytail of golden hair, and confidently introduced her dish to the judging panel.

It was evident that her culinary prowess had bolstered her self-assuredness.

Hachiman simply wore a quiet, knowing smile.

"Young lady, it's not just your cooking skills that have improved, you know."

Erina then elegantly arranged her three portions of the dish in front of the three judges. Each plate featured five shrimp dumplings, adorned with delicate strips of nori seaweed as a decorative touch. Finally, she expertly drizzled her meticulously crafted sauce over the dish, rendering it irresistibly inviting.

"What about mine? What about mine?" Alice's dissatisfaction was palpable upon seeing only three servings.

Erina, however, was not one to entertain Alice's tantrums. She shot her a stern look and swiftly dismissed her demands.

"Besides, you're not a judge. It's not for you."

"Ugh... Erina is so stingy," Alice pouted in frustration.

"Alright, no more unnecessary words. Let the judging begin."

As the head judge, Senzaemon Nakiri waved his hand, signaling the commencement of the tasting. He was the first to select one of the shrimp dumplings, delicately placing it into his mouth, initiating the judging process.


-In Season 2, Episode 20 of "Cooking Master Boy," the main character cooks a dish called "Cloud Dragon Lobster."

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